Gratitude breaks the spell of Writers Block |
Kamál (Perfection ), 19 Qawl (Speech)174 B.E. - Monday, December 11, 2017 It's Monday, December 11, there are twenty more days left in the Gregorian year. There are thirteen more days until my birthday. This year I will turn 71, an auspicious age because I have never turned 71 before. I don't know what the next year of my life will hold, and I don't want to know. Life is more fun when surprises are included (more stressful as well). "O my Lord, my Hope!1 Thanks be unto Thee for these foods and benefits. O Lord! Suffer us to ascend to Thy Kingdom and to sit at the tables of thy divine world. Nourish us with the food of Thy meeting and cause us to attain to the sweetness of beholding Thy beauty, forasmuch as this is the utmost wish, the mightiest gift and the greatest bestowal. O Lord, O Lord! Make this feasible unto us. Verily Thou art the Beneficent, the Giver! Verily Thou art the Bestower, the Mighty, the Merciful." Only yesterday, I was thinking about a prayer for meals, and, this morning, when I checked the blog "Counsels and Explanations by 'Abdu'l-Baha -- daily readings" I found a prayer by 'Abdu'l-Baha for this purpose. I have a blank book I used to copy prayers by Baha'u'llah, The Bab, and 'Abdu'l-Baha that I don't have in my prayer book or on the Baha'i Prayers app. Review a minimum of 4 items per day with one written by a newbie. Complete poem for "Invalid Item" . Finish latest poem/prose entry in "My Life Is A Poem" . Submit an entry, either poem or story, to at least one contest. Do a bit either port housekeeping and/or computer desk housekeeping this week. It's been a busy, inspiring, and successful Monday. This morning, I was notified that my poem "Snow Days" was the winner for "The Daily Poem" earlier this month. I completed "Comfort" to that contest, reviewed four items, and finished "2017: An Awesome Year" , which I submitted to "Invalid Item" . In addition, I responded to blog prompts for "Blogging Circle of Friends " and "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" , posted an entry in my Poet 999 blog, and submitted this week's goals to "Weekly Goals" . Footnotes |