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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/924998-The-Old-Fashioned-Ways-I-Miss-Only-a-Few
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#924998 added December 6, 2017 at 12:04pm
Restrictions: None
The Old-Fashioned Ways? I Miss Only a Few.
Prompt: What things do you like to do the old-fashioned way?


As far as things go, the more advanced the better for me. I am in awe of the electronic revolution, at least the part of it I can understand and use. Now, if only someone came up with a self-cleaning house!

The only thing new I can’t wrap my head around is the bitcoin. Guess what happened with the Greyback of the Confederates during the Civil War! Is bitcoin a flash in the pan, too? Time will tell.

One thing I do that is rather old-fashioned, though, is to take notes with a pen and paper. If only I could carry my laptop around as easily as paper and pen! The alternatives don’t work for me because I don’t like writing in electronic-pads, cellphones, and the like. Typing or writing with a pencil or pen comes easier to me.

Of the old-fashioned ways, what I miss the most is the gentleness people used to treat one another. At least in my environment, throwing people’s shortcomings at their faces, unless absolutely necessary, was a no-no. Nowadays, people are hanged, if not physically but in the public media, for their mistakes and slipups of 40-50 years ago. If such a person is not penalized and punished or else, people take to streets and commit vandalism to enforce their stances on the matter or even to express their private opinions on anything. Then, most of the time, there is no punishment for them and if rarely there is, the punishment doesn’t fit the crime because it ends up being just a tiny slap on the hand. We have become an anarchist society, unfortunately. From such points of view, I miss our old-fashioned ways.

Another thing is, in the much earlier years, the stuff you bought you expected to last longer. Nothing is excepted from breakage or wear and tear, but in the olden times, there were repair people who repaired our stuff for a lot less money than what the repair persons charge today; that is if you can find one in your immediate neighborhood or town. Once, I made the mistake of having a laptop repaired. Not only it didn’t last a year but also its repair price was close to its purchase price. Now, I just buy a new one and take the hard disk out and throw or give away the computer. I guess I can say I am rolling with the times. *Rolling*

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