Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
Originally the purpose of jails was holding the accused until they could be punished. Those put in jails ranged from thieves or other criminals to those whose crime was having a different religion or belief system then the people in power. Punishment ranged from whippings and beatings to public executions. Both men and women were put in the prisons. Both genders were subject to the same punishment. In many of these prisons human rights was not a consideration. The American prison system, while it still need improvement, may be one of the best in the world. In Iran, for example non-Muslim prisoners, especially Baha'is, are incarcerated because of their religion. This has been going on since 1844 when the Bab, the forerunner of Baha'u'lah, declared his mission. In 1850 the Bab was executed in front of the firing squad. While in 1853 Baha'u'llah was exied to Baghdad. The situation for the Baha'is in Iran haven't gotten significantly better. Since 2005 more the 935 Baha'is have been arrested. There are still at least 100 Baha'is in prison today for no other reason then their religion. |