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#923279 added November 12, 2017 at 4:05pm
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Month 3 - Rules and Regulations
*BurstR* What are the rules/laws in your world?

West - traditional laws - nothing unusual. Death sentence is not commonly used in civilian cases, however in cases of treason and espionage it can be awarded. Used more commonly in court-martials although still not that common.

East - very oppressive rules, most freedoms are heavily controlled. As the military and government are a single entity almost anything can be treated as a crime if they can argue that it is a detriment to the war effort. Almost every crime is punished by being assigned to working in the factory, criminals who have been assigned to factories can be executed without trial for any infringement.

The Islands - Technically the same laws as the East but a lot more leniency is shown.

South - effectively lawless, kind of wild west style with each town or area imposing their own laws. Near the mining companies being imprisoned or sentenced to death is fairly common for anything that is seen as a threat to the mining company. Only continent where slavery is not illegal, some mining companies argue that the workers are not slaves but rather prisoners, this is more common for the companies that trade with the West who have a dimmer view on slavery.

*BurstR* Who enforces the rules in your world?

West - there is state police and military police. In some places they work closely together almost merging into a single entity, in other places they often clash, in the more rural locations there isn't an established military police so if their presence is required they will requisition the buildings and equipment as necessary.

East (and the islands) - There is no police, law enforcement is handled by the army. The army itself is under direct control of the government.

South - Mining companies often pay criminal gangs to keep peace or collect "criminals" to work in the mine. Away from the mining companies there is very little enforcement, there are no prisons so most punishments tend to be death sentences carried out on the spot. In some of the rural communes crimes may be handled in a more civil way with court like behaviour, banishment from the commune is often used as the punishment.

*BurstR* This is the big one: If there is magic in your world, what are the rules? What is possible and what isn’t? How does the magic work? What are the limitations? What are the law type rules set in place? Are there enforcers for these rules/some sort of agency in place? Is there a class system involved; is there a hierarchy (are there rules about who can cast which types of magic)? Can different types of people cast different types of magic?

Nope - there may be some rather dubious science though.

*BurstR* What are the limitations that different societies face? Are there different rules/laws for different races/classes?

Covered this in the previous month but the main points are:

West - legally everyone is equal, that includes minorities and women. Socially though they are often discriminated against. For example women find it extremely difficult to get loans which makes owning property or businesses very difficult, similar problem for minorities although home ownership is less problematic.

East - unlike the west the laws are different for minorities, for example they are not allowed to inherit property. Women however are almost equal to men, being able to hold high ranking positions in the government.
The Islands - Same as the East but with the extra law that the natives who live on the smaller islands are not allowed on the main island.

South - The mining companies effectively make the laws so the high level managers are pretty much above the law in most ways.

*BurstR* Anything else you can think of that falls into this category.

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