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Scooby Doo meets the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew minus Scooby Doo. It's a ghost mystery. |
The Mansion on top of the Mountain (Another Tween Detectives Mystery) Introduction “The End and the Beginning” The phony ghost struggles to get away from the two police officers holding her as The Tween Detectives pull off her mask. They are right about who they thought she is. What was this phony ghost really doing there? That’s what The Tween Detectives are about the two officers, via a flashback. That phony ghost was involved in one of the biggest robberies in the history of robberies. Only it was a diamond that she took. And it was going to be sold to the highest bidder. She was using the ghost of Victoria Donnell to cover up the bidders that were coming to Middletown. This was a difficult mystery for The Tween Detectives to solve. But it wasn’t as hard as they thought it would be once they realized what the phony ghost was doing. Which they show the two officers via a flashback. The Tween Detectives are just relaxing in their treehouse when their television episode of Scooby Doo is interrupted by the news that another visitor has disappeared from The Haunted Mansion. It looks like The Tween Detectives have another mystery to solve. Chapter One “Seven Turns to Ten” Brandon is riding ahead of the other Tween Detectives as they head for the police station. He wants to get there as fast as they can. But Why? Rebecca is riding her bicycle behind Brandon. And she also wants to get to the police station as soon as they can. But she doesn’t think it’s for the same reason that Brandon wants to get there. Nora is on her bicycle next to Rebecca as they ride toward the police station. And she wants to get there too. But she’s not as eager to do it as Rebecca is, and especially as much as Brandon wants to get there. Jasper is riding behind the others. It doesn’t looks like the other Tween Detectives saw his reaction when he looks up at the Haunted mansion visibly seeable on top of a large mountain as they rode by it. Brandon isn’t surprised there have three more disappearances. What he doesn’t understand is why all the missing have been visitors so far. Chapter Two “The Real Ghost or the So-called Witnesses” Rebecca is the first to ask, what should we do first? The Tween Detectives are in their treehouse discussing how they should start their investigation. Nora is on her laptop. She wants to know what has been going on at the Haunted Mansion. And the best way to do that is to learn as much as she can about the missing visitors. Jasper is the one who suggested that they need to talk to the so-called witnesses. He doesn’t believe there are any witnesses. And he wants to know why they are saying that they are witnesses. Brandon is also on his laptop. Only he’s on there for a different reason. He also wants to know all about the missing visitors. But he’s more interested in how wealthy they are. Rebecca and Jasper think that they should talk to the so-called witnesses first. But Nora and Brandon feel it’s best to talk to the real ghost as soon as they can. Chapter Three “Looking for Carl Everett” Nora and Brandon are at the Haunted Mansion. And they are looking for Carl Everett aka the ghost of the Haunted Mansion. But he’s nowhere to be found. And they don’t understand why. Jasper is talking to one of the so-called witnesses. It’s a young couple who saw a family friend of theirs disappear. They didn’t really see it. But one second he was there and the next he wasn’t. Brandon and Nora have split up. He’s on the second floor while Nora is looking for Carl on the third floor. They are in communications with each other via their cell phones. Rebecca is talking to another so-called witness. This one has a similar story to tell her that Jasper got from his couple witnesses. And that’s after she finally tells her anything. After all, Rebecca is just a child. Nora and Brandon want to know why they can’t find Carl. Normally, he’s not shy. Especially, during this time of the year. So, where is he. Nora and Brandon can think of only one reason why they can’t find Carl. Chapter Four “The So-called Witnesses” Jasper has talked to three, one couple, of witnesses. And they have said almost the same thing. That they didn’t see them disappear. But that they did. Brandon has finished looking for Carl on the second floor. So, he goes up to the third to help Nora. Only she’s not there. She has returned to the first floor. Rebecca has noticed something else about all these disappearances. Carl is getting the blame for them. Yet, none of the so-called witnesses have seen him do it. In fact, no one has seen him. And that includes Brandon and Nora. Nora is still on the first floor looking for Carl when Brandon shows up. After all, that’s where Carl likes to haunt his mansion. He does it up on the second and third floors too. But most of his haunting is done on the first floor. Jasper has been having the same problem as Rebecca. And the final witness that he wants to talk to is the worse. She doesn’t want to talk to him because he’s a child. But he doesn’t think that’s the real reason she’s not doing it. Chapter Five “Who is Going to Disappear Next?” Brandon is by the front door of The Haunted Mansion. But no one can see him because he’s using the darkness beside the door as cover. He’s not only watching everyone that has come in there, but he’s taken pictures of them too. Rebecca is roaming around the second floor. She’s not really doing anything. She isn’t even taking the tour with the others there. And she’s not part of the tour, either. All she is doing is walking around that floor. Nora is looking for something or someone on the third floor of that Haunted Mansion. There are a few others there. But they don’t seem to know that she’s there. They are too busy taking the tour to notice her. At least it doesn’t look like they have notice her or what she’s doing. Jasper is also at that Haunted Mansion. Only he’s not in the mansion with the others. He’s at the bottom of the mountain the Haunted House sits upon, near the elevator. Jasper is also hiding from a group of visitors getting on that elevator. But he’s not taking any pictures of them. Brandon looks shocked at the picture he has just taken. It’s supposed to be a picture of Carl. And it is, but it also isn’t. He knows that for sure when the phony Carl turns toward him. Then it gets worse when he comes running toward him. But he’s not doing it in a ghostly manner. Chapter Six “What Happened Last Night?” Rebecca is tapping away at her laptop in her bedroom. She’s the blogger of the team. She records everything they say and do while they are working on a mystery. And that’s what she’s doing right now. Rebecca is recording what happened last night at the Haunted Mansion. Nora is also in her bedroom when Rebecca calls her. Rebecca wants her side of what happened last night. The only problem is there isn’t much to tell her. Nothing happened to her. She didn’t find what she was looking for. Jasper is also called by Rebecca about last night. Only he doesn’t have anything to tell her either. All he did all night was watch the visitors go up to the Haunted Mansion, then come back down. It was kind of boring. He was hoping that something would have happened. Brandon is the one that called Rebecca. That’s because he was occupied when she called him. He doesn’t tell her what he was doing. But he did tell what he saw last night. Unlike the others, he does have something to tell her. Rebecca is still tapping away on her laptop about what happened last night. Even though, there isn’t much for her to record. After all, nothing happened last night. No one disappeared. And she wants to know why. Chapter Seven “Hidden Secrets” Nora got on her laptop just after she talked to Rebecca. After talking to her, she realized that she was also wondering about last night. She also wants to know why no one else disappeared. That’s why she’s on her laptop right now. Jasper is staring out his bedroom window. He started doing it right after he talked to Rebecca. And he hasn’t stopped since he started staring. What he is looking at is the mansion on top of a mountain. He can’t barely see the mountain. And he can hard see the mansion. But he can see it. Brandon can’t stop thinking about last night either. All thanks to Rebecca calling him. He has tried to stop. But he can’t. Brandon knows he took a picture of the phony ghost. He knows that because there was a picture of him. But he still doesn’t know why he came after him last night. Rebecca has just finished her latest record into her computer. And she thinks that it has gone pretty good considering they didn’t have too much to go on. But they do know one thing thought. They are dealing with a phony ghost. Now all they have to do is figure out how and why they are making visitors disappear. Nora is still going over what happened last night. She didn’t find what she was looking for. But she did place cameras all over the Haunted Mansion. That’s what she’s looking at on her laptop, but she hasn’t seen anything out of the ordinary haunted house antics. And she doesn’t think that she’s going to, either. Chapter Eight “What’s Going On?” Jasper and the other Tween Detective are at the treehouse going over what happened a few nights ago. They are all discussing what they should do next. Rebecca, Nora, and Brandon think that they should go up to the Haunted Mansion and start looking for clues to solving that mystery. But Jasper doesn’t think that they should do that. Brandon is worried about Jasper. They all have known each other almost their whole lives. And he has never acted like this before, especially when it comes to a phony ghost mystery. Rebecca think she knows what’s wrong with Jasper. But she hopes that she’s wrong about it. He is their best clue finding. And he loves to find clues. For him not wanting to do this there has got to be a reason. That’s why she’s on her laptop. She wants to know if she’s right about Jasper. Nora is also worried about Jasper. She doesn’t know what is wrong with him. But she thinks it might have something to do with Carl Everett. That’s why she’s on her laptop checking out Carl’s legion. She thought she knew everything about him. But maybe she was wrong about that. Jasper has been acting strange like this ever since they started this mystery. First, he volunteered to talk to the so-called witnesses instead of talking to Carl. And now this. What is wrong with him? That’s what the other Tween Detectives want to know. Chapter Nine “Splitting Up For a Good Reasn” Brandon, Rebecca, and Nora have returned to The Haunted Mansion. Only this time they are there looking for clues. And they have split up to do it. Rebecca is on the second floor right now. But not for long. She’s almost finished with that floor. And is about ready to go up to the third floor. Nora has just finished looking around the first floor. And is about to go up to the second floor. But as she is doing that she calls Brandon and Rebecca with a bad update. Jasper is also looking for clues. But he volunteered to do it outside that Haunted Mansion. He is looking through the woods that surround the mountain that the mansion sits upon right now. Brandon, Rebecca, and Nora in communications with each other via their cell phones. But there hasn’t been too much so far, except for timed updates. That’s because they haven’t found anything yet. And they want to know why? Chapter Ten “Pointing and Cocking” Rebecca is now on the first floor looking for clues. When she suddenly stops, and starts shaking. She gets these feelings all the time. And she’s usually right about them. Rebecca knows that someone is watching them. Nora is now on the third floor looking for clues. She has just come out of one bedroom. And goes into the next one. Which used to be a young girl’s room. It looks like she might have been about her age. Jasper is also in contact with the other Tween Detectives. He has just told them that he has finished looking through the woods surround that mountain. And that he was about to start his looking at the mountain itself. Brandon is almost finished looking around the second floor. He only has two more bedrooms to search through. Once he does he’s headed up to the third floor to look for clues up there. And like the others, he hasn’t found anything yet. Rebecca isn’t surprised that they are being watched. It happens all the time with phony ghost. What she doesn’t know is that whoever is watching them keeps pointing a gun at them. And that they have just cocked that gun at her. Chapter Eleven “Laughing” Nora, Brandon, and Rebecca are about to leave that Haunted Mansion. They have searched it three times each. And they haven’t found anything. That includes the phony ghost. They haven’t even found ‘him’ yet. But that’s about to change. Jasper hears laughter over his cell phone. He wants to know what’s going on. That’s when he learns that the phony ghost has just been found. And ‘he’ has started haunting them. That is why they are laughing at ‘him.’ Brandon is the first one who sees the phony ghost. He’s on his cell phone with Jasper, and is telling him what they didn’t find there, when the phony ghost started his haunting. Rebecca is the first one who started laughing at the phony ghost. And that’s because of the way he started haunting them. It is the normal way that most ghosts haunt. That’s why she started laughing at ‘him.’ Nora, Brandon and Rebecca are laughing at the phony ghost that has started haunting them. And that’s because they know ‘he’ isn’t Carl. They aren’t afraid of ‘him’ either. ‘He’ doesn’t like that. But what can he do about it? Chapter Twelve “Searching the Woods and Mountain” Jasper hasn’t had any luck in finding anything in the woods surrounding the mountain The Haunted Mansion sits on top of. And he isn’t doing any better now that he’s started looking around the mountain. He never really expected to find anything in the woods. But he does the mountain. Brandon has joined Jasper in his search for clues. At least he will once he has found him. He knows about where he’s at. But when he gets there, Jasper is no longer there. So, Where is he now. Rebecca has returned to the treehouse to write up her daily record on what they didn’t find at The Haunted Mansion. But there isn’t too much for her to write about. They did find the phony ghost. So, they know what happened to the mission visitors. But other than that, that’s all they know so far. Nora is also at the treehouse. And she is on her laptop too. But she’s not writing down what happened to them that day. No, instead she’s looking up on who the phony ghost might be. And she’s starting with any new strangers that are new to Middletown. Jasper is about halfway around that mountain. And he still hasn’t found what he is looking for yet. He knows that it’s there somewhere. Jasper just doesn’t where it is. But he will. He must find it. Chapter Thirteen “Finally Finding Something” Brandon has returned to the treehouse too. And he’s also on his laptop. Like the others he wants to know why they didn’t find anything at The Haunted Mansion. They always find something. But not this time. And he wants to know why. Rebecca has just finished her daily record. And now she is just relaxing. But she can’t stop thinking about what just happened to them at The Haunted Mansion. Not being scared by the phony ghost, but because of what they didn’t find there. Nora hasn’t found anyone who is new to Middletown. And all the visitors so far have soon after their tour of The Haunted Mansion. All of them except for the missing ones. Of course, their family and friends stayed behind. But that’s not too surprising to Nora. They do need to be checked out, though. Jasper is on his way back to the treehouse on his bicycle. But every few feet he stops, and looks back at the mountain he can barely see. Then he looks up at the mansion he can’t see at all. He should have found it. But he didn’t. Brandon is having a hard time finding what he needs to find. That’s because there are no computers at The Haunted Mansion. After all, there wasn’t any when Carl Everett died and started haunting it. Suddenly, Brandon smiles. He thinks that he has just found something. Chapter Fourteen “That Feeling Again” Rebecca has that feeling again. Not about being watched. But that she has missed something. Maybe she did find a clue after all. She just doesn’t remember finding it. Nora has started checking out the visitors still there because of the missing ones. She is checking them out because one of them could be the phony ghost. Jasper has returned to the treehouse. And he has just told the others that he didn’t find anything either. But he’s not giving up. He knows what he’s looking for. And that it’s there somewhere. Jasper just has to wait until tomorrow before he can start looking for it again. Brandon is also checking on the visitor still in Middletown. Only he’s not checking them out. No, he wants to know everything that he can find on the missing visitors. Rebecca knows she didn’t find something that she can’t remember. But she does know that something is wrong up at The Haunted Mansion. She just doesn’t know what it is yet. Whatever it is, she is sure that it’s what they need to solve that mystery. Chapter Fifteen “Everyone Screams” Nora is the first one who started screaming as she ran down a hallway at The Haunted Mansion. She kept looking over her shoulder as she ran. But she never stopped screaming. Jasper is also at The Haunted Mansion. And he too is screaming. He’s in a different hallway as he runs away from something or someone. Brandon is in The Haunted Mansion too. And he’s screaming as he runs down a different hallway. How are the halls different? The way that they look. All of them are different because it’s a haunted house right now. Rebecca is running and screaming down yet another hallway in The Haunted Mansion. And like Nora, she keeps looking behind her as she continues her running. Nora is in shock. She can’t believe who she is looking at when she looks over her shoulder. And she tells that to the others via her cell phone that’s on speaker mode. Nora tells them who she is shocked about. It’s… Chapter Sixteen “A Mystery Within a Mystery” Jasper suddenly wakes up. It was all a bad dream. He really wasn’t at The Haunted House after all. But he’s not too surprised about that. After all, there is no way that he’s ever going there. Not the way he feels about it. Brandon has awaken from a bad dream too. In fact, it was the same dream that Jasper had. The only difference is he was in a different hallway than the others. Rebecca doesn’t understand it. How could they all have the same dream? That’s what she wants to know. There’s no way for them to have the same dream, or is there. Nora is the first one to be called about the bad dream that Jasper had. And she tells him about her dream. But she’s not the only one he calls. Jasper called Rebecca and Brandon too. Jasper wants to know how all of them could have had the same dream. The only difference between them was that they were in different hallways. But they were all being chased by the same thing. Chapter Seventeen “The Four Theories” Brandon and the other Tween Detective have meet up at the treehouse to discuss what the need to do next. And they all agree that what they need to do is find out what the phony ghost is doing there. If they can find that out, then they will know who it is. Rebecca thinks that the phony ghost is there because of ransom. That’s why the missing visitors disappeared. But that can’t be the reason. They have been checked out. And none of them taken so far have the money for a ransom. Nora is sure that’s it’s the mafia behind it. There have been several owners of the mansion since Carl built it. And one of those owners was the mafia. She is sure they are there because they left something behind when they left it. Jasper wonders if it could be blackmail. Could that be why the phony ghost is there. Because they have something on the missing visitors. The other Tween Detectives don’t think that’s the reason either. But anything is possible. Brandon thinks that it’s smuggling. What and how Brandon hasn’t figured out yet. But he’s sure that’s the reason why the phony ghost is there. At least that’s what he thinks is going on. Now all he needs to do is prove it. But he thinks that he knows how to do that. Chapter Eighteen “What to Do, What to Do?” Rebecca is writing another record for The Tween Detectives. Only this one is even more boring than the last one. After all, they didn’t do anything that day to solve the mystery of the missing visitors. All they did all day was talk about what they should be doing next. Nora is checking out her theory about why the phony ghost is there. But since the mafia Don didn’t die there it’s going to be very hard for her to do. After all, she’s the historian of the team. If it has to do with a ghost or ghosts, she will probably already know about it. But she’s not as good when it comes to the living. Maybe she should ask for help from Brandon on this one. Jasper has been thinking about it. And he’s starting to think that it wasn’t blackmail after all. Not unless the phony ghost lured them there to begin or continue the blackmail. Then they made them disappear. It’s still possible it could be blackmail. But Jasper doesn’t think that it is anymore. Brandon is the computer expert of the team. There isn’t any computer he can get information out of. If he wants to find out something about someone he can do it. That’s what he’s doing right now. He’s checking out the missing visitors. He’s sure one or more of them have something to do with the smuggling that’s going on there. Rebecca has just finished her latest record when she suddenly starts smiling. She thinks she know why the phony ghost started haunting them the last time they were at The Haunted Mansion. It was because one of them was getting close to finding something. But who was it? And what was it that they were about to find? Chapter Nineteen “Nothing Old, Whereabouts Known” Nora is tapping away at her laptop. She is going over everything that she knows about Carl Everett. But she hasn’t found anything that she didn’t already know about him. At least not anything yet. That doesn’t mean she has given up. She hasn’t. She just doesn’t know where else she can look. Jasper has returned to checking out The Haunted Mansion mountain. The other Tween Detectives don’t know where he’s at. They have been trying to contact him. And he has gotten their phone calls, voicemails, and texts. But he hasn’t responded back to them, yet. Brandon has finished checking out the missing visitors. And he didn’t find anything that said to him that one or more of them couldn’t be the phony ghost. In fact, none of them had anything in common with each other. Other than the fact that they had all disappeared from The Haunted Mansion. Rebecca has told the other Tween Detectives why she thinks the phony ghost started haunting them. It wasn’t ‘him’ trying to scare them away. Especially if it’s a local because they know they aren’t afraid of ghosts. No, it’s because someone was getting to close to find something against them. Nora has just finished talking to Rebecca. She agrees with her because she was thinking the same thing. And she thinks she know how to help Rebecca prove here theory. That’s why Nora needs to know where everyone was at when the phony ghost started haunting them a few days ago. Chapter Twenty “Danger From Above” Jasper is sure that there are hidden tunnels in the mansion and the mountain. Maybe even some hidden caves or caverns. That’s why he volunteered to look for clues in the woods and around the mountain. Brandon, Rebecca, and Nora have returned to The Haunted Mansion. But they aren’t there to look for clues this time. They are there so that they can remember where they were when the phony ghost started haunting them. Rebecca doesn’t believe Jasper is telling them the truth about the reason why he volunteered to search the woods and around the mountain. She does believe there might be tunnels, caves and caverns within the mansion and the mountain. But she doesn’t believe him about the volunteering part of it. Nora thinks that she was the first one that the phony ghost started haunting. Which means she was the one who was about to find the clue. The only problem is that Brandon and Rebecca think they were the first. So, who was it? Jasper doesn’t know it yet. But he’s about to be killed by an accidental rock slide. He’s concentrating on finding those hidden tunnels into the mountain that he doesn’t hear the rock slide until it’s too late. Is he about to die at the young age of twelve. Book Two “Underground Ghosts” Everyone in Middletown knows that there are a lot of ghosts that live underground under the town. But when several of them start trying to scare off the Middletownians from going to there that tells The Tween Detectives that there are some phony ghosts up to something underground. What are they really doing down there. That’s what The Tween Detectives are going to find out. Chapter Twenty-One “Finding Jasper Alive?” Rebecca has another one of her feelings. Only this one is about one of the other Tween Detectives. After calling Nora and Brandon, she realizes it Jasper she feels is in deadly danger. Brandon is on the third floor when Rebecca calls him. He thinks that’s where he was when the phony ghost started haunting them. Jasper is trapped under some rocks. At first, he doesn’t move. And he looks like he might be dead. But then he starts moving. He appears to be okay. Except for the three large rocks that are covering most of his body. Nora is on the second floor at the exact spot when the phony ghost started haunting them when Rebecca calls her. At least she thinks that that’s where she was. Rebecca is the first one to find Jasper. But he’s trapped under some heavy rocks. And she’s too young to help him. He isn’t dead. But he’s also too weak to help her get the rocks off him. Can Nora and Brandon help them to get the rocks off of Jasper. Chapter Twenty-Two “The Hardest Part of All This” Brandon stays with Jasper until the ambulance arrives. Once it does, he rides with him to the hospital. Jasper has been pulled free from being trapped under three heavy rocks. It took all three of them to do it. And a little time to do it too. But they finally got him free Nora and Rebecca are on their way to Jasper’s house to tell his parents about him. They don’t want to do it. But someone needs to. And they decided they were the best ones to do it. Rebecca and Nora don’t have bad news to tell Jasper’s parents. But it’s not good news either. They still don’t know what they are going to say once they get there. Hopefully they will find the words that they want to say by the time that they get there. Brandon is very worried about Jasper. He doesn’t look too good. And the paramedics don’t look too good about him either. Chapter Twenty-Three “Broken But Not Dead” Jasper is at the hospital now. And he’s being checked out right now. He’s awake. And in a lot of pain. But other than that, he appears to be okay. Nora and Rebecca have told Jasper’s parents that Jasper has been hurt. But they don’t do a very good job at it. Once they hear that Jasper is at the hospital, Jasper’s parents take off for there. Rebecca, Nora, and Brandon don’t know what really happened to Jasper. All they know was that he was trapped under some rock. And that it took all three of them to remove them. Sure they should have called some adults for help. But there wasn’t time to do that. Why not? Brandon wasn’t supposed to ride to the hospital with Jasper because he’s not family. But the paramedics let him so that he could tell them what happened. Jasper also wanted him there too. Jasper is going to be okay. He was hurt by the rocks. But only his left arm and right leg are broken. He’s not going to be walking for quite a while. And he doesn’t like that at all. How is he going to help the other Tween Detectives now? Chapter Twenty-Four “You’re Secret is My Secret” Nora knows that Jasper has been hiding something from them. She never bought the lie that he wanted to look for clues in the woods and around the mountain Rebecca and Brandon also know that Jasper is hiding something from them. And they want to know what that something is. Brandon is the first one to notice that Jasper is sad. And at first, he thought it was about his broken arm and leg. But then he realized it was something else. Jasper has been keeping a secret from his fellow Tween Detectives. He wants to tell them what it is. But he doesn’t know how to do it. And until he figure that out he’s not going to do it either. Nora thinks she knows what that something is. She confronts him in secret just in case she’s wrong about it. But she isn’t. Chapter Twenty-Five ”It was No Accident” Rebecca, Nora, and Brandon have just finished checking out the rock slide that almost killed Jasper. Only to discover that it wasn’t any accident. Brandon is the first one to notice that it wasn’t an accident. He’s on the top of the mountain where the rock slide began. And there is evidence there that says it wasn’t an accident. Jasper also knows it wasn’t an accident. He doesn’t know why he knows that. But he will doesn’t know who is behind this. But as soon as he can get out of there the faster he can find out who just tried t to kill him. Nora and Rebecca are at the bottom of that mountain where Jasper was when he got trapped by those rocks. And they are looking up at Brandon. They can barely see him. But they can’t hear him. So, they start talking to them via their cell phones. Rebecca, Nora, and Brandon know that someone tried to kill Jasper. But Why? That’s what Rebecca, Nora and Brandon want to know. They also want to know if one or more of them are the next one to die. Chapter Twenty-Six “Brandon to the Rescue” Brandon is looking around where the rock slide tried to kill Jasper. He thinks that Jasper was about to find something that the phony ghost didn’t want him to find out. And that’s why the rock slide happened. Jasper has just been told that it wasn’t an accident. And he wants to know why the phony ghost just tried to kill him. Nora is the one at the hospital right now. After discovering it wasn’t an accident, Rebecca, Nora, and Jasper decided that at least one of them should be with Jasper always. Just in case the phony ghost decided to finish what the rock slide didn’t. Rebecca didn’t want Jasper to know that it wasn’t an accident. In fact, she’s the one who thought of not telling him. He has enough to deal with. He doesn’t need to know that right now. Brandon thinks that he know what that something is. But he’s not sure. That’s why he’s at the bottom of that mountain. He wants to know who almost killed his friend, Jasper. Chapter Twenty-Seven ”Confinement” Jasper is back home. And that’s where he’s going to be for the next three months. After all, both his arm and leg are in casts. Nora is happy that Jasper is going to be okay. Of course, she is. But she’s also sad. With him confined to his bed for the next three months he can no longer help them with that mystery, or any others that are going to pop up. Rebecca is with Jasper right now. Like the hospital, they don’t think that he should be alone. That’s why at least one of them is going to be with him always. It’s also to keep him involved with that mystery. They don’t think that the phony ghost will come after him. But why take any chances. Brandon has been thinking about that ever since Jasper almost got killed. He wants to know how Jasper is going to help them with that mystery or any others. After all, he has a cast on his arm and leg. That limits him to what, if anything, he can do for them. Jasper can still help the other Tween Detectives with that mystery. He can help them with any others than might come up within the next three months. He’s just going to limited to how much he can do it. Chapter Twenty-Eight “Confronted by the Parents” Nora and the other Tween Detectives are confronted by their parents. They want them to stop their playing these dangerous games right now. Rebecca is very mad at her parents. Not because of them confronting her at Jasper’s house, but by the way they are treating her. They are treating her like she’s a child. Brandon didn’t want to go to Jasper’s house because he knows what was going to happen there. He did go. But he was right. They are treating them like they are playing Cops and Robbers or Ghostbusters. If they knew it wasn’t an accident, they would really be trying to stop them. Jasper blames himself for what happened with their parents. If he hadn’t of gotten hurt, then they wouldn’t have been confronted by their parents. Nora knows that Jasper is lucky that he only got hurt. It could have been a lot worse. That’s why the parents want them to stop their playing detective. They insist that they stop before someone else gets hurt, or worse Chapter Twenty-Nine “Not Giving Up” Rebecca, Nora, and Brandon are back at the Haunted Mansion looking for clues to what’s going on. And they aren’t going to leave until they find something. Brandon, Rebecca, and Nora are now on the second floor. They are looking in each room for clues. But they haven’t found anything so far. And that includes the phony ghost. Jasper is there with Rebecca, Nora, and Brandon via their cell phones. He can’t be there physically. But he still wants to be a part of that investigation. Nora, Brandon, and Rebecca are now on the third floor. And like the first and second floors, they are looking in every room for clues. Also like those two other floors, they haven’t found anything to help them with that mystery. Rebecca, Nora, and Brandon want to find a bunch of somethings. But one will do. Especially, if that one thing will help them to find out who hurt Jasper. Chapter Thirty “Something Deadly” Brandon is the one who suggested that the three of them stick together instead of splitting up again. But he’s alone when he finds something. Jasper is very happy to hear that Brandon has found something. And he wants to know what that something is. But Brandon has said anything about that, yet. Nora doesn’t know how they got split up. One second they were all three together. And the next they weren’t. Rebecca isn’t even on the same floor as Brandon and Nora. In fact, none of them are on the same floor. She is on the third floor again. Nora is on the second. And Brandon is on the first. Brandon doesn’t know what has he found. But whatever it is it’s deadly. It also might explain what happened to the missing visitors. And to what almost happened to Jasper. Chapter Thirty-One “Monitoring It All” Jasper is very happy he now has an excuse for not helping the others with that mystery. But that doesn’t mean he can’t help them. He just needs to do it from his bedroom via his laptop. Nora wants to know what Brandon has found. But Brandon is nowhere to be found. He’s like the phony ghost, she hasn’t seen him in a long time. Sure, it been a lot longer with the phony ghost. But it’s still be a long time. Rebecca wants to know why the phony ghost hasn’t shown up yet. Usually, by now the phony ghost would have shown up to try to scare them away from there. But this one hasn’t. And Rebecca wants to know why. Brandon doesn’t want to tell anyone about what he as found until he knows for sure that it is something. He doesn’t want to be wrong about what he is sure that he has found. Jasper has been monitoring the others ever since they returned to the Haunted Mansion. So, he knows what Brandon has found. At first, he didn’t know what it was. But now he does. Chapter Thirty-Two “Something is Wrong” Nora is back tapping away at her laptop in the treehouse. She has noticed several things different about the Haunted Mansion. And it has nothing to do with the tours. Rebecca hasn’t noticed anything different about The Haunted Mansion. It looks like a normal haunted house to her. The only difference is that it’s a mansion instead of a house. And that it’s on top of a mountain. Brandon has been too busy to notice anything. First, it was with find the clues to solving this mystery. And now it’s what he has found. Jasper agrees with Nora. He also thinks that there is something wrong with The haunted Mansion. Is that why he doesn’t want to there? Nora knows there is something wrong with that mansion. And that’s why she’s on her laptop. She wants to know what that something is. Chapter Thirty-Three “Jasper Isn’t the Only One Now” Rebecca has just found something too. She thinks that she knows what’s going on there. But she doesn’t want to tell the other about it until she knows for sure. Brandon is the only one at The Haunted Mansion. And he’s not there either. He’s in the woods headed for the mountain. But not for long. He has reached his final destination, the mountain. Jasper is using both his laptop and his cell phone to keep in touch with the other Tween Detectives. But that’s not easy to do now that they have split up again. It’s especially hard because they aren’t all at The Haunted Mansion. Nora feels like she is being left out. Everyone else is finding something to help with this mystery. But she hasn’t found anything, yet. Rebecca hopes she’s wrong about what she has found, but she doesn’t think so. She thinks she knows what happened to all the visitors. Chapter Thirty-Four “Hidden Secrets” Brandon is back in The Haunted Mansion. But not for long. He’s only there long enough to get to the hidden tunnel that leads from The Haunted House to the caves below it. Jasper has just lost contact with Brandon. He can’t see him on his laptop anymore. And he can’t get him on his cell phone. What has happened to Brandon? That’s what Jasper wants to know. Nora have been called by Jasper because he lost contact with Brandon. And she is on her way to The Haunted house right now to his last known location. Hopefully, she can find him before it’s too late. Rebecca has been contacted by Jasper too. But she’s too busy checking out what she thinks that she found to do anything about it. It’s not like she isn’t worried about him. And now Nora because she’s alone too. But if she’s right about her find there is nothing to worry about. Brandon has started his search through the caves and tunnels underneath The Haunted Mansion. There is only one large cavern. But there are several small caves and tunnels. He has only searched about half of them so far. Chapter Thirty-five “Scared to Death” Jasper is watching the others on his laptop. Rebecca and Nora are back at The Haunted Mansion. So, is Brandon. Only he’s searching through the tunnels and cave under it. Nora is still looking for Brandon. And she is on the third floor when Jasper calls her to tell her that Rebecca is there too. She hears Rebecca come in, and call out for her. But she isn’t what has gotten her attention. It was a spooky noise coming from the third floor. Rebecca in now in The Haunted Mansion too. She is looking for Nora because she has something to tell her. And what she needs to tell her is that she knows where Brandon is at. Rebecca also knows what happened to the missing visitor. She also knows why no more have disappeared. Brandon has searched through all of the tunnels and caves. And he hasn’t found anyone or anything that is going to help them with that mystery. But he still has the large cavern to search. That’s where he’s headed right now. Jasper is also watching something or someone else. And whoever or whatever it is has him scared to death. At first, he thought that it was the phony ghost. But now he knows that it’s not. Chapter Thirty-Six “Getting Close to the Answers” Nora has found something too. And she tells the other Tween Detectives what she has found out. What she tells them is that she knows why the phony ghost is there, why he’s there now, and what has happened to the missing visitors. Rebecca already knows part of what Nora is about to tell her. She just wasn’t going to share it with the rest of The Tween Detectives until she knew for sure. Brandon has stopped his search to listen to Nora. He thinks he knows what going on there too. But he’s not sure if he’s right about it or not. He’s sure that he is. And after he finds the missing visitors he will know he’s right. Jasper also thinks that he knows what’s going on there. Most of the time he has been watching them. But some of the time he was doing research too. Nora doesn’t know everything just yet. But she will by the time that they capture the phony ghost Chapter Thirty-Seven “What Should They Do First” Rebecca wants to know what they are going to do with what Nora has found out. Normally, they capture the phony ghost, unmask him, and then take him to the police. But they can’t do that this time. Brandon has started his search for the missing visitors. He’s sure that they are there somewhere. And since he hasn’t found them in the caves and tunnel they must be in the cavern. Jasper is working on a plan to capture the phony ghost. He can’t do it personally or physically. But that doesn’t mean he can plan it. Nora doesn’t think that finding the missing visitors is what they need to do first. In fact, if she’s right about them they don’t want to be found. She thinks that they should capture the phony ghost now. Rebecca wants to find the missing visitors before they unmask the phony ghost. If they do it the normal way, then their lives are in danger. They might be in danger now or they might be dead. But they will be in danger of death if they don’t find them first. Chapter Thirty-Eight “The Missing Visitors” Brandon knows Rebecca is right about the missing visitors because he has found them in the cavern in the mountain under the mansion. He has also found out why they were taken. Jasper had his earplug connected to his laptop when Brandon shouted that he had found the missing visitors. He quickly pulled it out of his ears because it was so loud. Nora is surprised that Brandon found them in the caves under the mansion. That’s where she figured that they would be. She also figured that they weren’t dead either. At least they weren’t dead yet. If they had waited a few more days, a week or two at the most, then they might be dead. Rebecca is shocked about what Brandon has found out about the phony ghost and the missing visitors. The other Tween Detectives were right about this mystery. They should have captured her first. But they still aren’t too late to do that. Brandon also knows why the phony ghost is doing there. He still doesn’t know who the phony ghost is. But he knows that they will once they unmask them. Brandon doesn’t have to guess their true profession though. He already knows that. Chapter Thirty-Nine “It’s Not Shocking” Jasper doesn’t like to do research. That’s what Nora does best, but she’s not there. So, he decided to do it himself. It took him a long time to find what he was looking for. But he finally found it. Nora is the first one that Jasper call about what he has found out about the phony ghost. And he thought that she would be shocked at what he found. But she isn’t. Rebecca is the next one that Jasper called. He had tried to call her first. But he couldn’t make a connection. After he told her he expected her to be shocked too. Only she wasn’t. Washe the only one who didn’t know? Brandon is the last one that Jasper called. But that was only because reception in the caves was hard to here. He too wasn’t shocked by what Jasper had to tell them about the phony ghost. Jasper is about to tell the other Tween Detectives what he has found out. And they are going to be shocked about what she has found. The phony ghost isn’t who they thought it was going to be. Chapter Forty “How to Capture a Phony Ghost Without Getting Killed” Nora is the one that is in deadly danger this time. Only she knows that it’s coming. She also knows that she could be killed because of it. So why has she confronted the phony ghost all alone? Rebecca wanted to be the decoy this time too. But she can’t have all the fun. Each mystery a new Tween Detectives get to lure the phony ghost or ghosts into getting captured. She did it last time. Now it’s Rebecca’s turn. Brandon is still in the cavern with the missing visitors. And he can’t believe what he is looking at. He’s not surprised about it under the circumstances. But he still can’t believe it. Using The haunted Mansion and the ghost of Carl Everett was the perfect cover for what this phony ghost was doing. Jasper really wanted to be there for the capture. He loves doing that. It doesn’t matter who the decoy is. All that matter is the unmasking of the phony ghost. And this time he can’t be there to do that. Nora has done it because it’s her turn to be the decoy in them catching the phony ghost. So, while she lures the phony ghost to their capture the other three Tween Detectives will set a trap for them. Conclusion The Tween Detectives have captured the phony ghost. And they are about to reveal who it is. It’s… Via flashback what the phony ghost was doing there will be reveal. The missing visitors weren’t really missing. After The Tween Detectives captured the phony ghost, they called the police. And the police called the feds. Again a flashback reveals that the missing visitors wanted to disappear permanently. And that’s why there were there. They went there to die. And then they would be reborn with a new face and name. The phony ghost was a plastic surgeon. That’s why they didn’t see too much of her. She was busy giving the visitors a new identity to spend it scaring away anyone who got in her way. |