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Scooby Doo meets the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew minus Scooby Doo. It's a ghost mystery. |
The Mansion on top of the Mountain (Another Tween Detectives Mystery) Introduction The phony ghost struggles to get away from the two police officers holding her as The Tween Detectives pull off her mask. Then they tell the police there what she was really doing. Which they show in flashbacks. After they do that they are just relaxing when they get their next mystery to solve. Chapter One Brandon rides ahead of the other Tween Detectives as they head for the police station to get an update on the seven missing visitors. When they get there, they find out three more have disappeared. They also learn that they all disappeared from The Mansion on Top of the Mansion aka The Haunted Mansion. Chapter Two Rebecca is the first to ask, what should we do first? The Tween Detectives are in their treehouse discussing how they should start their investigation. Nora and Brandon think they should talk to the ghost. But Jasper and Rebecca think that they should talk to the so-called witnesses. Chapter Three Nora and Brandon are looking for Carl Everett, aka The Haunted Mansion ghost. But they can’t seem to find him anywhere. And that’s very unusual. Usually, he’s not shy. Especially around The Tween detectives. But right now, he is. Nora and Brandon want to know why. Chapter Four Jasper and Rebecca have talked to four witnesses. That leaves three more for them to talk to. So far, they haven’t gotten much out of them. All their eye Witnessing is the same. They didn’t see how they disappeared. One second they were touring the Haunted Mansion, and the next they were gone. Chapter Five Brandon is at the first door. Rebecca is roaming around the second floor. And Nora is looking for something on the third floor of the Haunted Mansion. They are using cell phones on vibrate to keep in contact with each other. Their objective is to prevent anyone else from disappearing too. Chapter Six Rebecca is the recordkeeper of the team. She writes down everything that happens to them for future help. That’s what she is doing right now. And what she is writing about is what happened to them last night. Only there isn’t much to write about because nothing really happened at the Haunted Mansion. Chapter Seven Nora is tapping away on her laptop. And she is talking to herself as she is doing it. She is also thinking to herself. Nora is talking, thinking, about what happened last night too. That’s why she’s on her laptop. She wants to know why no one disappeared last night. Was is because they were there? Chapter Eight Jasper has been acting strange ever since they started this mystery. The other Tween Detectives know that something is wrong with him. But they don’t know what it is, yet. First, he volunteered to talk to the eye witnesses instead of going up to the Haunted Mansion. And now he’s doing this. Chapter Nine Brandon, Rebecca, and Nora are back at the Haunted Mansion. And once again, they have split up. Only this time they are looking for clues to what’s really going on there. Once again, they are communicating with each other via their cell phones. But so far none of them have found anything. Chapter Ten Rebecca gets these feelings all the time. And she’s usually right about them. She has that feeling right now. That feeling is that someone is watching them. But that isn’t usual. It happens all the time with phony ghost. What she doesn’t know is that whoever this phony ghost is keeps pointed a gun at them. Chapter Eleven Nora, Brandon, and Rebecca are laughing at the phony ghost after ‘he’ starts haunting them. That’s because they know that ‘he’ is a phony ghost. And that they aren’t afraid of ‘him.’ This doesn’t go over too good with ‘him.’ ‘He’ excepted them to run away in fear. Now ‘he’ doesn’t know what to do. Chapter Twelve Jasper has been looking for clues too. But he’s doing it outside the mansion. In fact, he’s looking through the woods that surround that mountain. So far, he hasn’t found out anything. After he finishes searching the woods, Jasper he goes to the mountain to search around it. Chapter Thirteen Brandon is tapping away at his laptop. And like Nora, he’s talking and thinking to himself as he taps away. What he is tapping is about their search of the Haunted Mansion. He’s trying to figure out why they haven’t found anything yet. And he thinks that he has just found something. Chapter Fourteen Rebecca has just finished updating her daily recordkeeping. She also wants to know why they haven’t found anything. There has got to be a reason for it. They always find something. But this time they didn’t. And she wants to know why. So, do the rest of the Tween Detectives. Chapter Fifteen Nora is screaming. So are the other Tween Detectives as they are running down a hall. Only they are four different hallways. They are all in the Haunted Mansion. And they are still in communication with each other via their cell phones. But they are running away from someone or something. Chapter Sixteen Jasper doesn’t understand what just happened. He doesn’t remember going to the Haunted Mansion. And he would never do that. But why not? That’s what the other Tween Detectives want to know. They know that there is something wrong with Jasper. And they want to know what it is, and they want to know now. Chapter Seventeen Brandon and the others are at their treehouse discussing what they should do next. And he thinks that they need to know why the phony ghost is there. If they can’t figure that out, then they will know who it is. The others agree with that. And they all have their theories about why the phony ghost is there. Chapter Eighteen Rebecca smiles as she is updating her recordkeeping. She thinks she has figured out why the phony ghost started haunting them. It was because one of them was getting too close to something. But who was it? And what were they getting close to? That’s what she hasn’t figured out yet. Chapter Nineteen Nora is tapping away at her laptop. And she is going over everything that she knows about Carl Everett aka the real ghost. But so far, she hasn’t read anything that she didn’t already know about him. So, she goes back to the others. Nora needs to know where everyone was when the haunting began. Chapter Twenty Jasper is sure that there are hidden tunnels in the mansion and the mountain. Maybe even some hidden caves or caverns. That’s why he volunteered to look for clues in the woods and around the mountain. But what he doesn’t know is that there is a no accident rock slide that’s about to bury him alive. Book Two There are several ghosts that live under Middletown, KS. So, when a few of them start scaring off visitors to their domain The Tween Detectives get involved. They want to know what these phony ghosts are trying to hide. But in doing so they put their own lives in deadly jeopardy. Chapter Twenty-One Rebecca is the first one to find Jasper after they all start looking for him. But she’s too weak to lift the rocks off him. Jasper is still alive. And he is trying to help Rebecca get the rocks that he’s trapped under. But he can’t help her either. Can Nora and Brandon help them to free Jasper? Chapter Twenty-Two Brandon rides with Jasper to the hospital while Rebecca and Nora go to his place to tell his parents about the accident. Rebecca and Nora don’t really want to do it. They decided it’s best if they told the parents about Jasper. After all, it’s not good news. But it’s not sad news either. Chapter Twenty-Three Jasper is going to be okay. He has been hurt by the rock slide. But the only real damage is to one arm and one leg. They have been broken. And he’s not going to be walking anytime soon. But that isn’t what’s making him sad. Jasper has been keeping a secret from the other Tween Detectives. Chapter Twenty-Four Nora knows that Jasper has been hiding something from them. She never bought the lie that he wanted to look for clues in the woods and around the mountain. Neither do Brandon and Rebecca. But Nora thinks she knows what that something is. She confronts him in secret just in case she’s wrong about it. But she isn’t. Chapter Twenty-Five Rebecca, Nora, and Brandon have just finished checking out the rock slide that almost killed Jasper. Only to discover that it wasn’t any accident. Someone really tried to kill Jasper. But why? That’s what Rebecca, Nora, and Brandon want to know. They also want to know if one of them is the next one to die. Chapter Twenty-Six Brandon is looking around where the rock slide tried to kill Jasper. He thinks that Jasper was about to find something that the phony ghost didn’t want him to find out. And that’s why the rock slide happened. Brandon thinks that he knows what that something is. But whatever it is he’s going to find it. Chapter Twenty-Seven Jasper is back home. And that’s where he’s going to be for the next three months. After all, both his arm and leg are in casts. That means he’s going to be confined to his bed for at least three months. True, it means he’s not going to school. But it also means he can’t help the others either. Chapter Twenty-Eight Nora and the other Tween Detectives are confronted by their parents. They want them to stop their playing these dangerous games right now. Jasper is lucky that he only got hurt. It could have been a lot worse. They insist that they stop before someone else gets hurt, or worse. Chapter Twenty-Nine Rebecca, Nora, and Brandon are back at the Haunted Mansion looking for clues to what’s going on. And they aren’t going to leave until they find something. They want to find a bunch of somethings. But one will do. Especially, if that one thing will help them to find out who hurt Jasper. Chapter Thirty Brandon is the one who suggested that the three of them stick together instead of splitting up again. But he’s alone when he finds something. But what has he found. Whatever it is it’s deadly. It also might explain what happened to the missing visitors. And to what almost happened to Jasper. Chapter Thirty-One Jasper is very happy he now has an excuse for not help the others with that mystery. But that doesn’t mean he can’t help them. He just needs to do it from his bedroom via his laptop. Jasper has been monitoring the others ever since they returned to the Haunted Mansion. So, he knows what Brandon has found. Chapter Thirty-Two Nora is back tapping away at her laptop in the treehouse. She has noticed several things different about the Haunted Mansion. And it has nothing to do with the tours. There is something wrong with that mansion. And that’s why she’s on her laptop. She wants to know what that something is. Chapter Thirty-Three Rebecca has just found something too. She thinks that she knows what’s going on there. But she doesn’t want to tell the other about it until she knows for sure. Rebecca hopes she’s wrong about what she has found, but she doesn’t think so. She thinks she knows what happened to all the visitors. Chapter Thirty-Four Brandon followed the hidden tunnel in the mansion to a large cave inside the mountain. Now he has started his search under the mansion in the mountain caves and tunnels. There is only one cave. But there are about two dozen side tunnels. Brandon has checked out about half of them so far. Chapter Thirty-five Jasper is watching the others on his laptop. Rebecca and Nora are back at the Haunted Mansion looking for clues. While Brandon is searching through the tunnels and cave under it. He is also watching something or someone else. And whoever or whatever it is has him scared to death. Chapter Thirty-Six Nora tells the other Tween Detectives what she has found out. And what she tells them is that she knows why the phony ghost is there, why he’s there now, and what has happened to the missing visitors. She doesn’t know everything just yet. But she will by the time that they capture the phony ghost. Chapter Thirty-Seven Rebecca wants to know what they are going to do with what Nora has found out. Normally, they capture the phony ghost, unmask him, and then take him to the police. But they can’t do that this time. At least they can’t until they find the missing visitors. And she thinks that she knows where they are at. Chapter Thirty-Eight Brandon knows Rebecca is right about the missing visitors because he has found them in the caves in the mountain under the mansion. He has also found out that they were taken because of what the phony ghost is doing there. The phony ghost has been looking for something. And it looks like he just found it. Chapter Thirty-Nine Jasper doesn’t like to do research. That’s what Nora does best, but since she’s not there. So, he has no choice but to do it himself. It takes him a long time to find it. But he does. He now knows what the phony ghost has been looking for. And he’s about the tell the other Tween Detectives. Chapter Forty Nora is the one that is in deadly danger this time. Only she knows that it’s coming. She also knows that she could be killed because of it. So why has she confronted the phony ghost all alone? Nora has done it because it’s her turn to be the decoy in them catching the phony ghost. Conclusion The phony ghost isn’t the only thing that gets unmasked. So, does what Jasper has been keeping from the other Tween Detectives. And Nora is right. His secret is that he’s afraid of heights. But it’s not just his fear. It’s also the reason why he has that fear in the first place. |