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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/921624-Happy-1300-Blog-City
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#921624 added October 6, 2017 at 4:54pm
Restrictions: None
Happy 1300 Blog City!
Prompt: Create a list of 13 favorite things in your life in honor Blog City's 1300th day. What makes them special and why?


*Cake2* Happy 1300 Blog City! *CakeB*

1. Writing.com. Let me count the ways. Too many reasons to fit in here.
2. My house. I like a place where I can live, eat, sleep, or work.
3. My new Kindle holder. Small but strong, and can be angled easily.
4. Organic coffee beans. The taste is amazing after ground and made into drip coffee, which I am not supposed to drink but I do.
5. My yoga sandals. Not that I do Yoga but they are the comfiest shoes ever.
6. My small fan by the desk. I feel the heat much earlier than hubby, so this one helps.
7. All my Kindles. Because I can take them with me wherever I go since they fit into my purse.
8. My tiny music players with 16 Gb and 32 Gb memory. I have audio books and some select music in them. I use them while doing housework and other stuff.
9. All my eyeglasses. I couldn’t see, read, write, or live without them.
10. My desk chair. I can adjust it to any height.
11. My laptop stand. I can sit at it or I can stand up while writing or surfing the net when I think I am sitting too much, which I am.
12. Dark chocolate. I like dark chocolate because it is not too sweet and it tastes just right. I’m especially partial to small Dove candies.
13. My two cameras. The somewhat professional one I haven’t mastered yet. The other one I love better because it is the point-and-shoot kind.*Rolling*

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/921624-Happy-1300-Blog-City