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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/920482-Animals-Are-Fun
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#920482 added September 16, 2017 at 10:11pm
Restrictions: None
Animals Are Fun
Prompt: Let's talk about pet owners. Today, I saw two odd things a lady walking a cat on a leash. That's not too strange but the cat was wearing boots and had a cape. Her version of puss n boots, I guess. The second thing was a man in the pet store buying white mouse. I wouldn't have thought anything of it except his shirt moved and a large snake slithered up his shirt and peeked his head out. The guy told me not to worry he was hungry and smelled the mice.
So with my two crazy experiences in mind, what are your craziest experiences with pet owners or even your own pet story.


Wow! Those are really crazy animal incidences. I only see such stuff on Youtube or other places online, not in real life.

I never had such crazy experiences, although I had a number of cats and dogs that kept me company in the past. I had a cat who loved to walk on the piano keys and he’d meow for me to put the lid up. When I wanted to practice, I had to put her out of the room. Afterward, she’d act upset with me. Luckily, the piano was in a room with a door, and not in the open living area.

The craziest thing I can come up with, though, is that we once had a Newfoundland, Joe, who was very friendly with all the neighborhood dogs that used to come to our yard to visit him. Joe tolerated and played with every dog that found his way to our yard, but once, when one of the dogs followed him in coming inside the house, Joe went berserk. I thought he’d kill the other dog. Our entrance suddenly turned into a chase-and-bark playground, except it was no doggie play anymore. Joe was furious. We could barely let the other dog out without her getting torn to pieces. I guess Joe saw the house as his territory but not the yard.

The weird thing was, he didn’t mind the people who came to visit us, at all. It was the other dog that got to him.

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