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Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
Research https://www.farmersalmanac.com/full-moon-names/ https://www.almanac.com/content/full-moon-names https://www.thoughtco.com/lunar-folklore-2562381 https://www.infoplease.com/once-blue-moon-0 1. Noble 2. The Qualdratron 3. Here is Your Assignment 4. Life in Drive 5. An Alien Encounter - A Loss of Face 6. In Coffee We Trust 7. The Curious Matter of Clockwork Manor 8. Puff the Magic Unicorn 9. Title 1 Blue Moons and Black Moons Title 2 Two full moons and two new moons in a calendar month. Hook Blue moons and black moons are both rare occurrences. Newsletter Subject Once in a Blue Moon Once in a blue moon the full moon rises twice in one month. Once in a blue moon particles in the air dye the moon. Once in a blue moon harkens from the Sixteenth century. Once in a blue moon astrologers predictions come true. Letter from the Editor Most of us know what a blue moon is, but how many know about a black moon. A black moon, like a blue moon is a rare occurrence, but it is opposite to a blue moon. A black moon refers to the second new moon in a calendar month. A Gregorian calendar month normally consists of 30 or 31 days, while the lunar calendar has 29 or 30 days. This difference in days means that sometimes we get two full moons or two new moons in a month. Black moon normally refers to the second new moon in a month. This term can also refer to month without a full moon, this happens approximately every twenty years. Another twenty-year lunar phenomenon is a month without a new moon, which can also be called a black moon; however, it is the second new moon in a month I am discussing here. A black moon occurred on August 21, 2017, and that moon caused the total solar eclipse. There are numerous superstitions about a full moon, one of which concerns money. A full moon is silver; therefore, it attracts money. There are not very many superstitions about a black moon (at least, I could not find many). One of the superstitions about a black moon is that it foretells the end of the world or the coming apocalypse. Whatever the second new moon in a month foretells, the moon itself (like the first new moon in the month) is invisible to those of us looking up at it from Earth. Do any of my readers know any folktales or superstitions about the moon, in any of its phases? Have you written any stories using these superstitions? Let us know what you think about a black moon, blue moon, or any other color of moon you know about. Editors Picks
Excerpt: My name is Noble and I am a unicorn...
Excerpt: Lady Rachel Wyndingham looked down upon scene trying to decide if it was synergistic beauty or pure chaos. A maze of iron pipes,copper vats, and intricate brass gears lay before her. In the middle of it all was Professor Clive Peterquald looking more than a little disheveled as he moved to tinker upon his magnum opus.
Excerpt: Laura Anderson. She is a secretary, so now you must become one, too. Whatever she is, you become, so much to the point that you are her. And just so there's no confusion; the only Laura Anderson now is you. You wake up every morning and have coffee, alone. You take a shower and you leave the house and walk to the nearest bus stop which is just around the corner. You are the only one at the bus stop at five a.m., while everyone else sleeps.
Excerpt: He was six when a girl in his group approached him to ask him why his scar was on the left side of his head.
Excerpt: "I'm sorry Jeeves, I hadn't a clue that my face could come off that easily."
Excerpt: I was in a state, that's what my mom calls it anyway. I was moping around and feeling sorry for myself. I'd been a squire for two years and my lord hadn't recognized a single thing I'd ever done. You'd think I'd get some recognition; after all I saddle his horse and curry it after he's ridden all day. I also pack and unpack all his gear and he has a shit load of stuff, believe you me! Hell, I even polish and oil his armor every Tuesday and Thursday not to mention his sword each and every day. I can tell you from personal experience that other knight's swords have all sorts of rust hiding in the tiniest of places. Not Sir Tuckleburry though, that's my lord and liege by the way. Not for him, he has the shiniest sword, and the sharpest I might add, of any knight in the entire kingdom.
Excerpt: Dear residents of London, My name is Peabody Plumpocket. Yes, I am the man you are thinking of. The country's richest man, who invented and lives in the first clockwork household. Well, it appears that I have made some serious design flaws.
Excerpt: One sunny day in May, Puff sulked as the last unicorn left The Birthday Barn. Puny by comparison, Puff had seen enough of tall unicorn asses waltzing away with kids celebrating their tenth birthdays. The door slammed shut. One tear dropped from her eye. "Time to join the other unicorns unloved by children who die on the One Great Night it Happened." Feedback from "Fantasy Newsletter (September 6, 2017)" ![]() Christopher Roy Denton ![]() You're Welcome. Prosperous Snow celebrating ![]() |