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All Game of Thrones Writing ~ 2017 |
Prompt: It’s the fair and you and your friends walk down the small road, to see a tarot reading stand. Dare to enter? “I’m bored with this place already,” Mark complained. “Nothing has changed in the last ten years, and now that we’re older, it’s lost all of its hype.” Lisa sighed, “I’m with you. Let’s get out of here and go to the pizzeria. I’m sure there’s more action going on there.” The three friends turned the corner and that’s when Chris saw it. “Wait,” she said, jogging forward and then stopping outside a makeshift tent. “Tarot readings. Let’s see what our future holds.” Before her friends could even protest, Chris disappeared inside, leaving them to catch up. By the time Mark drew back the curtain, Chris was seated at a small round table, money in her hand, her slim figure sitting on the edge of a plastic chair. “Come, come, you will each get a reading,” the Gypsy looking woman with a thick accent said. It was creepy, Mark thought, his eyes taking in all the dim lighting, array of crystals hanging above the elaborately dressed woman, that played upon on the lights leaving a rainbow of colors dancing in the air. Something about this just didn’t feel right, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Lisa stood beside him, hugging herself, her brown eyes wide as she watched the fortune teller shuffling a deck of cards, that were placed before Chris on the table. Two faces sat on the back of the cards, each in what appeared to be a bubble. “Cut the deck,” the teller said. Chris’ hand shot out eagerly and cut it three time and then handed them to the woman wearing a red scarf with coins hanging from it. Mark studied her, the blotches of red blush on her cheeks, thick mascara and liner of black that made her look gaudy. He just hoped Chris would hurry up and get this over with. “Three cards. Past, present, future.” The teller set three cards in font of Chris on the table. “The ten of pentacles represents your past. Very strong home life, you had a good life, given all that you needed.” “That’s right!” Chris affirmed with a bright smile on her face. The gypsy tilted her head and stared at Chris for a moment. “Seven of Wands, reversed. You have a challenge, but cannot decide which path to take now, but you are leaning toward one of the choices. Think wisely. Your choice could be wrong.” Chris gasped. “How do I know which path to take?” “There are signs everywhere, follow them, listen to your heart, open your mind and you will know.” Chris sat back in the chair crossing her arms in disappointment. “Your future. Ace of Wands, again reversed.” “Please tell me it’s something good,” Chris muttered. “It can be. There is an opportunity coming your way. Be careful. Watch for it to open up or you could miss it.” “That’s it?” Chris shouted, pushing the chair back and tossing her money on the table. “What a waste.” She walked out of the tent leaving Mark and Lisa gawking after her. “Sorry about our friend. She’s a little high maintenance,” Lisa whispered. The gypsy swung her hand to the chair offering another tarot reading. Lisa shook her head, “I’m not a believer.” “One doesn’t need to believe to have the cards read, one only needs an open mind.” “We’d better check on our friend.” Lisa headed to the opening of the tent. “Sorry,” Mark said following her. “I’m here until ten in case you change your mind. I see so much in your future, Mark.” Mark stopped in his tracks and spun around. “How did you know my name?” She held a card at her temple and tapped. “I know ev ver ry thinggg.” Mark bolted out of the tent, her laughter at his quick exit filling his ears. ~~~~ The three friends went to the Pizzeria and then the girls decided they were going to have a sleep over and headed to Lisa’s house. He didn’t mind as he couldn’t stop thinking about the tarot reader. It was still early, he had time to go back there and have a reading. Not that he really believed in all this mumbo jumbo, but she knew his name and that had to mean something. He walked back to the fair grounds and paced a few feet from the tent. Did he really want to do this? It did seem crazy. He just couldn’t stop his mind from playing out that word. Ev-ery-thing. What did she mean by that? He had to know. He moved to the opening of the tent for the second time that day. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the flap back and stepped inside. She stood with her back to him, bending over the small table. “Ah, good. You come back.” She moved to the other side of the table, the fabric of her blue and red skirt moving the air around the tent. He suddenly found this place to be stifling hot. She motioned for him to sit with a wave of her hand. Handing him the cards she told him to shuffle and then cut the deck in half. “Top or bottom,” she said pointing to the stack on the left. “Bottom.” She raised an eyebrow but did as he asked, and then laid the three cards out before him. “Knight of Pentacles.” Mark stared at the little boy on the pony with the velvet cloak, surrounded by a beautiful forest and smiled. That card couldn’t mean anything bad, besides it was in his past. “You are a hard worker. Always do what is set in front of you and complete it.” Mark nodded, releasing the breath he’d been holding. He had this in the bag. “Your present. Page of Pentacles. You are a saver, are generous, and that will definitely come in handy for you.” Mark smiled this time. His reading was much better than Chris’ and he couldn’t wait to brag all about it. “King of Wands. Reversed.” Mark stared at the king sitting on his throne with two lions at his feet. He loved that idea, getting to tame everyone around him and being the one they all came to. The gypsy stared at him. He didn’t like the way she was looking him over, her dark eyes looking right through him. A bead of sweat broke out on his forehead as he waited. “Well? What does my future hold for me?” She sighed. Mark stood, wanting an answer. Now. “Tell me.” “You have anger issues,” she said. Mark started to laugh. It bubbled slow in his stomach and before long he threw his head back and roared. Like he needed to have a tarot reading to tell him he had anger issues. He pulled out five dollars from his pocket and tossed it on the table. “Thanks for the laugh.” “Wait,” the gypsy called as he headed toward the door. “Be careful.” “Of what? Pissing people off? Lady, that is a daily occurrence for me.” “No. Jealousy. If you go down that path, bad things will happen.” “I highly doubt it.” “She will love you, but you will be the death of her,” she called as Mark walked out. He had no idea what she was talking about, nor did he care. ~~~~ 20 years later Mark sat over the bloody body of his wife, wishing he could cry, or take back the last few days, but he couldn’t. It was all her fault anyway. He’d warned her, told her what would happen if he caught her messing around, but she did it anyway, just for spite. He couldn’t believe it. Those two bitches carrying on right behind his back. Wait until he called Lisa to tell her what had become of their best friend—of her lover! He grabbed his cellphone and punched in her number. “Lis. Didn’t I warn you?” he shouted. “Jesus Christ, Mark, when are you going to get a grip?” “I killed her you know. I told her I would if I caught you two sluts together again, and I did. It’s all her fault. All your fault for making me look like a fool.” Lisa gasped. “Oh God, tell me you didn’t kill them.” Mark shook his head. “Them?” What the hell was Lisa talking about? “Yes, you asshole, she was pregnant. Finally, after all this time she was going to have that baby she so desperately wanted.” He heard Lisa sobbing and tossed the phone aside. He stared down at her, his Chris, so fun and full of life, and now that life drained right out of her before his own eyes, at his own hands. Tears welled in his eyes now. Why couldn’t he control the beast within him? Why couldn’t he walk away when he knew he was about to explode and be brutal to the one person who really loved him. Then he heard a sound that shot a shiver straight down his spine. She will love you, but you will be the death of her. A distant memory floated into his mind. A red scarf. Gold coins. A tent. Tarot cards. WC:1524 HoBW |