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Only work submitted for the Game of Thrones |
Prompt 2: You're on your first date with someone and it's astonishing how compatible you are! There's just one problem... as the evening progresses, you're increasingly convinced that they're an alien. Now what? ~ Story [w.c. 858, story only] Pay Attention to the Details. Lori is my best friend, the kind that will do anything for you, including a double date. But not this time. Blind dates are not usually so great. I was skeptical. She convinced me to go on a double date, and then came up with this scheme to pawn me off on her friend, Dev. “Lor-bear, what does this look like?” “It’s fine.” “Just fine? Is he gross?” “No! Relax. He’s fine, you’re fine. It’s all fine.” “Maybe I should change?” “You asked a dozen times for my opinion. I picked this out for a reason. It will be fine. Quit fiddling with that. That’s probably him. Go answer the door.” “He’s your friend.” That was about the fifth time Lori rolled her eyes at me today. She’s up to something. Maybe hiding something. Either that or she wanted the apartment to herself tonight. “Hi, Dev, come on in.” “Hello, Lori. How are you?” “Dev, this is Jess. Jess, Dev.” Lori was shooing us out of the apartment before the hellos and small talk were complete. “Well, that was weird. Did she tell you what the big deal was?” “Hardly. But I must confess, I did introduce her to my friend, Andras.” “Is she being stupid?” “He will not bring her harm. I promise. He cannot do anything without an invitation. I will extend the same courtesies. I promise.” Dev had a ruddy complexion and piercing black eyes. He was ever so attentive. It’s like he could read my mind and anticipate my every need. His voice was almost melodic, entrancing. He smelled of musk and incense which was unusual, but worked for him. “I suppose I should ask, is this dress all right for where we are going?” “Delightful. It is perfect.” I still had my doubts. I could not tell if he ditched one plan and put in another, or if Lori had made sure he and I were both in sync so she could have the apartment tonight. The restaurant was perfect, and we danced in what seemed perfect rhythm; But we both needed to get in at a decent hour and he was so sweet about agreeing to cut the night short. The lights of the city were just starting to cut the darkness. The taste of Chardonnay still lingered, easing my tongue and making me say things that were better left to the confines of my brain. “Dev, where are you from?” “I am from here.” “No, you’re not. You’re from overseas. I am not stupid.” “Ah, I misunderstood. I am from the Persian Gulf where the Tigres and Euphrates meet.” “Do they have land set aside for the Garden of Eden?” I giggled at my cleverness, but Dev did not think it so funny. “You’re offended.” Dev was solicitous, “No.” To my confusion, he clarified, “The answer to your question is no, there is no place set aside for the Garden of Eden. Many would like it to be so. Too many claims and little proof to support the claims. The place that is the true Garden has been thoroughly desecrated. It would have little meaning to anyone anymore.” “I thought they would put down some kind of marker at least.” “There are markers along the river systems and even quite far north of the actual Garden. Many people are earning many dinar for their claim. It is good for the economy.” “So you’re Iraqi.” “No. I was born there. I do not have a country other than the one I am in.” “What? How can you claim to be without a country? How do you travel?” “I walked.” “Excuse me?” “I wish to explore so I walk to a new and interesting placs. When I finish my work, I walk to another interesting place.” “That makes no sense. Unless you caught a plane somewhere. Like Israel. Did you catch a plane in Israel?” “NO! I would never go there.” “Well, did you east or north?” “Turkey.” “Isn’t that dangerous? Those mountain routes are scary.” “If you went there instead of reading about it, you would not believe such.” “Oh.” Their footsteps had slowed to a stroll, but now picked up again, heels clicking against the sidewalk in rapid tap. “Now you are offended.” I could barely control the tone of my words, “Yes, Dev, I think you are sounding like an alien and not the legal kind. I don’t know if it is safe for someone studying the law to be associating with a potential threat alert. Do you know what I mean?” “Yes. Unfortunately, that is what I faced many times. There are no worries. I am from here.” “You said you walked to Turkey and ….” “When I was a child. I have citizenship.” “You walked to Turkey without your parents? I can’t believe that.” “I will not discuss this further.” “Holy Lord, you are touchy!” “DO NOT SPEAK OF HIM.” “What? Who? Jesus?” “Ahhhh, Stop!” “Dev! Where are you going?! How am I supposed to get home?! Get your butt back here, you jerk!” They say the devil is the details. I think Dev is full of details. ![]() ![]() ~~Image #4000 Sharing Restricted~~ |