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Who can know the mind of God? |
Hillary Clinton was over a hundred years old, which is a very long time for humans. Most humans get very sick and depressed as they grow older. But the former Senator and Presidential candidate, refused to die. She had purchased a cybernetic sex bot and placed her brain in it. This required sacrificing her ancient body and implanting spider nanobites in her brain .. The spider nanobites connected her brain with the sex bot. The nanotechnology and titanium skeleton gave Hilary bionic strength. Former President Bill Clinton had been cloned. He believed that his identity could be injected into his cloned brain with nanotechnology. He had requested a larger brain and penis... His clone had superhuman strength. Bill 2 spent many days proposing sexual ethics and conduct law reform. He also enjoyed games of shuttle cock with topless debutantes. Hillary had long since divorced him. Nevertheless, she spent most of her days with him. Her new sex bot body made her very desirable ... Although she was incapable of climax, her spider nanobites in her brain could simulate an orgasm as warmth and hunger. Agnes stood agast as the two American icons crossed the crisp green lawn toward her. Charlie and Agnes were engaged in a game of crokay. The great Arabian airship stood behind them. "The Rama Vimana!" Bill 2 exclaimed and clapped his hands. "I've always wanted to take a ride on a magic carpet." he smiled. Hillary was dressed in a red laced cat suit with no shoes. "Wow! It's huge! Can it really travel through time?" Hillary slapped Bill 2 on his right butt cheek. Agnes touched Hillary's latex skin, "Do you feel anything?" Hillary opened her mouth revealing the speaker inside. "Honey, when your my age you do not care!" she laughed. Bill 2 ran his hand over Agnes's hand and interlocked their fingers. "I'm flesh and blood." he leered at Agnes and kissed her. Hillary slapped Bill 2 on the butt, "Hey! That's rude." "Time travel is tricky. You don't want to erase your own time line." Remy stated and knocked his ball to the post. "Ew! A Jeanie! Can you make me a real woman?" Hillary laughed. "I'm not that kind of Jinn." Remy bowed .. "Anyone want some chicken?" Charlie was cooking chicken .. "I'll have some!" Bill 2 shouted over to Charlie at the grill. "I eat baby food for my brain." Hillary stated and showed the port. Agnes looked at the Rama Vimana, "Could we erase what I did to the Moon ant people?" "This time line would be erased as well." Remy replied and bowed. Agnes looked very sad and sipped some lemonade. (V)(V) =V= Reflections~ If everything is debatable, then nothing is true. ???????????? Is morality greater than God? Vertago |