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Attempt to start a regular blog, in the hopes to get through a bad case of writers block. |
HAZZAH! Oh. my day started out terrible. Huge fight with my wife, though, we got it worked out. So that was ultimately a good thing, we kind of needed to get things out in the open, and we're all good now. Followed by having to sift back through a article/listicle I had just finished writing, to rework my references, of witch I had forty one, to fit with the source format used by the site I submitted it to. I had written it sighting my sources as I would in a research paper... detailed, and at the end of the work... They just wanted a list of links at the end, with "(LINK #)" in the body of the text for each one. Where did it get better? Well, after reworking my office a bit, and setting up my old laptop, I made a discovery. An old copy of the book I've been working on, the one for which the main files are stuck on a locked up external hard drive that I have yet to recover. Just the main file though. But it got me to check my Google Drive again. Loe and behold, there it was. All my original files, as Google Docs, sitting in the trash folder. All I had to do was select them and hit "recover" and I have it all back. At most, I may be missing a few note entries, and a paragraph of two. I was working on a different blog entry before this, but it was turning in to just me complaining about something that I don't really feel the same about now. So, I'm scrapping it. And with that, it is now four thirty in the morning. I am going to bed. |