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Who can know the mind of God? |
India and China had a long standing dispute over the fresh water of the Himalayas. Only one quarter of China's fresh water was drinkable. The rest had been heavily polluted. India's crushing population had forced a water war with China in the Himalayas. Charlie was Tibetan and a strong advocate of the Tibetan water rights. Agnes had a house in a Tibetan village high above the Indian China War. Her house could only be reached by flying saucer. It was solar powered and had all the modern conveniences. "Mistress Agnes, it is a delightful surprise." the human like droid greeted. "22, could you get us some water?" Agnes commanded as she and Charlie reclined on the large leather sofa with lama pelts. Himalayan water was renowned for its sparkling freshness. "Well, you gave those protesters the slip." Charlie smiled. "It's fun being rich." Agnes laughed. They could hear thunder in the distance... "That's not artillery?" Charlie remarked. Agnes did a satellite scan with her phone. "I don't see anything, must be a storm." She was puzzled by the severity of the storm. "Are we okay?" Charlie asked nervously. Agnes nodded, "This house is blast proof." "22. What is the forecast?" she queried. "There are severe storms due to polar arctic ice melt." 22 answered, while bringing a tray with a pitcher of ice water and two glasses. Agnes raised her left eye brow. Charlie ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "We should talk to the villagers." Agnes said to Charlie. "They have evacuated." 22 interjected. Agnes sat up, "Evacuated? Is it dangerous here?" "Not in the house. Chinese solders are stationed in the village." 22 answered. Agnes ran her fingers through her raven hair. "That wasn't in the flight chart." she grimaced. "It is a secret." 22 answered. "I would like a beer and some more Agnes." Charlie smirked. Agnes pushed him off, "Where in the world can we go?" Charlie rubbed his face over Agnes right breast. Reflections~ When one domino falls, they all fall. <666>< |