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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/914382-Planting-the-Seeds-of-Patience
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#914382 added June 29, 2017 at 7:02pm
Restrictions: None
Planting the Seeds of Patience
Prompt: “When we plant seeds of patience, instead of anger, it makes the angels sing.” --- Angels on Earth Magazine
Write anything you want about this statement.


Anger breeds more anger; therefore, it has the possibility of becoming a negative, habit-forming emotion. As a negative emotion, it then causes a chain reaction because wounded people usually end up wounding others. There is another undesirable aspect of anger; if not taken care of, prolonged anger can hurt not only the angry person but everyone else he comes in contact with.

What can heal anger and change a person’s life is the virtue of patience. During stressful times, instead of giving voice to anger immediately, if we were to practice patience, then we might find some peace of mind.

The art of finding the patience in ourselves and healing the anger begins with self-awareness, even if we may not be comfortable with our anger in the first place. The first step to self-awareness is assessing the situation with a truthful look and fair judgment of the event and asking ourselves many questions along the way, such as: What happened? Who did it? What did it cost me? What is the real reason that I am feeling this anger?

Next comes releasing the energy that the anger created which we might have kept hidden inside us. If we don’t, it will have to come out suddenly like lava out of a volcano in the most ill-timed way. Run, write, beat up on the pillows, or whatever we do, we need to let it out. Just about anything is better than directing our anger to another person or to ourselves.

These steps, especially the fairness in self-awareness, may not only heal the anger but also they may cause patience to become an asset in our personality, which can benefit all our dealings with other human beings.

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