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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/913941-The-Beach-the-Beach-the-Beach
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#913941 added June 23, 2017 at 4:19pm
Restrictions: None
The Beach, the Beach, the Beach
Prompt: You can't decide between a mountain vacation and a beach vacation, so you ...


But I don’t have to think because I am quite a decisive person. It is the beach, hands down.

To begin, the beach is safer. Granted, there is the risk of a beached shark, but we are talking about the sand and the air, which make up my territory, and a beached shark can go only so far on a beach. I wouldn’t swim in the ocean, anyway, so eat your heart out sharks!

Mountains are not so safe. High altitudes do a number on my asthma. Then there are the dangers of climbing rocks and falling, a speedy avalanche, and last but not the least, the wild animals like bears, snakes, wolves etc. that share the same environment with me. If anything, they are probably better adapted to the water than I could ever be.

For me, a simple beach life is the best there can be. Donned in a shirt, shorts, and sandals on a beach, while I laze and listen to the sound of the waves lapping the sands is what I love the most. There, I can replenish and embrace my solitude while I enjoy the seashells, sea glass, seaweed, and other odd objects washed off by the ocean. There, I can read, listen to music, play in the sand, and simply chill out. Now, what’s better than that!

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