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When I wish not write, I come here. To relieve my thoughts. |
Stage Two: Hello Reader, Now that I am aware of many of you. I felt a Hello was in order. Also Let me rephrase, I am aware of more, and now that I know you are here, for me. I am here for you too. In recent months, Has been a learning orgasm of sorts. Non sexual of course, and on that note. I may be able to write Romance Novels one day after all. While they do not top my list of things to do, I do listen to you all. If that’s what you want, that is what I will give you. As many know, I came here to WDC three years ago, to learn how to write well, and also, I have recently termed “Cross Communication” as another reason for my seeking this community. I need to learn how to speak to and write in a way, that everyone can understand, about the same time. I also need to understand, what others are saying. I have come to the point, it matters little to me, what others think. With the only exception being, those who are close to me, who in their own way, have shown, by their own device, or other means. They belong in my life. I share that with you, as you are my reader, and if new, or have read every piece. You are still me Reader, you also, matter to me. Many readers have given me feedback, of all sorts. While I think to my self I must be doing something right, I had first come here, knowing I had it all wrong. I have since learned. That is OK, I believe we come here to learn. To Quote OneWay, who absolutely Delights me. “Life is just a class room” ~Taylor Swift. I hope I got the wording right, as it has been some time since I have heard “New Romantics”. If you haven’t heard it, you should give it a listen. I say this because, in one of my recent campaigns. I came to realize several things. Some I will cover in another area. I suppose the most important thing I realized from that campaign, when I found She was promoting the same message, in her way. I too was promoting the message, in my way. What if the earth was the teacher, we are the students? Life is fun, I can see that now, I didn’t always see that. Since I have come to learn how to write, I have learned so much more. About the world in which we live, about people, about nature, and most importantly, how to transcribe my experiences, using words, that are confusing to be brutally honest. That is only one language, mind you. I know since prior to registering here, one of the many things I needed to learn, was How to ‘Cross Communicate’, across language barriers, and without translators. I have a translator today, who helps me as their time permits. Which has allowed me to research this and take a closer look into language barriers. Why would I bother? I do so, because I believe one of the biggest problems in this world. Is Fear. Fear is the lack of understanding. Take death for example. The very word, strikes fear into many people, why? Because they do not understand death. War? People fear war, why? Why are we at war? You see, that which we do not understand, we fear. As for the why’s? I am at a point, where Q&A, from my perspective, is over for now. Short of those closest to me, and my readers. I am often asked questions, and have helped … a lot of people, mostly in the last three years, when it comes to subjects of intellectual natures, open-mindedness, and a little about our extraordinary senses, that most are not aware we have, or they are aware, and have no clue, how they work. I’m learning how to ‘Cross Communicate’ most of this, to all, it is one of those, right time, right place things. I am tested just as everyone else, nor am I different from anyone else. I do sometimes wonder, Why me? Why do I know this, or that? (Then I think, they kill the messenger) … Ahhhh I have no fear though, I understand. I reference my purpose/’s in writing, and left breadcrumbs for those to pick up along the way. Life is too short, for back and fourth and back and fourth. All I know, is I am guided, by an energy, and if I make a mistake, I bring attention to it, correct it, so as there are no misunderstandings, do to my delivery of my speech, or writing. If everyone did this, the world would be an easier place to live for certain. I also know, that if I abuse the gifts I have been given, I will lose them just as quickly. I am tested often, daily, many times a day. I am rewarded too, in ways. I can give one example, many will understand. I am rewarded, with special moments. Most people I observe, or listen too, want fortune, fame, etc. OK, so get to work on it, these things don’t just fall from the sky. I wanted to understand, To know. I know if you are given anything of extraordinary value, and you abuse it, you lose it. Consider it a gift, with a curse. One way I try to unite the overwhelmingly divided people is through talking with them. People are angry, I do not blame them, I too am angry. Not always or all the time. In a general sense. For example. “United we stand, Divided we fall”. Sound familiar? Then why divide us? Why make us hate each other and be suspicious of everyone. (I am aware, hate is a choice, are you) Who benefits from this form of society? Certainly not the people. For the people, by the people. Well, why is everything taken away from the people? Understand, there is something going on, and most people, are clueless. I hear the word dying, and my ears perk up. I want to save what ever is dying. Tell people the planet is dying: ::you hear the needle hit the floor::, if the TV isn’t on, brainwashing them. I have come to the terms, the TV, is the WMD of today, and has been perfected over the course of time, to do just that. I’ll cover that in another writing. As of now, in order to progress, I need to move, out of my current environment. Into a stable, and preferably serene environment if I am to continue to write. It’s my energy, It is powerful. I have seen it in action. One of the gifts, was energy. I’ve mentioned that, only now I am beginning to mention other things, hence ‘Stage Two’. I have seen enough to know, I can say this, as for one it is true, and just as important, people are trying so hard to figure it out. We do have ESP. We can send thoughts, and read them, etc. I’ll let that sink in, as I am not to ‘drop it all at once’. It does not work that way. Let me digress back to “Division”. Truth be told, Divided, We think. ‘There’ are those, in ‘power’ [Their Power], who do not want us to think. Do you believe The President who Mandated All TV’s will be HDTV, really cares about your viewing pleasure? The same Position that bombs civilians, and is not, nor under current law will ever be held accountable for such actions, cares about your viewing pleasure. Think, They want us divided, and they distract us. Why distract us? Distraction, will kill creativity, like a Bug Zapper does to bugs … That fast. Why do they not want us to be creative? Think about that for awhile. Thank you for reading. *I have a fundraiser Active at gofundme.com/flcomeau* It is important, Worthy of your Attention. |