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A blog for all things personal, informational, educational, and fun. |
There are many kinds of fog that can be hard to see through. Sometimes it is the literal variety, the fog the weather brings. Sometimes it is a physical vision difficulty. Sometimes it's another physical impairment that makes concentration intensely difficult. Sometimes it's an emotional fog. Lately, I've been have lots of the non-literal fogs, in many varieties. With all of my health issues, I often feel my mind fogged. My vision isn't what it used to be, so it can feel a bit hazy at times to see through. Lately I've had a lot going on emotionally, which just makes it all worse. Sometimes it's nice to just lie there in solitude, but I often wish I had it in me to be doing something more. Like writing. Unfortunately, writing is one of those tasks that can be hard to do, even when you need it most. Perhaps especially when you need it most. With everything going on in my life right now, I need writing now more than ever. I especially feel this way given how my grandmother has always encouraged me in my writings, and been so proud of be when I do well at it. Sometimes life makes it difficult to use writing as my catharsis, no matter how desperate I am for it. The one plus side to writing is that it doesn't matter how fogged my brain feels, I can always take a peek at the last thing I wrote. It's been the only thing saving me lately. As I've mentioned, and as can be plainly seen, I have fallen a bit behind on my blog. I'm still working at catching up on it. It feels so good to stay so caught up, but it feels just as bad to fall behind. (I have committed to blogging daily with Give It 100. This is Day Thirty-One. Four days of leave taken total.) |