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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/911900-My-Words-on-Prompted-Paths
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#911900 added May 28, 2017 at 3:47pm
Restrictions: None
My Words on Prompted Paths
PROMPT: How do you feel when someone you otherwise enjoy talking to starts quoting from a questionable non-"tv talking head" news source? I don't mean a source with a slant you may disagree with perhaps, but (for example) a study done with an obvious bend meant to prove a certain political or religious point of view? How do you inform your friend that the information they may have received could be tainted with half-truths and outright misinformation while maintaining positive discourse?


My simplest straight answer: “First, I don’t know what you are talking about. Second, I am not sure of the validity of the source you are referring to.”

My best method: I usually try to change the subject, which may help, but it may or may not work.

Then, sometimes, I tell people I am not discussing politics (religion, or whatever) at all, especially if I haven’t discussed such stuff with this person earlier. In general, I stay away from the discussions of politics and religion, anyhow.

Mixed flowers in a basket

Prompt: Have fun with these random words: lonely, hate, narrow, fear, cobweb, silly and evanescent

Watch out for
those cobwebs of hate,
narrowing the hearts with fear…
Is it a storm
trudging on our path
or is it a wild wind
that worsens
the way we fumble
in silly missteps,
life’s evanescent clemency?

Mixed flowers in a basket

Prompt: Choose a local celebrity from your city, region, or state, and explore the intersection of the pop icon’s cultural context and your own memories of time spent in this locale.

Thank God, no local celebrities live in my town, except for the tax collector and a now-defunct crooked mayor. Anyway, those two I don’t consider as celebrities at all, even if they have touched my present life more than any other celebrity.

In close proximity to our not-too-noted town, however, in West Palm Beach, the current USA President Trump has a place called Mar-a-Lago. Then, Celine Dion had a mansion on Jupiter Island, which was on sale for 72 million. I am not too sure if it is sold or what. Also, the actor Burt Reynolds has lived in Tequesta for more than 30 years, whose place is in foreclosure. The outcome with that place I am not sure of either.

Now, I am going to name drop. Those who own a home or property within 40 miles of our town are: Golfer Tiger Woods, Golfer Rory McIlroy, Cardinals’ catcher Yedier Molina, Joe Namath, Olivia Newton-John, Kid Rock, Johnny Bench, Bryant Gumbel, Michael Jordan, Serena and Venus Williams, Dr. Ben Carson, Rush Limbaugh, Rosie O’Donnel, Howard Stern, Dr. Oz, Rudy Giuliani, Ann Coulter, Bill Gates, Tommy Lee Jones, Tony Robbins, and Stockard Channing ( sorry for leaving out some).

Additionally, in our town, NY Mets have their spring training. If it were 35 years or so ago, my kids would be there at the stadium, and I would be forced to watch with them all that training. Luckily, at that time, we lived in NY and went to the Yankees and Mets games instead. So, I can truthfully say, those nice newer players, I have no memory or impression of, unlike the ones in the time of Reggie Jackson and company.

Sorry for not even touching who, as a celebrity, lives or has a place in my state. If I tried that, I would have to write tomes. *Laugh*

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