Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/910030
by ccb
Rated: NPL · Book · Comedy · #2111881
Tales about going potty, sometimes right in your pants.
#910030 added November 16, 2023 at 10:25am
Restrictions: None
Misty & Arthur


Just before dawn, a blue dragon slept beneath his large comforter. Through the mists of his dream-scape, Arthur clanked forward in a shining suit of armor, adjusting his glasses as he walked up to the king.

"I-I can save the day! R-right?" He asked in front of the court. The king seemed displeased. "What is this nonsense? You're a dragon! Look around you!" The king said as Arthur spun around, a whole court filled with humans staring him down. Suddenly the dashing atmosphere was beginning to fade. "U-um, but I have a sword and, uh..." He said clanking in place as he waved around what looked like a small butter knife. "I-I mean--what?" He said in surprise as he began to hear laughter. "You can't do that! I know what you should do." Arthur stood at attention. "Uh-y-yes?" He asked. The king responded "You should just be a farmer! Because you can't do anything else!" Arthur put his sword away as he felt an increasing mysterious feeling. "So someone else will save the day? It's really okay if I don't?" He asked sheepishly. Before he knew it he was escorted away by much stronger and more capable-looking knights and given a shovel after removing the armor. "Ah, this is the life!" He said, waving back to the other knights as he exhaled, looking out over his field of rutabaga, "This is the life!" He said as he sat in his rocking chair, a cold feeling suddenly spreading between his legs, despite it being a rather warm day out on his farm.

Arthur's eyes jolted open as his tail swooshed between his legs, spreading the cold feeling a bit as he yanked off the covers. "Ahh!" He whined as he slid out of the bed, pressing between his claws between his legs through his pajamas as he shuffled towards the bathroom, just a turn to the right outside of his room. He clamored in front of a somewhat oblong-shaped porcelain chair, practically tearing at his pajamas as he tried to sit down. He fiddled with them for so long that he began to pant, pressing his legs together. "Oh no! What am I gonna do?" He said to himself as he felt between his legs, feeling a damp patch just smaller than his own claw. "Aw man, it's no use." He said, hanging his arms limp as he resigned to his fate, standing for a few seconds before pondering to himself again. "It's too late anyway...Not like it matters if I make it or not..." He said in a somewhat upset tone, standing as he let out a sigh. After a few more seconds the damp spot grew and grew, prompting Arthur to sit on the porcelain structure, setting his snout in his hands. "Well, almost!" He said in a hushed tone.

Arthur finished up, noticing the sun coming up. School would be soon, and he would be sure to fix this situation beforehand. "Mom!" He said from the toilet-like structure. "Mommy!" He said, knowing that she would be up around this time. "Mommy, uh, I need some help!" He said, kicking his legs as he waited. In a few moments a door opened. "Oh, yes Arthur-honey! You need wiping or something, honey?" She said from inside the room. "Oh!" Arthur said. "Oh not this time, um, I need some uh, pajamas..." He said, waving his tail as he sat. "Ohh! Okay honey!" the voice said from down the hall, a male voice also coming from the room. "Are you alright Arthur?" it said, Arthur smiling in response. "Yeah! Yeah, I think..." He said.

After an extravagant change, Arthur wandered over to his closet. He hovered his claws over a small package of underwear. "Uhh...Hmm..." He looked over and saw several large packs of elementary-age-dragon-sized training pants. "J-just in case!" He said, opening a new package and drawing some pullups from inside. He paused for a minute before drawing one, then two more pullups, putting both of those ones in his backpack. "Better to be safe than sorry!" He said before eating his breakfast and being walked a third of the way to school by his parents.


At somewhat the same time, there was another dragon, wearing nothing but a shirt and underwear resting underneath a series of small, somewhat ragged blankets. Peering through her foggy, abstract night visions, the pink dragon could be seen wandering around with a large, magical sword.

"P-please, Misty, save the day!" The dragon mayor pleaded as Misty marched around, her steps making the ground shake. "The humans are going to get us!" He pleaded as she turned around and beamed a laser from her powerful gaze. "Space ripper, yeeahh!" She said, walking over the Mayor. He grabbed onto her tail. "Why won't you help us?" His voice trembled as Misty felt a mysterious feeling underneath her tail, making it a bit difficult to turn around. "Because you don't need it! Hmph!" She said, turning around. "You make me go to school! Why should I do anything for you?" She said, waddling to and fro, walls crumbling around her. "But you need to go to school! Because I say so!" The mayor tried standing him, debris from the ceiling knocking him back down. "Ooh!" He collapsed. Misty spread her legs, settling into her pose. "Well how about I say so! Haha, now what?" She says, the building crumbling to dust as humans ran around town waving large swords and axes. "Alright, fine..." The mayor resigned, sprawling out on the floor. "I suppose it's no use..." Misty stopped as she looked around, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, a strange force compelling her legs to spread again, but it felt good to do it. "Well...Alright, I mean, I can do it a little. What do you think about this?" She waved her sword and swept away dozens of enemies in front of her. The mayor looked up and out, but didn't answer, only waving his claw in front of his face.

Misty suddenly rested on her stomach, her tail raised in the air as she snored away, the sun looking in through her window. She lowered her bottom towards the bed, resulting in a squishy sound. Misty slowly opened her eyes and looked around, then to the other end in the bed. "Oh. Whoops." She blows a raspberry as she turned over, wrapping the covers around her as she block out the sun. When the room was too bright to ignore, it lit up a rather unorganized room full of children's toys and clothes strewn about all over. Misty was beginning to get hungry, so she decided to slide out of the bed, trying to pay no attention to the mushy feeling in her underpants as she did so. She walked over to the door and peered out into the hallway. She tip-toed down the hallway in silence, though a rather funky scent couldn't help but follow in her soft footsteps. She poked around the corner, seeing her father reading the newspaper, his back turned to her. "Daddy, uh, what's for breakfast?" She asked. The purple, gruff dragon sitting at the table answered after sucking in air. "In the oven." He said, continuing to read his newspaper. Misty took her opportunity and whizzed in and out of the kitchen, taking it back to her room and eating outside the door, gulping it down quickly and trying hard not to mind the strangely scented atmosphere.

Misty went back to her room, peering into her own underwear. "Eh, not so bad." She said, snapping the waistband back as she slid her shorts up and slung her backpack around her back. Before she went down the hallway, she made sure to wash her hands and tightening her pants as much as she could before walking out. She walked right past her father right before grabbing her by her pants. "Change em!" He said, pulling her back and making her go the other way. Misty whined. "Aw, come on!" She said. Her father looked at her. "What, you want me to do it then?" He said in a tone that suggested a long, boring change, perhaps maybe a lecture, or maybe a spanking if he really wasn't in a good mood. Misty scoffed. "Alright, alright!" She said, frustratingly stomping off to the bathroom before grabbing new panties. Off came the old ones, right into the tub, turning on the water as she grabbed paper towels and tried cleaning herself up the best she could. After a satisfactory enough job, she slid up the new panties, then her shorts and turned off the water, rinsing her claws as she tried rushing out the door. Her father snatched her by the pants and looked down inside, grimacing a bit. "Jeez, Misty. Whatever. Good enough." He said after making sure she had her school supplies in her backpack. "Alright, I'll seeya later." He said as Misty replied "Bye Daddy!" She said, her usual playfulness returning to her demeanor before walking out the door. She crouched about a block away from her house behind a bush. "Haha! who said I was done?" She said, sighing for a few minutes before joining up with the other kids heading to school.
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