The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues |
Saturday, April 1, 2017 Happy April Fools Day! The "Blogging Circle of Friends " prompt for DAY 1598 This is the first day of National Poetry month and Creative Saturday. Write a poem using any form on any subject you want. Have fun. Be creative. Rusty Dust Welcome to the tenth level of hell, Where the dust is the color of rust, And heat gust up form a fiery well. Each time a poet enters your hear a bell, Echoing though the layers of rusty dust, Welcome to the tenth level of hell. In here the poets must eternally dwell, And every day their rhymes they have to thrust, While heat gust up form a fiery well. Hour by hour the bell continues to knell, Its rusty tone greeting the well versed: Welcome to the tenth level of hell. So come you poets who have skills to spell, Who have no allergies to dusty rust, Where heat gust up form a fiery well. Who like the eat chèvre and drink zinfandel, Served on sourdough trays with thick rust crust, Welcome to the tenth level of hell, Where heat gust up form a fiery well. Line Count: 19 Form: Villanelle with a rhyme scheme of aba aba aba aba abaa. |