We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life. |
Actors have to play many roles on stage. Some of the roles are similar to the character of the actor, himself or herself. Some roles are totally opposite to the person playing the role. I once had another actor encourage me with the words, "You are so not the character-role you are playing." That was a big load off my mind because my role in that particular play was a rather obnoxious individual, who was always more interested in his own opinion than in anybody else's. The truth is that the original word from which we get, "hypocrite" is the root that means a stage actor (or someone, who plays like somebody else.) If you are typically cast in roles that are similar to the person you are "in real life," then that scenario is called, "type-casting" (or playing a role that is similar to who you actually are.) This happens to me often. I am more often than not cast as a professor. The other roles are usually professional men of some sort, like the director of a TV station, a dentist, one of FDR's Cabinet members, a school board member (aka Barber Shop Quartet 2nd Tenor in The Music Man,) a narrator and the director of an insane asylum. Apparently, my face and physique do not lend themselves to leading man material. I have never been the handsome, hunky guy that makes all the girls swoon. Honestly, it's safer this way. I've been married to a great lady for over 30 years, who thinks of me as her leading man. That works for me! Besides, support roles have one very important characteristic. Support actors need to be just as good as the lead actors or the lead actor's performance could suffer. Michael Jordan couldn't have been Michael Jordan without Scotty Pippin. Larry Csonka couldn't have been Larry Csonka without Jim Kiick. The Miami Dolphins of the 1972 Perfect Season couldn't have completed that amazing run of games without the No-Name Defense. The leads get the glory, but they stand on the shoulders of others, who willingly give the glory to them. I guess support actors are hypocrites to some degree because we wish we could get the glory, too, but knowing our places in the successful run of our shows is often all the glory we need. by Jay O'Toole on March 26th, 2017 |