The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues |
Monday, March 20, 2017 A good beginning My mood is positive and I took a short walk. The Motivational Monday prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" Actor/Podcaster Michael Rapaport, born on this day in 1970, once said "I think if you go into something looking at people as better than you, if you give people too much respect, I don't think it benefits you or them." What's your take on this perspective? Have you ever been in a position where someone you've really looked up to has expressed admiration of your work as a writer? The only person I remember expressing a positive statement about my writing was one of my brothers. He said I was a good poet. I'm happy with that because I've never expected anyone close to me, except my mother, to make a positive statement about anything I do. I realize this is the results of having a dysfunctional family. I don't think I look up to my sibling any more the I look down on them. I simply accept them as they are and realize that it's difficulty for any of us to express emotion. I think everyone on Earth is entitled to respect. One human being should give another human being respect until that person show the don't respect you. Once the prove they have no respect for you then you simply distant yourself from them. There isn't any use in having people in your life that don't respect you. Once you distance yourself from someone you don't talk about them or put them down. If you can't say anything good about someone then you shouldn't say anything at all. When you distance yourself from someone you place that person and the situation in God's hands. After that then you pray for the person. |