The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues |
Sunday, March 19, 2017 Another music icon has died! Chuck Berry stepped through the door which separate matter and spirit and ascended into the concert hall of eternity. The Sunday News prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" It was announced on Saturday that the world lost music legend Chuck Berry at age 90. Ponder for a second this line in the article I linked- a quote attributed to author Chuck Klosterman: "Which rock star will historians of the future remember?", substitute "rock star" with any given position or occupation of prominence (or, if it suits you, don't) and answer the question. Which will historians of the future remember most easily? Chuck Berry the Father of Rock & Roll Chuck Berry epitomized Rock & Roll. His music and his life style scared the shit out of my parents' generation. His music spoke the the souls of my generation for the same reason it frighted the generation before me. Interestingly enough, I don't remember either my parents or my grandparents saying anything derogatory about the music or the artist. Which is interesting since we were Southern Baptist, perhaps not staunch Southern Baptists, but Southern Baptist none the less. Mr. Berry will be remember for his music and his influence on the music of America and the world. He will be remember for his "bad boy" life because many of the songs he wrote, he wrote from experiences. This is how music and poetry should be written because these genres should reflect the state of the culture and the life of the artist which is influenced by the culture. The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" prompt for DAY 1102 Chuck Berry, who passed away Saturday at age 90, once said "I grew up thinking art was pictures until I got into music and found I was an artist and didn't paint." I don't really have a prompt for you today; just be an artist in some way with words. How Do You Know If You're an Artist? You may be an artist if... |