I have 33,680 points in my National Consumer Panel account. There are 2 things on my Wish List (1) Supersonic 10.1" Windows 10 LapTab for 154,000 points and (2) Supersonic 9in Display 8GB Memory Android Tablet for 112,000 points plus there is a sale on a Samsung Galaxy Tab E-Tablet Android 5.1 (Lollipop) 16GB 9.6- Inch for 134,000. To purchase the Samsung Galaxy E-Table I need 100,302 points, but there are only 81 left in stock. If I can earn the points before that item is gone, I will purchase it. Other wise I nee 120,320 points for the Supersonic Windows LapTab or 78,320 for the Supersonic Android Tablet. I may just go ahead and decide on the Supersonic Android Tablet.
I have 3,970,547 GPs in my Gift Points account. A 12-month Premium Plus membership cost 4,199,500 GPs so I need 228,953 GPs to purchase a 12-month Premium Plus membership before June 30, 2017.
This morning's entry doesn't look like the normal Thankful Thursday entry, which I think is good because it gets me out of my rut. Before I made the entry I composed a response to today's "
30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS"

prompt "
Wildcard Thursday: Overcoming Arachnophobia"

. After that I ate lunch and went for a ten minute walk. I think it was ten minutes; however, I'm not sure. I checked the time before I went and didn't check the time immediately after I returned. I'll do better on Friday or later today (if I take another walk).
Afternoon Gratitude
I posted the following to "
Spiritual Newsletter (March 15, 2017)"

: "My meditation consists of chanting God's Most Great Name in the morning and then sitting quietly for a few minutes. All together it takes about ten or fifteen minutes. Today (March 16) I started walking for about ten minutes. While I walk I attempt to focus on my steps or repeat a prayer that I have memorized. It's difficulty to keep this up for ten minutes, but I think it will get easier as the days pass."
Yesterday I posted two prayers to "
Bicentenary Poems and Prose"

. One was the Short Obligatory prayer revealed by Baha'u'llah and the other was "The Remover of Difficulties" reveal by The Bab. I'm contemplating posting a couple of scriptures in the introduction as well. However, at this point I'm not sure which ones or if I should post any scriptures to the introduction. I want to get started planning the poem to post in that book. I'll have to say some prayer for inspiration this evening before going to sleep.
I've been thinking about themes and subjects poems for "
Bicentenary Poems and Prose"

. I think I need to start by answering the six questions suggest in "Six Honest Serving Men"
by Rudyard Kipling. The questions are what, why, when, how, where and who. I think I need to answer at least one of the questions in a prose poem.