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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/905934-Night-and-Spring
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#905934 added March 3, 2017 at 2:44pm
Restrictions: None
Night and Spring

Prompt: Let's create a list of ten things that happen at night. Look your list, what bothers you the most and what makes you the happiest? Are certain nights better than others?

1. Blankets falling to the floor
2. Moon peeking in through the curtains
3. Hearing the air-conditioner or the heat come to life
4. Spouse’s snoring, mostly crescendoing in lower musical notes
5. The sound of a siren from a distance
6. The clock’s light responsibly bright
7. The haunting shapes of the furniture in the room lacking their colors
8. Feeling my hair spiny and messed on the pillow
9. The thought of a misstep I took during the day that enforces a smirk
10. Imagining a wormhole through the walls, opening to the unknown

Hubby’s snoring and the moonlight make me the happiest, and I also like imagining stuff, be it scary. *Laugh*

The least I like is probably the siren in the distance. It makes me worry about an unknown someone in trouble or pain.

All nights are good for me, especially those when I read before I sleep. Good or not-that-good, a night doesn’t etch too much negative feelings in me. When push comes to shove, I tell myself, “I’m still breathing, aren’t I!”

Mixed flowers in a basket

Prompt: Spring. Green grass, bunnies, robins, rain, Easter. Let's write about spring.

I've grown wishful for spring,
imagining the garden
wrapped in its green-grass cloak,
bunnies like nosy toy cars
whizzing about in the rain,
robbins singing cotton-candy songs,
and Easter rolling off my tongue
while I walk around
with Chaplin-esque steps.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/905934-Night-and-Spring