My thoughts released; a mind set free |
I'm feeling better today, even though it didn't start out the best. The Dinger, my Lab/Springer mix named Hannah but often just referred to as the Dinger, woke me up by pouncing on me. With my back all messed up, this was very uncomfortable and somewhat painful. Of course she doesn't know any better and just wanted me to get up. From there, I moved my to the living room and sat down on the loveseat and she hopped up on my lap for her morning loving. This is our normal routine, and even though the loveseat isn't very comfortable for me when my back is out, I try and stick to our routine, because she doesn't understand if it changes. So, by the time I had my first cup of coffee and spent some time with my wife and Hannah, my back was hurting pretty good again. But, once I got myself set up in the kitchen with my laptop and spent a bit of time in WdC, the pain started letting up without having to take anything other than some Ibuprofen. Yes! no muscle relaxer or prescription pain medication today. That means I have a clear head instead of being somewhat lost in a opiate induced haze. I also had my blog mentioned in "February 2017 Blogging Bliss Newsletter", which was a pleasant surprise. I not only enjoyed being mentioned, but enjoyed the newsletter as well. So of course, I subscribed and joined a blogging group mentioned within. Now, knowing that my blog is getting read, I would like to make it a bit more enjoyable for others to read. That was the idea with joining a blogging group, to get some prompts for the days when I just can't think of much to write in here about. By this time I was on a roll so I also entered into the Weekly Goals and set a goal to do more reviewing and to add another item to my portfolio. I'm thinking about another poem since I received so many nice reviews on the last one, "Summer Storm" . Of course, since I'm now a member of "Blog Harbor" , I'll be reading over other blogs and hoping to meet some of you. |