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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/904503-Humans-and-Animals
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#904503 added February 12, 2017 at 8:59pm
Restrictions: None
Humans and Animals
Prompt: Which animal species do you think has the highest regard for humans? Which one do you think thinks the least of humans? Don't be afraid to tell us why!


Highest regard? I don’t exactly know the answer to this, but in my experience, cats and dogs are equally friendly to humans. Although dogs usually seem friendlier, cats also can be very loving and accommodating, too. Then, in the wild, some people are able to form relationships with some species. Speaking for me, birds in the wild are my favorites to watch and interact if at all possible.

As to animals having any regard for humans, how can they when we take over their habitats, dry up their food sources, then put them in cages inside zoos? Judging from my restricted point of view, I’d say elephants and monkeys might think the least of humankind if they can grasp what we’re doing to them. Imagine another species killing us for our teeth…That’s what poachers do to elephants.

Then, primates in zoos end up getting human health problems, especially the diseases that affect the intestines, and the palm oil humans extract from some palms doesn't help either for that action results in leaving little or no food for the young wild monkeys.

I don't think humans, in general, treat animals very nicely, and because of that, chances are most animals are wary of us.

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