Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/904467-Pachyderm-Potty-Predicament
by ccb
Rated: NPL · Book · Comedy · #2111881
Tales about going potty, sometimes right in your pants.
#904467 added November 16, 2023 at 10:24am
Restrictions: None
Pachyderm Potty Predicament

There once was a pachyderm dressed all in pink who was going about her day in school like any other day. Little did she know that this was the day she was going to learn how to deal with some trouble—BIG trouble—and that sometimes being patient just might land you in even bigger trouble!

The little elephant sat at her desk in class listening to the teacher explaining her lesson. It was an everyday 4th grade classroom, the usual classmates sitting and answering questions, the same posters and whiteboard notes, not too bad of a day outside. It was almost completely normal—that is until the little elephant began feeling kind of funny. She didn't feel sick, just sort of weird for a few minutes. The teacher kept on with her explanation as normal, and everyone else seemed like nothing felt out of the ordinary. The little elephant relaxed and waited for the strange feeling to pass. But unfortunately, it didn't pass. In fact, it started to get weirder and weirder...Soon, she started feeling REALLY funny—until she finally realized it was her tummy. Her tummy felt like a pot of soup that was coming to a boil. At first, it was just a strange, sticky feeling in her stomach. Then, he tummy growled even though she wasn't hungry—and then her belly felt heavy. Super heavy! She sat in her seat trying to wait for the feeling to pass, but before she knew it, she realized she didn't just feel strange...She realized she had to go potty. Bad!

There she sat as quietly as possible as she squrim left and right, as her heavy stomach rumbled lowly. She couldn't even listen to what the teacher had to say since all she could think about was going potty. She thought about going to the bathroom, but she felt embarrassed even during those times when she had to number one in class. Even asking to go #1 made her too bashful. She usually waited until she went home to go to the bathroom there. She had needed to go #2 in class before, but she never even thought about asking to do that—it was way too embarrassing! She simply waited until after school in that case as well. But this time was different. She had to go potty worse than ever! And the funny thing is that she didn't have to go this morning, or even at all at school. She just happened to get a potty emergency out of nowhere and she just didn't know why. But she sure did have to go, and she sure didn't want to do it at school. She desperately crossed her legs as her stomach rumbled with a lowered tail. She just tried her hardest to hold it in as best she could.

The clock kept ticking ever so slowly as the pachyderm in pink squirmed nervously in her chair. No matter what the teacher was saying, all she could think about was going potty. The worst part was that the day was barely over with. She didn't know how she was going to hold it in for the rest of the school day, but she kept holding on nonetheless. Every time her tummy calmed down, a few minutes later it would get all upset again, and it just kept getting worse and worse. All she could do was sit there silently, squirming from side to side as the teacher and other students talked. She tried taking a deep breath, and hoped it would get better. She was afraid she might get called up to the board, or that the class might start an activity. Any sort of movement would be too much for her to handle. She let out a worried sigh as her stomach rumbled again. It seems like about half of the school day was over, and the other kids were getting up from their seats. It seemed like she missed the announcement that recess had started! She gulped, rubbing her stomach. She certainly wasn't in the mood for climbing a jungle gym or rocking back and forth in a swing, but she might just have the chance to sneak out to the bathroom outside the classroom. She was worried about going potty at school, but this time was an absolute emergency.

She got up with the rest of the class, slowly. She walked as though her stomach was a bucket full of water, careful not to move too quickly. She waddled in back of the rest of the class, slowly slid out the door, and shuffling towards the outside door, trying to fight the urge to walk with her hooves covering her bottom. Her tummy rumbled as she exited the school building, making her look towards the restrooms inside the other part of the school building. She carefully turned the corner, and to her surprise she saw a few other kids standing near the door. She began getting more worried, wondering if someone was inside already. Even if there wasn't, she couldn't very well walk in front of all those children and make them wait while she took care of such an embarrassing issue! Everyone would be able to hear her, and someone could walk in on her. She didn't know if there was any toilet paper, or if the seat was dirty...It was all too much to think of! But she didn't have many choices. She just couldn't bring herself to go in front of all those kids. She decided to try to wait out on the playground for as long as she could, and then maybe she'd make it to the bathroom after.

There she was, standing alone in the sun behind a slide in the middle of the playground. Her stomach was just as upset as it was before, and it was only getting worse. Standing up made her feel like it was only going to come out faster. At this point, she couldn't help covering her bottom with one hoof, her bottom tightly closed as it was. All the while her stomach crying out, making her legs shake. She felt like the kids in front of the restroom were still probably there, and didn't feel like walking over there, especially since she didn't want anyone knowing she was watching the door. She started breathing deep again, trying to relax in the shade of the slide above her. Then her stomach started sounding different, and got much louder. Something was REALLY different!

She closed her bottom as hard as she could, but this time it didn't matter. Her tummy rumbling like crazy, and it just wouldn't stop. She put both of her hooves over her bottom, crossed her legs, but nothing worked. Her tummy slowly growled, getting louder and louder, and the pressure in her bottom getting worse and worse. Uh oh. Now, it was definitely potty time—it didn't matter if there were other kids around, or if the bathroom had other kids in it—it was now or never. Her legs shook as she looked side to side on the playground. Her tummy bubbled as she tried making her way across the playground. She waddled carefully across the wood chips, but she couldn't soothe her upset tummy at all. She just tried walking over to the bathroom as quickly as possible. It was only after a few steps that she couldn't move her legs—they were shaking way too much, and her tummy hurt so badly she couldn't stand it. She stood there, middle of the playground, worried about what might happen—and then on top of all of that, her stomach bubbled and felt even worse. It was simply too much to handle! She couldn't walk any further, but she couldn't possibly stand it, either. She stood there, hoping her stomach would calm down, but it just felt worse and worse. Finally, it was just too much. She held her breath, hoping things would just calm down. Before she knew it, her legs stopped shaking. She gulped as she bent her legs slightly. She was just trying to calm her stomach down, but unfortunately, it was just too late for that. She did feel just a little more calm as she stood there. Her stomach rumbled and her bottom began feeling more loose and relaxed. She stood out of the way on the playground as kids played around her on the other playground equipment, talking and jeering at each other. The pachyderm in pink let out a sigh of relief that her tummy was finally calming down, but of course, it only meant one thing—Her stomach felt calm, but she felt a rush of pressure heading out of it. She froze at this familiar feeling, the feeling you get only when you're sitting on a potty, not when you're outside playing. Her bottom opened up, tail raised. She wanted to desperately to stop what she was doing, but just didn't have the energy. She simply stood frozen as nature finally took it's course, her rumbling stomach finally slowing down, her bottom letting off some steam, and all at once a big rush of relief flowing out right there on the playground. In the end, it just couldn't be stopped...

She pooped her pants! The poor pachyderm simply couldn't hold it anymore, and ended up going to the bathroom right there on the playground. Her panties were absolutely bursting full, making it really hard to walk. Her pants were so full that it looked like someone dropped an entire chocolate cake down the back. She froze, completely embarrased underneath he slide, doing her business in the shade. She couldn't think of anything, all she could do was stand there doing her business, loudly plopping out of sight. She was letting out more than just a little trumpet—she was sounding more like a trombone, making a silly yet rather lame sound. She felt unbelievably bashful, but at the same time, felt a whole lot better. She was so nervous, yet she had to breathe a sigh of relief because she finally ended up going potty...But it just so happened to be in the middle of the playground!

Soon, her tummy was quiet, and she felt a lot better. However, her bottom was super messy. She barely tried walking, but her butt squished all over, and the big bump in the back felt like a major weight hanging there in her pants. This was terrible! She had actually pooped in her pants—something only babies do! But here she was, in bad need of a change of panties. She reached back to cover her bottom only to find the lumpy pants were simply too big to hide with a single hoof—even with both hooves you could see what she did. She wouldn't dare squish down on her bottom, her rear end was enough of a mess, she couldn't make it worse! But she had to do something. Recess was going to end soon, and children were running around everywhere. She sniffed the air with her trunk and was shocked to realize it was her that was causing such a funky smell. If anyone close enough to talk to her, they'd smell it too. She couldn't go back in and she couldn't stay around the play ground. She just had to get away, that's all there was to it.

She slowly swung her droopy pants around to the jungle gym the slide came off of, and walked backwards until her back touched the pen, her pants almost squishing against it as well. She walked along the side of it, hoping no kids could see her rear end. She crab walked along the side, her mushy tushy squishing and squashing, making her blush and whimper. She made it around to the back, and watched the nearby kids. As soon as they ran around to the other side and no one was inside, she tried moving as fast as possible to the bushes near the edge of the playground, nearby the fence and trees. She began a fast walk, but her bottom felt a funny feeling. Splat! She slowed down as much as she could, but still tried getting far away from the kids. She turned around and walked backwards into the bushes shyly, hoping no one saw her poopy bottom.

The poor pachyderm hid behind the bushes, dreadfully ashamed of the big mess she made in her pants. Big girls don't go potty in their panties, Yet there she was, a big girl who had indeed went potty in her panties. She did it in front of all the other kids, it was hot outside, she had to hide from everyone, and the smell was beginning to get pretty funky. It just couldn't get any worse! All she knew was that from now on, when nature calls, you'd better answer it right away! If only she had the courage to answer nature's call in the bathroom, she wouldn't have to do it right there on the playground. She sighed with a beaming red face, trying to keep out of sight from the other kids. Soon, it was just about time for recess to end. What was she going to do? She absolutely couldn't go back, not like that! But she also couldn't very well stand there the whole day with full pants.

Soon all the kids had gone inside, and she was the only one left in the bushes. She was standing for such a long time, and wanted to sit down, but that would just make a bigger mess. Finally, a teacher came looking around outside. The little elephant really didn't want to tell anyone what she'd done, but she had no choice—the teachers were the only ones who could help! She waved and cried to the teacher from behind the bushes, who came over and asked what was wrong. The poor pachyderm started to sniffle as she told her what happened. The teacher said that everything was going to be alright, and that they'd clean her all up in the nurse's office, and let her call her mommy to go home if her tummy wasn't feeling well. After saying she was sorry, she gingerly stepped out of the bushes, took the teacher's hand and waddled her mushy tushy all the way to the nurse's office. They cleaned her up and had her sit in a fresh towel until mommy came while drinking some juice meant to make her stomach feel better. In the end, it all turned out just fine, but she sure knew she didn't want to go through anything like that again. That day, she learned three things: It's okay to go potty at school, accidents happen, and most importantly, when you've gotta go, you've gotta go!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/904467-Pachyderm-Potty-Predicament