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by ccb
Rated: NPL · Book · Comedy · #2111881
Tales about going potty, sometimes right in your pants.
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#904460 added November 16, 2023 at 10:22am
Restrictions: None
Potty Tale Fragments

“Listen, we can't stay here too much longer. The kid's about to do it in his trainers. I really don't think we can get to a bathroom in time.” The father bear said into his cell phone. He looked down at his son, who was holding his stomach with a pained expression, crossing his legs and squirming frequently. “No, no the concert isn't really over yet but we really have to go. Listen, we're gonna start driving back...” He grabbed his son's paw. “Come on little guy, and yeah we gotta keep more wipes in the car just for a case like this.” He paused. “I thought his diarrhea was gone too. Well, it really isn't.” The little bear hopped up in his seat.

“Daddy I have to go right now!...” Squeaked the toddler. The father spat out into the phone “Alright, gotta go, gonna take care of this, love ya babe!” and blew a kiss into the receiver before hanging up. He picked his son up and held him over his shoulder and rubbed his back, feeling his stomach rumble against his own shoulders. “There, there,” he said walking into the crowded parking lot. “think you can hold it until we get to a potty? I promise it won't be long! We'll stop at a store or something and you can go potty, is that okay?”. The kid weakly said “I don't know...” reaching one hand back under his tail. “I have to go really, really bad...” he said while clutching his rear trying to hold back the mounting pressure. His father, nearly jogging got back to the family car, quickly setting the boy down as he hastily unlocked all the car doors, opening the door only to hear a sound not unlike an empty ketchup bottle being used.

The little bear groaned hard. “Oh boy, that didn't sound good.” the father said. He crouched down to his son and told him “Alright, turn around for just a sec...”. The boy did what he was told and the father slipped down his shorts around his knees to reveal his white training pants. The kid fidgeted and crossed his legs as his father examined his behind, then put his big paw up against the boy's seat to check for any damage. The kid's bottom felt mushy.

“Ah...Alright kid...” he said standing up. “I guess you can just let it rip”. The boy, shaking, said “huh? I have to...I have to go number two...” the father cut him off “Yeah I know, it's okay. Just let It rip right here.” The cub quickly tried taking off his pants and bent down, but the father remarked “no no, leave your pants on, just go potty in your pants. It's okay.” the boy pulled his pants back up as he hovered on bent legs, grunting and doing his business right where he stood


“But I have to go now!” Said the gorilla toddler, both hands clasped over his bottom. The teacher looked back from the stage and replied “but it's almost time! Now come on, be a good boy and just hold it in. No one likes a doody-pants!”. The little boy said “Bu-but I...I have to go...now!” he began to whimper. The teacher assured “No you don't! now come on and put on a show with the others!” as he pried apart the boy's hands and shoved him out into the spotlight to join the other children. He walked with bent knees, this mind only on one thing: holding it.


The little fox burst out of the classroom, his cheeks pressed tightly together as his stomach tied itself up in knots. He felt the sharp pressure in his bottom grow as he neared the men's room. There were two of his classmates just exiting the bathroom, their attention being taken by the desperate fox's waddle. The two bullies took advantage of the situation. The cheeky, gray wolf pressed himself up against the door and teased the incoming fox. "Where are YOU going?" he probed. The fox's heart sank as he slowed down and tried to compose himself. It was a nearly impossible challenge, his system fooled into thinking he was so close to being able to relieve itself. "Nothing..." he replied, timidly. "I think he has to go potty!" the brash, stocky rhino suggested. The fox began to blush and stayed quiet about the issue. The wolf followed up. "You gotta go poo poo?". The fox shook his head weakly as he tried getting past the bullies and into the bathroom. "Well?" They both said, blocking the door. The fox's efforts to pry them away were useless. He was falling apart, and tried saying anything to get them to go. "I need to wash my hands..." he said, his voice shaking. "It'll..." He tried finishing his sentence. "It'll be quick" he finished, being cut off by his own stomach's pained howl. It seemed to echo throughout the hallway, the way his stomach began acting up.

The bullies began to laugh. "I think he's gonna do it!" The rhino said. "Do what?" the wolf said, continuing "I think he's gonna go poo poo in his pants." the rhino cut back in by saying "Yeah I KNOW, I think he's gonna go his pants!". The fox felt so weak, so deflated he couldn't even defend himself, let alone disagree. "Just let me go to the bathroom!" He squeaked. The wolf put the handle even farther out of range and nearly barked "Can't let you do that, poopy-pants!". The rhino brutishly added "Yeah, poopy-pants!". The fox was drained. "Stop it! I need..." His voice lowered. he looked right into their respective eyes as he tried to continue. "...to go, I need to..." he meekly offered in their giggling faces. His rear felt warm. It had already started, and he tried all he could to hold whatever he could back. "Come on, I don't care, I just need to go." He began to spurt out. "WHY?" The wolf asked. "What's the rush? What are you gonna do in there?" he berated. "I...I..." The fox began, dirtying his clean white briefs. "I don't know..." His voice again broke up. He started to slowly move backwards, as if he could try to get away or at least stop the impending smell from reaching the bullies. "What do you mean you don't know?" The wolf said as they both put on their oblivious looking faces.


Middle-of-Nowhere, Georgia, had to have been the early 1960's. The kids didn't know what to do with themselves, what with it being summer and no school to be bothered with. Anything to pass the time with the exception of maybe reading a book was an option. The children just squirmed and wandered around their small, dusty town, in either a state of pure energy or tapped out on the ground somewhere, much like the adults after work. A donkey had a small clubhouse his father threw together out of spare wood a few weeks prior. It wasn't used too much until one of the kids got the bright idea of starting a clubhouse. A few terrible names were painted on and crossed out over the clubhouse's side or top over the course of the summer.

Inside said clubhouse on a particularly busy day for the group inside. It was still summer, still nothing to do, so the children decided to play truth or dare. They always saw their parents playing games at tables in their house, usually involving cards and dice followed by getting into fights. They didn't really understand any of those kinds of games though, so they just had to work with what they had. Everyone piled into the clubhouse and got ready to see what interesting things would be said or what silly things they would make each other do.

After the stampede of animals piled inside, they immediately wanted to begin but didn't know with who. The donkey who owned the clubhouse wanted to draw straws, but they didn't have any. So they wanted to flip a coin, but no one had any of those either. Somehow they came to a conclusion and got to business. It seemed like a rather boring game so far, since no truth request came with much creativity and all the dare requests seemed to all involve standing on one's head or other mundane physical task. Until one particular donkey got an interesting idea. He was about to say it, but couldn't quite bring himself to. He whispered the request to his victim, yet another donkey, whose face scrunched up at the request. The other donkey protested "No!" followed by "Well, I mean...I don't think so.". He was confused, as were the rest of the children. The thought of a dare too intsense to perform brought interesting imagery to mind for the rest of the children. The other donkey whispered to the club owner what it was to see if it was against the rules, not that any were set.

The club owner donkey suggested immediately "Well sure, you can do that, right?" not understanding it wasn't a question of physical ability and more of a humility issue. "Ah!" Said the other donkey. "Wull, yeah I can!" he blurted out, afraid to seem like he was too yellow to do what he was told. "I mean...Do I have to..." He said and then continued whispering about the rules. The club owner said "Um...Well, he did dare you to do it!" he said shrugging his shoulders. It was clear even he didn't know if it was okay to do what was being asked. The other donkey resigned and got ready for what was asked of him. He hesitated for a while, leading the other children on, just having curiosity build up inside them. "What was it?" some asked. "Do it!" others demanded. The pressure was building, and the other donkey was being pushed into it more and more. The other donkey frowned and quickly replied "Okay, okay, I'll do it!" bending over into a comfortable squat. "Just give me a second..."He bashfully looked at the ground. He was indeed fulfilling his dare, and the other kids knew it was due to the funny smell that had just filled the clubhouse.

Everyone playfully covered their nose and looked at him. The poor donkey that fulfilled the dare tried desperately to think of some sort of excuse to get out of this one. The donkey who asked was snickering, one hoof over his snout. A hog blurted out "He made ya go doody in yer pants!?'. To which the donkey said "Uh-huh, it was a dare, I had to do it!" trembling, trying to convince the others with gusto. "S-so what?" his nervous edge beginning to fade, and in fact performing a bit more of the dare as he did so. The original donkey said "I can't believe you did it!" laughing obnoxiously.


"Oooooh..." A round, worried pachyderm murmered as he cluctched his stomach. "I have to go to the bathroom!" he said to another elephant in the line. "Dude, don't worry about it, we're almost there!" the scruffy one said looking back. "Come on, we're next!" He grabbed his friend's hoof has he waddled into the loading area for the ride. The attendant walked them to their seats and strapped them inside, the belt pressed over the distressed elephant's stomach only making matters worse. The second elephant said "See, don't worry, you'll be okay!" in an assuring tone. The sick elephant bit his lower lip as his stomach tossed and turned. He tried to say something, he tried to motion to get off the ride, and he tried holding his stomach harder than before, but the pressure was just too much.
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