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Rated: GC · Book · Fantasy · #2109831
The world has forever changed with women now being heroines and monsters roaming.
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#903041 added January 24, 2017 at 5:20am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 1
Paramouriors Chapter 1

A young blue eyes and black haired young man walked with his phone out. He was playing the new sensational game Pokemon Go. His lightly tanned skin was shaded from the sun the rather cloudy weather. His khakis swished with each step as he thumbed at a caterpie. Catching it he fist pumped with his free arm making his blue Red Vs Blue Caboose shirt flap.

Grinning he took the bill of his Danmachi Hestia Familia icon hat and whipped it back and forth. Putting back on his head he grinned in victory at his sixth day streak. It was a game that came out only a couple of weeks ago.

The young man had tied to his waist through a belt loop a taco bell bag. He walked in his black air jordans. His right side had a small pouch that most likely had a form of self defense judging from the sloshing that came from it with each step.

His darth vader light saber tie rode on the new breeze that kicked up. His smile was worn wide and carefree until a crash was heard from behind him. Eyes wide he slowly turned around to see one of the monsters that popped up last year.

Flaring its nostrils the bull monster growled holding the phone poll like a weapon of choice instead of an improvised weapon. Exhales were heard from the monster as it bellowed out a sentence, “Meat. Why should be a monster and you a man?”

Gulping the young nerd shook in his jordans, “I didn’t release the cosmic particle. Why are you hunting me?”

With a swing down of the phone pole the monster didn’t bother to answer the question. Instead letting violence be his reply. The young man closed his eyes as he jumped to the left. Crash! The pole smacked into the pavement and sent a wave at him. Stumbling the young man hit the ground and looked up at the monster.

Growling the monster moved to attack again when the telephone pole was sliced up at the top. Landing was a woman dressed in azure armor. Holding a pair of sky blue swords having her red hair blow in the wind. Her freckled cheeks and green eyes gave away that she was Irish or from the UK in general.

Flaring up the pair of swords released blue magical energy that dripped drops of water. Taking up her short sword she aimed high as she said to the monster, “Have you no shame? Hunting a man based on vanity? And one that only has the reflexes of a worm? He is barely rival to a centipede.”

The young man barked at the Queen Arthuress, “Hey! The worm has a name, Camm. And I could rival a millipede.”

Reaching for his right pouch Camm put his phone away with his left hand. Pulling out a few small vials of green liquid. He also had a pair of throwing spikes in his hand between his pinkie and middle finger holding the vials with his index finger and thumb. Throwing the vials he watched as they smashed into a spray.

The Queen Arthuress looked to Camm perplexed, “What are you doing? Bathing him?”

The monster had a fog pull around him as he was caught off guard. With a snap Camm threw the two small throwing spikes at the monster. A strike at the cheek and nose the monster wailed in pain. Backing up the monster was now open for an attack. Looking to take the window of opportunity the Queen Arthuress went in with a dash.

Aiming her short sword she had cold water drip faster and extend the sword like the spray from a high pressure hose. The blade of water made short work of the tough hide of the monster allowing her to plunge her regular length sword into the now open wound of the monster’s arm. Words appeared as she looked up glaring at the monster’s neck, “Thrash of a Stag, I shall end the battle with a crash!”

The antlers of a deer appeared around her as she charged with her swords. Pushing off the arm she moved in with her swords having water whip off them and slice up the throat. Bellowing the bull monster tumbled over and laid to rest.

The Queen Arthuress turned to Camm and walked down to meet the young man. Looking at him she bowed her head slightly, “Thank you, I’m sorry for saying you could only rival a centipede. You can obviously face the spider even in its web. My name is Miss Grace Campbell. I would like to know your name.”

Camm smiled at her, “Camm Clerk. And thanks for the compliment I guess.”

Nodding Grace looked at him with a blush and a smile, “You jest, not many recognize my compliments when I give them. Surely, you did not recognize that I think higher of you now witnessing your skill in battle.”

Laughing Camm replied to her, “Battle? I just threw a bit of chemical fog that I bought along with some throwing spikes. It’s just something to help out. But, now I’m out of defenses. I could use an escort to my house where I have more supplies. Mind taking me?”

Smiling Grace has her swords dismissed as water poured from the air. The water gathered into a horse and chariot with the hooves connected to the now various forming puddles, “Escort? Why escort when we could ride in style.”

A gargle emitted from the water made horse as Camm and Grace boarded the chariot. With a smile Grace spoke with conviction, “Go forth!” 
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