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When I wish not write, I come here. To relieve my thoughts. |
Updating my blog 2.0 No, I don’t know what the version number means either, I put it there sometime to remind me, that a newer or ‘more recent’ update is needed. That I should do this with some sort of regularity. However, as many know and more will one day find out, not everything in this world goes according to plan. Sometimes, not even close, then there are those days we throw out the plan altogether and short of ‘winging it’, we improvise. Life has been busy, no wait. Life is always busy, it is I who have been busy lately. Between seeking new sources of resources for my consulting. To more personal matters, I have been bogged down in a “nose to the grindstone” fashion. It amuses me today, other days it’s truly an annoyance. How I can’t wait to update my blog, I get all settled in. Everything within reach, of my arms that is. Should I need a sip of refreshment, or a paper towel to wipe a drip, to my note pads and other things I like to have handy when I write. Least not forget, my seat in a most comfortable position, my surroundings as I prefer them. Quiet is this house where should something move or be disturbed, I’d know if it were a mouse. Yet again as often as before, and again in the future many days will come more. I am ready, set, what? What was I going to write about? As I laugh to myself, out loud you would hear, if you were here. I’ve done it again, I’ve sat down and completely forgotten what I wanted to write. This is one thing I like about Blogs, they help me unload the words, and I later check my grammar. As for spelling and punctuation, had these been laws, I’d be in the slammer! Even my blog, for once it’s posted, it’s been read and reread over and over. I edit and correct as though I was a teacher. Though I know little, call it just enough. How to fix the words, and broadcast all this worldly stuff. Today was for me, a good day here in New England. The weather warmer than normal, on what would be a cold winters day. I am a fan of the summer, I prefer it that way. Swimming in the ocean, enjoying the beaches, and all the people who come out to seek pleasure from the same meaningful reaches. I know it’s been too long since I have unleashed my passion, writing for me I do so in many schools of fashion. Today, the way a runner may have been away from the track, or treadmill, a baseball player away from their bat. I look at my “word count” and think wow, would you look at that. I haven’t reached 500 yet, which I care not, for 1,500 could pass and notice I would not. I guess the point I’m making, to myself you’ll see. My fingers are merely stretching, as my mind wanders aimlessly. I did wish to thank you, all readers of three. I do joke of this time and again, for who and how many are known only to me. Not even the database knows this answer, as I take to pen and paper now and again. Be it three or 3,000 my thanks are all the same. While my blogs are more about what I’m going through, or to do. It is you, I write the stories and articles for. I remind my readers, I have already read this stuff. It was from day one forward, it hit me. I have words in my head, gifted if you will, when the timing is right, onto paper they will spill. Those words are your words, from me to you. In the same fashion as passing a message, I am given knowledge. Then like the message, let’s say Sam says to Sally. I write an article or short story, and from it my readers absorb what was intended for them. While my stories all appear to make sense as a piece to its own. There are thoughts in there, each will find it’s home. On thought’s and homes and knowledge of such. I reviewed my notes today, almost three years old. Almost three years since I have written them I guess is the accurate truth. Notes on how, what why I could not stop the words from flowing on a cold winters eve. More than forty years have I walked this worlds surface, not once ever, having a desire to write. Three years ago, (almost) was when I joined this fine website. I imagine some thought “oh great another nut”, while most have encouraged me to continue to do what it is I do best, with that in mind, I do my best. After only a glance at my notes from your past. Do I know with conviction, this world is not ready yet, for the knowledge, nor am I sure I can word it, in a manner that lasts? We live in a world, that for answers we seek, often times we look outward, when inward is everything that we will ever seek. As I try not to get lost in old cliché’s and keep the unlearned from the properly learned, in two separate thoughts now. Reminds me, some habits are hard to break. Words like ‘Insight’, ‘Instinct’, ‘Extra Sensory”, are all true. Because of the nature of the Beast, I am ever careful, how I relay those subjects to you. Of those habits, of many to break, I keep catching myself looking back, to see what the words I’m writing, the form the are to take. Then there’s the curiosity of how much editing, etc. I will have to do. I promise you this, for as crazy as it may sound. I only look for typos, and grammar errors. Things of the language to be found. As for the subject, or ‘messages’ of any sort. I do not edit those, as they are placed upon my thoughts. We share thoughts for many reasons, and if I edit my thoughts, the Beast has won. To this day, I’ve edited no information share. Not even one. Short of correcting the use of the language, the meanings and messages will remain, as they always have. I do wonder and often muse, how does one tell Eight Billion people, ‘you’re all telepaths’. A statement that to this day, will still bring you great grief, if not worse, as they anger the great Beast. The Universe had warned me, in a fashion many adore. What is real, what is fake, do we know anymore? The Universe will guide you, along your path, much the way God, and the Heavens do. There are Angels among us, most of us know this to be true, everyone else wastes time wishing, on something they can’t see. How would you know and Angel from a Human at a glance after all? I don’t know either, nor would I try. I do know, put me in a room, and time given enough. I’ll know how many Angels and Demons are with us, more accurate than any guy. What does that make me? A barometer of heaven and hell? Silly thoughts, I’m sorry, I toy with them well. I’m no barometer. I’m the guy in the baseball stadium, in the crowd, who caught that home run ball, I’ve taken it home, not to display on my wall. To tell its story one day is all I am sure. Until then, I continue to write, and learn, how and which words I must use, for many of the things in this entry alone, people were once slaughtered, for uttering their intended use. All I can say, it’s a gift I have been given, of positive energy. To share it with a world, in dire need. The Beast is aware, and though I’m protected now, by warriors of ancient past. The Beast and its minions, seek to destroy us all, not in a fiery blast. But in a slow and miserable design, well look around you, beyond the ‘Rose colored bifocals’, for the Beast is winning on this planet called earth. One thing it had not counted on, was One, coming here upon Birth. |