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#902757 added January 20, 2017 at 2:21pm
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My personal shift in consciousness
This is a blog entry in response to the Community Newsfeed challenge, "Note: 48-HOUR CHALLENGE : Media Prompt Deadl...".

This song seems like it was written for me in this time of my life, now that I really sat down to analyze the lyrics. They reference "I've been losing sleep" in the song, and I have battled insomnia and hypersomnia for years. Lately the insomnia has been so bad and my mom has noted that my sleep/wake cycle is completely shifted to where it's 6-12 hours behind everyone else's that I went online to see if anybody else had been experiencing this too. The first link I went to in the results was a jackpot, because the author of the article I chose talked about how he has Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder, which is basically when your body's internal clock, or circadian rhythms, are running on a day that's longer than 24 hours, like it can be 25 hours or even 30 hours, which makes it harder and harder to fall asleep at the same time every night because your body instinctually wants to stay awake longer to complete the longer day. That then leads to huge problems in the morning because if you can't actually fall asleep until around 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. and then you have to get up at 8:00, it's really hard to function on only 4-5 hours of sleep, especially when you've already accumulated a lot of sleep debt. So the author's solution in the article was light therapy. It seems simple enough but I bought a light therapy device that comes with a timer, and he advised to do it every morning for 30 minutes, and after a week you should be back on track with a normal sleep/wake cycle, and then 15 minutes every morning thereafter for maintenance. I've used it 5 days so far and it's getting better and I'm definitely way more awake after the light therapy! I eat breakfast and check my email while I'm sitting in front of the device. I'm so thrilled that I finally found a solution to a problem that's been plaguing me for the last 20 years.

OneRepublic also references in the song that they'll be "counting stars" instead of counting dollars from now on. I saw those lyrics as very symbolic, but their meaning was clear to me. The world lately has been to commercial, too capitalist, and I feel like we're living in Ancient Rome again with the bread and circuses. The masses are being controlled by major mind control (by the government) and if you don't think that's true, as anybody some basic history trivia and watch their faces go blank, but ask them which show Snookie was on and they won't hesitate to tell you the answer! It's mind control at its finest. So instead of counting dollars which is what the higher ups want us to do, we should be focused on counting stars, which to me refers to the major shift in consciousness that is currently underway. A year and a half ago I found out I am an empathy and so much has made sense to me after that realization, but it's also very difficult to live with my abilities because I have to learn how to control them to not soak up people's negative energy all the time. We are entering the age of the psychic where a lot of people are awakening to their inherent capabilities, and the more we embrace it, the more advanced we will be. I could analyze every line of the song but that would create an essay instead of a blog post so I'll leave it at that for now. Thanks for reading!

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