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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/902617-Who-or-What-Rules-Us
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#902617 added January 19, 2017 at 2:00am
Restrictions: None
Who or What Rules Us
Prompt: Are we captains of our own fate or just passengers? Write your views on this.


If we were the real captains of our fates, would we die?

We may think we are in charge. We may act as if we are in charge. We may even impress others with our self-determination and independence, but at the end, we all fall to what the fate or our genetic make-up has in store for us.

Still, for the length of time that we are alive, if we exercise autonomy and use whichever freedoms we may grasp, maybe for a limited time period, we might consider ourselves as co-captains.

Mixed flowers in a basket

Prompt: "I am going to make today so awesome that yesterday is going to be jealous." How are you going to make today awesome?

I just live through each day, trying to be my best self. The idea of “awesome” would scare me, and I like to live without scaring myself.

On the other hand, if we, as human beings, work hard to do better each day, we would improve more and more, and I guess yesterday would be jealous if any time that is in the past could have feelings.

Mixed flowers in a basket

Prompt: Mahatma Gandhi said, “The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.”
Do you think the power of love can overrule the love of power…ever? What are your thoughts on the subject?


Although the saying sounds so beautiful, I don’t think it is doable for the entire population of earthlings. I wish it were, though.

The way the humankind has been behaving has demonstrated over and over that the love of power is addictive, and like any addict, a person who has tasted power and enjoyed it wants more and more of it. Greed, money, and fame--when disused and destructive--are the driving forces and the results of love of power.

Because of this addiction factor, love of power wins over the power of love, even when love is probably the strongest emotion we can feel. I am sure, though, for some saintly people, here and there, power of love may win over love of power. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like those saintly people will be able to spread their ways and feelings over the entire world.

Still, maybe we can hope...

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