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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/901839-Learning
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#901839 added January 10, 2017 at 6:51pm
Restrictions: None
Prompt: One of my sons came home from the second day of his Kindergarten career and announced, “I learned enough.” Taking your whole life into account, have you learned enough or at least as much as you’d like to have learned?


I might have learned a lot but not enough. I would have loved to learn more, a lot more. Yet, to learn more, I probably need several additional lifetimes. Cross that. I need an infinite number of lifetimes because all knowledge multiplies, and possibly before it started multiplying, it was unreachably vast in the first place.

The study of psychology says learning is a key process in human behavior. I have to say that learning is a key component for the welfare of all living beings. A raptor that hasn’t learned hunting, for example, cannot live, build a nest, or even adjust to the weather and other conditions of its environment. Practice and experience make up what learning is, and a true learning continues with a change in behavior for any amount of time.

There are many areas of learning aside from theoretical and scientific knowledge, such as attitudes, problem solving, training the physical body, training the mental reactional behavior, etc. The best kind of learning, I think, is learning how to learn and learning to share what we have learned.

I don’t think I have mastered all of the above-mentioned learning areas, let alone all the established knowledge even in the specific areas I have studied. As I mentioned earlier, one lifetime is never enough, no matter how advanced one’s mental capacity for learning is.

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