It's...well, okay, it's TECHNICALLY January 5, but it was the 4th when I tried to start this entry, before I got distracted by an e-mail. Anyway, main point is I'm not actually doing my stuff at the last min! MIRACLE! Or I'm dying...sometimes it's hard to say which. lol
I managed to finish "All the Light We Cannot See" and do a review on it, THANKFULLY! It's nothing special, but I didn't love the book, so... (In my defense, I have memory and sequencing issues and it was a bit hard to track with parallel stories converging while simultaneously going back and forth in time. On the good side, the chapters were really short! )
I also got my Candidate/Candidate poem done with Lostwordsmith ("Working Through Writer's Block" ), my Candidate/Sponsor poem done with Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ ("Pet Menagerie" , my Candidate/Group poem done with Lostwordsmith, Mare ~ extended hiatus, andn kerrimiller ("Each In Their Turn" ), and decided to do my Candidate/Partner poem with newbie wykedcrafty ("Making Friends" ). (She seems really cool. I'm glad I met her!) It was an interesting process and I don't regret working with any of them, but I will say that it's easier to do it alone. lol And, the larger the group, the more complicated. But all in all, it was good. 
I've been working on my blog posts for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" . TECHNICALLY I don't have to start until...well, today, but I started on the 1st to get into the habit. I didn't want to miss out on my points because I didn't get every day. However, I did suggest that in the future since we don't have to do all 30 days, just the 5-25 (I think), that it might be better if we have the whole month, but can miss a few days as needed. Sometimes it just happens.
I'll be signing up for Comma Sense and The Grammar Garden with "Invalid Item" in a couple of days. While I am nervous about being able to finish both, especially since the Comma Sense class is supposed to be so hard, I'm looking forward to being better at grammar and punctuation since that's really all I'm able to review when I read folks' stuff anyway. lol
Speaking of reviewing, I've even done my 3 reviews for this month! I normally do them on the last day. This is just CRAZY! I'm not going to know what to do with myself. Now with this blog post, I've done everything I can for the month until New Horizons opens or they give us another assignment.
And don't think I've just been doing Rising Star stuff. I've finally figured out how to do cover images and have put on a bunch of those. I've also done the "Dear Me: Official WDC Contest" letter (which, technically, is why I started adding covers lol) and did a blog entry for "Note:
48-HOUR CHALLENGE : Media Prompt
Deadl...". I've just been on FIRE! I sent some poems to my old social worker, Mike, because my last military unit wanted to put them in their newsletter. I've also started researching other locations I wanted to submit stuff to for publication. I have no idea what's going on, but hopefully I can keep this up while I'm in New Horizons! lol
Well, that's about all. Adios!
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