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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2103224
Follow Grim's attempts to overthrow Queen
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#898972 added June 6, 2017 at 1:40am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 3: Exploration
Today was a phenomenal day in Panzia. Who would've expected that, on some seemingly unsuspecting day, the world would know there's life out there? Not only that, but they seemed very laid back, like they were just coming on some vacation. And yet, it felt like there was some extraordinary power behind them. Furthermore, they merely asked to learn about the planet! Then came the president of the nation, Felix, a horned owl wearing a tux and red tie, standing up to chest level of the figure resembling a skunk. When he approached, he bowed to the being.

"Dear, extra terrestrial being, please show benevolence to us beings," Felix said. "We are more than willing to fulfil your demands!"

I haven't done anything, and they're already bowing to us, Queen thought to herself, inwardly chuckling. Unfortunately, for now she had an image to keep up.

"Stand, bud," Queen said as she put a hand on the back of Balaa's head, rubbing it. She helped the owl up to his feet. "We're not here for anything extreme. We just wish to know more of the universe around us, Mr..."

"Gale. Felix Gale," the owl finished as he stood backup. "Y-you're here to learn about us?"

"Of course, bud. Now, why don't you show us around town?" Felix shakily bowed, and offered a hand to Queen. She took his hand, and he led her down the steps, followed by Pandora and the green cats.

"May we have your names?" Felix asked as they walked.

"On my planet, I'm known as Queen," the skunk said. "And this sweetheart is Pandora," she said, motioning towards the red panda, who waved in response.

"What beautiful names for our beautiful visitors," Felix said, trying to stay on their good side.

"Oh aren't you just the sweetest," Queen said.

Felix led the aliens around the town, showing them the towns, houses, hotels, usual city stuff, not that Queen or her subordinates cared. This whole world was gonna be subservient to them some day, so they couldn't care about such menial things. It wasn't until the museum that they started to take note of certain things. The president showed them the foundations of their law and how they came to start constructing their cities, but then came the ancient technology.

The one they were looking at appeared to be some sort of ark. Or at least what was left of it. It was made of cold steel, and where neon lights would be, there was just blackness. Black, powerless trails running around the edges of the ark, which was split in half. Pandora and the cats had no reaction to the tech, but Queen glared on at it with venom upon spying a blank emblem on the port side.

There used to be a full circle, but an upper portion was torn off while the rest of the emblem was in tact. It resembled a mongoose face. The sight made Queen's blood boil, though she wouldn't let any of Panzia's citizens see it.

"After much excavation, technology like this was found scattered across the world," Felix began. "From boat-like structures like this, to suit-like structures appropriated by our military. Top scientists have investigated the technology, and found no match between any material we've excavated and the material used in this tech. You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, do you?"

"Not. A. Thing." Queen said, trying her hardest to not erupt into a violent outburst.

"So, another alien?" Felix asked.

"None come to mind." Felix began leading the crew away, Queen keeping extended eye-contact with the ark's emblem before eventually breaking contact and following the president. After they left the museum, the president and crew rode on a truck. That truck began leading the crew towards the military camp, where, at the front gates, there were rows upon rows of soldiers on either side of the road, saluting the approaching truck.

This show of submission would almost be enough to take Queen's mind off of the ark. Almost. At the gates of the military was the general, Pierce, who was also saluting. Everyone got off of the truck and the president started to lead Queen to the gates.

"This is our military," Felix began, motioning towards the saluting men. "They are the pride of our country, and top pilots of the refurbished ancient technology."

"Ooo! What kind of tech?" Queen asked.

"Pierce, won't you show them?" Felix asked the general. Pierce bowed to Felix and motioned Queen towards him. Queen followed Pierce into one of the bunkers. Inside, she saw more machinery, just like the ark they saw in the museum. Except this steel took the shape of bodysuits and guns bigger than most of the soldiers' arms.

"Once we received the tech to excavate the tech found on this planet, we went to quick work to reshape them into tools for the protection of our planet," Pierce said. Queen made sure to walk close to them, close enough to brush her fingers along one of them. "The scientists can tell you more about how the machinery was reprogrammed into fighting machines, but, from what I can gather, the tech used propulsion technology, presumably to get off of their planet, so what was excavated was retooled such that the propulsion was redirected to the guns, essentially making a powerful cannon." While Pierce talked about the machines, Queen reached for the arm of one of the suits, and squeezed. The gauntlet completely collapsed in her tight grip.

"Very fascinating," Queen commented. Her fellow cats and Pandora took note of the gauntlet.


After Pierce showed her around the base, Queen and her aliens regrouped in Aphrodite. They were meeting in Queen's throne.

"That tech shouldn't be dangerous, as long as we get our hands on it," Queen said. "However, if their projectiles are as dangerous as they say they are, then that could be a problem. Lay low for now, soldiers. Wait for my cue, then strike." The aliens all bowed in response, before leaving the room. All except Pandora. "Something on your mind, Pandora?" Queen asked.

"Does... does that technology bother you or something?" Pandora asked.

"What do you mean?" Queen asked.

"You seemed upset when we were looking at them."

"...A long time ago, there used to be more of my kind."


"But some race decided that they didn't like to see my kind prosper. They began a war, and devastated my people."

"Oh Heavens!"

"Somehow, we beat back the invaders. They left with only a single vessel. We survived with less than a hundred of us. I guess this is where those aliens turned up."

"Do you think-?"

"I don't know yet. If those monsters turn up, then I'll be sure to deliver unto them the wrath of everyone they murdered."

"As will I!" Pandora got close to Queen, looking very eager to help her out. Queen gave her a grin.

"That's my girl." Queen stood, and held Pandora close. "Why don't you head off to bed? We may require you at your peak performance, soon." Pandora stepped back, and bowed before Queen. She ran off out of the throne room. Queen grinned at the red panda. This was one of those times Queen was reassured she made the right choice back when she took her in. She didn't even need to use her pheromones to coax her into doing her bidding, she just had to raise her into a good little soldier. Queen looked up to the ceiling, and began to speak to no one in particular.

"I don't care if you're just as strong as you were back in that war. If I see a single organic remnant of your species, I'll make sure you're erased, just as you tried to erase the rest of us." Her species' near extinction was one of the few truths she told. After her species was reduced to such small numbers, her species divided up to fly to other planets and indoctrinate the species. Once they were susceptible to her, she'd make sure to breed with the males and produce offspring of the species. That was the justification anyway. The mission may have been to repopulate, but the ladies sent to repopulate were feeling a little selfish after their species got close to death. They wanted compensation for the fear they felt as their numbers dwindled down to double digits. And nobody could convince them that this path wasn't deserved.
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