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Rated: E · Book · Romance/Love · #2098114
This follows the October Nano Prep Challenge... for part 2 of Fractured Dreams - Moving On
#895937 added October 29, 2016 at 11:00pm
Restrictions: None
Day 29 - Setting Description - Contest #4 - The School
Saturday, Oct. 29
Required: Contest Round 4: Setting Description #2 â–¼
Describe a setting in words. Use all five senses and make your reader experience the setting as if he or she were there. Add the description to your setting database (if applicable.)

*Submit your ITEM or ENTRY number by 1200 noon WDC time on Sunday, Oct. 30 to compete. WDC time is New York City time and can be found at the top of thisIM Console . If you miss this deadline or choose not to compete, you may still post your assignment completion for the grand prize per the standard Prep guidelines.

The summer heat was heavy that day. Taygen took her walk over to the school slowly. She cut through the park where people clung to the shady areas, laying out on blankets, relaxing. She cut up along the bus terminal where the city buses fumed and groaned as they waited for passengers to load. At Charles Street she dipped around the fountain dragging her fingers through the cool water before crossing the street and heading into the dimness of Cafe Pyrus.

Dana was behind the counter and greeted her with a warm smile. Taygen smiled back.

"I'm not staying. I just need a coffee... medium roast, please." she told Dana.

"Sure thing. Anything exciting going on today?"

"I am meeting up with my teaching partner over at Suddaby. We're gonna set up the classroom and try to get our heads around the first few days of school."

"I see." Dana chuckled. "She's the lady you've been meeting with here?"

"Yeah, but today we can get into the school. The custodians have given the go ahead, so we can set up our classrooms and get our hands on more resources."

"Sounds like a plan."

"It's nerving and exciting all rolled into one."

"I'll bet, well good luck."

She left shortly after with her large metallic travel mug filled with the heavenly aroma of fresh coffee. She took Charles street all the way over to Queen street before turning and heading into the heart of King Street. She headed all the way up to the library before cutting across the parking lot to ___ street and to the lights that would take her right to the school's property.

Suddaby was one of the oldest schools in the region. It stood back from the street. Old and auspisious. For its age, it was well built. A grand three floors with huge windows and twelve foot ceilings. Being a inner city school there was no room for portables. The front area had a fenced in area for the kindergarten students and there was also playground area with slides and monkey bars. The area was generally not used all that often when recess was happening. The students were asked to play in the back where visibility and fencing kept the students away from the busy streets.

As Taygen made her way across the grassy area she noted a few children climbed over the bars and slide down the slides. It was hot and they moved slowly. They all waved as she passed by.

"Who are you?" one of the girls called over.

"Ms. Campbell. I'll be teaching here next week." she called back.

"Really." the girl was excited now and moved closer. "What grade?"

"Grades 3 and 4 with Mrs. Scott."
The girl beamed broadly, "I'm in grade 4, maybe you'll be my teacher. I'm Diana and this is my friend, Lori." she pulled the girl over and wrapped her arm around her. Lori beamed up at her.

"Maybe. It is very nice to meet both of you." she told them as she smiled back. "They'll be putting up the class lists today or tomorrow."

The girl nodded. "We've been watching for them. We can hardly wait."

The two girls walked with her over to the entrance door and held it for her to go in. Then they waved and scampered back over to the monkey bars.

The door closed on their laughter as the coolness of the darkened interior surrounded her. There were lights glowing up from the basement, but the upper hall was in shadow. Only the light coming in the front windows illuminated it and from the office. She headed up the stairs stopping at the office to say hello to the secretary, Mrs. Andrews, who she had met earlier in the summer when she had had the interview and again when she had gotten her access key.

"Good morning, Mrs. Andrews."

"Oh, Ms. Campbell, is it?"

Taygen nodded.

"Please, call me Marsha. Last names are much too formal for the summer." She gestured to her outfit. "As you can see I am not giving up my shortie shorts until I have to."

Taygen chuckled. "Yes, that is so true. I'm Taygen."

"Taygen." she repeated, "You are here to set up your room?"

"Yes, Cassie's going to meet me here."

"Well, that's good. You remember where the room is."

Taygen nodded, then with a little wave she headed across the large open hallway towards the the staircase that lead up to the second floor. She loved the hardwood floors. There was something so real about them. This school was not build from a mold. It had Character. It had History.

Before heading up, she peeked into the gym. The lights flicked on as she stepped into the room. It was not a huge gym, but it was large enough to hold all the students for an assembly she was sure. The ceiling rose to the full height of the building. At the far end the stage stood with its curtains open.

Stepping back out, she made her way up the old wooden staircase and smiled at the creaks it made as she ascended. There would be no sneaking around this old school.

Her room was at the top of the stairs almost right across. The door was closed, but she could see into the dim interior back lit by the grand windows that ran the full outer wall. The hall around her was empty.

Using her key, she let herself in and left the door open as she moved into the space. She marvelled at the dark wood closets - now empty. She gazed up at the twelve foot ceilings and around at the white board and blackboards. In her mind's eye she could see the room full of colour and energetic students. Standing there she felt a nervous mix of energy. Excitement bubbled just below the surface. She was ready, but she was also not ready... but she knew that she and Cassie would be ready by next Tuesday. The room would be transformed from this enormous space with desks shoved into the corner, to something all the students would feel was their personal space. It would become warm and welcoming. It would become a place where learning flowed and built upon itself. It would be a place where they all connected and learned together. Taygen could hardly wait.

As she stood there feeling the potential of the room, Cassie slipped in beside her. Sensing her, Taygen smiled, but did not look at her yet.

"It is glorious isn't it." Cassie whispered reverently, "We are on the cusp of wonderful things."

Taygen could not agree more.

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** Image ID #1855238 Unavailable ** My owl signature from Gemini Gem. Winter trail scene
© Copyright 2016 💙 Carly - February is here! (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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