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I have tried to summarize my observation with vivid and simple manner. |
Let us keep in mind that we choose between absurdity culture and repentant culture. The belief that there is a third option IS absurdity culture which is a refusal to recognize that they are refusing repentant culture! Repentant culture is the recognition that we have an extremely severe problem which is really continuity fear. It's so severe that to not work on it diligently is absurd, one must give great attention to this problem which is really the only problem we have. It's the problem that makes all other problems seem real even though they aren't! If one is not putting great emphasis on evaporating continuity fear (and there are various ways to do this) then automatically they are swept up into absurdist culture by default, there is no way around this. At this time in the world, there is a great collective decision to turn away from repentant culture and try absurdity culture for another go around. For those who are repentant, this is not helpful, in fact it could very well drag us down into absurdity which is a place that we have labored greatly to avoid. Therefore there is a plan to provide safe harbor for those who are repentant. I don' t have the details but trust that the details have already been worked out by the Dharma Kings. We will not be left to be pulled down into darkness. It is pragmatically too difficult for one person to be right and every else wrong, those who are wrong will claim that it isn't possible for one to be right and everyone else to be wrong, so they will insist that the one who is right must be wrong and they won't relent on this. The crucifixion of Jesus is an example and He was showcasing this to us for a reason. Personally I don't expect to be able to stand up to the world going forward. Especially after the US election, we will have zero chance to turn the situation around for awhile. At that point no amount of inspiration will work, people will feel defeated and bitter and hopeless. For awhile no one will be in the mood! And it's tough to repent under the circumstances, not impossible but difficult. So heads up going forward, take good care of yourself as if you are going to have a fabulous vacation, this is what I've been told to do. Feel at home with the sublime as if you are suited to it and it to you. And keep in mind that the Dharma Kings did warn us that we would reach such a time, where we wouldn't be able to stand up to it, so they don't expect us to be able to do it, we just wanted to give it a try but they were right!!! Dharma Kings right again! |