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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/895316-Flip-Flops
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#895316 added October 23, 2016 at 1:02am
Restrictions: None
Flip Flops
PROMPT: Is there a choice or decision you've had to make in the last year that you wish you could reverse the outcome of? How should it have ended up?


The title of this entry, in no way, points the finger at the presidential candidates. It is about shoes, but I guess flip flopping tires anybody out whether it is in the head or on the feet.

Thus, chugging along, this prompt is a tough one because I don’t usually sweat over my choices or decisions. I think what’s done is done and go forward from there. A decision with an outcome I didn’t like has been difficult to dig up.

It may sound silly but the only thing I could think of at the moment was a pair of pink flip flops I bought, only because hubby wanted me to get them. Why I agreed, it passes me by. I guess I gave in to his good will or his wish to do something nice for me. It isn’t that I never wear flip flops. I do and a lot, but they all have a good amount of sole and excellent arch supports.

These flip flops, however, were a name brand but plastic and made in China, had very little support, and they cost over $60. For such a thing, if I were shopping on my own, I wouldn’t even spend $10. Still, just to please him, I said yes when he said I should get them, and I honestly tried very hard to wear them after we took them home, but they weren’t comfortable to walk on. They were probably meant for 14 year-olds since their soles were flat and thin.

So without saying anything to him, I wore them a little at a time, and less and less often. After a while, they took a permanent spot at the end of my shoe rack, and then, they found themselves in the AM-Vets donation bag.

I really didn’t like to give them away because they meant something nice concerning my husband. I wish there would be a way I could have worn them or I wish I could have steered his good will toward something I could use, something fitting for my presidential feet.

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