I travel the country on business, sometimes the world. Come see where I've been. |
First, thank you for all your comments about the many photo-Trinkets I've created. I knew the latest one would draw a lot of comments/questions, so waited to post it. Now for that promised explanation. I delivered a class to the Port Of Los Angeles in June 2013. It was delivered at their office, which is part of the dock where tour ships tie up between cruises. When class was completed on Friday, I headed back to the hotel to relax. I planned on returning to the same parking area that night because an event was being held there, 'Cars & Stripes Forever'. (Another story though). On my way to the hotel, I looked over, and saw a low lying fog bank obscuring the lower portion of large cranes used in the nearby commercial shipyard. I thought it looked interesting, so I stopped to snap a photo. As I do frequently, I then zoomed in and snapped a second one. I was just as startled as you when I saw it on my laptop later. When I start delivering a class, I have this closeup photo displayed on the screen, and tell the students that contrary to popular believe, aliens HAVE visited us, and I have proof. So now you know what's in the photo of that 'mysterious' Trinket. |