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#894255 added October 28, 2016 at 4:46am
Restrictions: None
Beta: Trinkets
Trinkets are a Beta feature. Terms, rules and policies regarding Trinkets are subject to change. We apologize for any bugs or oddities.

Trinkets are virtual collectibles, or Writing.Com’s version of a trading card. Their intent is to be one of the tools you can use to create and/or grow your place and influence within the site community. Each Trinket has a Title and a Description which are shown to anyone who views the Trinket display box, and a Full Text section which is displayed only to those members who have a copy of the Trinket in their collection.1

All Writing.Com members can collect copies of trinkets. Each member can collect and hold only one copy of any Trinket. All members can collect them, drop them, and trade them once they are transferable.

Each member has a Trinkets: Collected page and a Trinkets: Created page linked from their Community tab. These pages are automatically maintained and have the same access restrictions as the member's Community tab. Other members who have access can view these pages. Trinkets cannot be collected from these display pages. Each member's own Trinket pages are also linked under their Points menu in the left column.

Collecting a Trinket
When a Trinket is displayed in a location where it is to be collected, it shows the framed image. Depending on who is viewing it, it will show just the image, or it will show the image and a Collect banner across the front of the image.

If the person viewing the location is a guest or a member who is restricted from collecting a Trinket, the Trinket will not show the Collect banner. Clicking on the Trinket will open the Trinket display box and show the title, the Trinket, its Description text, a status message [*Xr* This Trinket can not be collected here.], the Trinket creator, the creation date, and the number of Trinkets collected.

If the Trinket shows a Collect banner across the front, the member viewing that page can click on the Trinket to open the Trinket display box, which shows the title, the Trinket, its Description text, the Collect! button, the Trinket creator, the creation date,and the number of Trinkets collected. The member can then click on the Collect! button to complete the collection process. The display box then adds the Full Text, and the Collect! button changes to show a success message [*CheckG* Trinket Collected!]. The number of copies collected is not updated. The Trinket is automatically added to the member's Trinkets: Collected page. Note that this is not the full view of the collected Trinket display case.

Once a member has collected a Trinket, on any subsequent views of a page where that Trinket can be collected, the Trinket image will no longer display the Collect banner. Clicking on the Trinket will open the Trinket display box to show the member the full view of their own copy of the Trinket.

Viewing a Collected Trinket
When a member clicks to view a Trinket they have collected, the display box shows the eight-letter ID number of the Trinket, if visible, at the upper right. The title, Trinket, Description, and Full Text are displayed in the middle. Below that is a a status message [*Checkg* This Trinket is in your collection.] followed by the serial number of the collected copy. At the lower right, the display box shows the creator of the Trinket followed by the creation date, and below that, the total number of copies collected and if applicable, how many copies are in a limited edition, followed by the Trinket tool buttons. Collectors have two tools: Transfer and Drop. The Trinket creator has additional tools and information as discussed below.

Transferring a Collected Trinket
Transferring a Trinket removes it from your collection and transfers it into another member's collection. Collected Trinkets retain their original serial number when they are transferred. There is a 1,000 Gift Point fee to make a transfer. Transfers cannot be undone.

A copy of an unlimited Trinket can be transferred after the copy is collected. If a member transfers a collected unlimited Trinket, and it is still collectible, they can collect a copy again.

A copy of a limited-edition Trinket cannot be transferred until all its copies have been collected once. This prevents one person with access from collecting all the copies and transferring them to their friends. As long as a limited-edition Trinket is still collectible, the Transfer button (near the bottom right of each copy of a Trinket) which is used to trade it, is inactive (greyed). Dropping a copy of a limited Trinket that makes the Trinket collectible again does not affect the ability to transfer copies. If a member transfers a collected limited-edition Trinket, and it becomes collectible again, they can collect a copy again.

Trades are currently on the honor system, an arrangement between members -- you give me this and I'll give you that.

To transfer a Trinket, open the collected Trinket display box and click on Transfer in the list of tools. When the transfer box opens, add the username of the recipient (not their handle) and click Verify Transfer to complete the process. The Trinket display box shows Trinket Transferred. where the Transfer tool was, but otherwise does not update the Trinket display box. Subsequent views of the Trinket display box will reflect the current status of the member in relation to that Trinket. If this action was done from the Trinkets: Collected page, that page also must be refreshed to show the current collection of Trinkets.

The charge for the 1,000 Gift Point fee will show in your Gift Point Log (under Points in the left hand column). You will receive a confirmation email, and the recipient will receive a notification email.

Note: Early in the Beta testing, some Trinkets were created with a transfer-lock option, which was discontinued. Those Trinkets are not transferable. Any Trinket created after 3 October 2016 is transferable.

Dropping a Collected Trinket
Dropping a Trinket removes it from your collection. Drops cannot be undone.

Collected Trinkets retain their original serial number when they are dropped. A dropped Trinket returns to the available copies to be collected, and the next copy of the Trinket to be collected will have the lowest available serial number. If a member drops a copy of a Trinket that is no longer collectible, it becomes collectible again; if the Trinket has been retired, the dropped copy is permanently lost. If a member drops a collected Trinket, and it is still collectible, they can collect a copy again.

To drop a Trinket, open the collected Trinket display box and click on Drop Trinket in the list of tools. When the drop box opens, click Confirm Drop. The Trinket display box shows Trinket Dropped. where the Drop tool was, but otherwise does not update the Trinket display box. Subsequent views of the Trinket display box will reflect the current status of the member in relation to that Trinket. If this action was done from the Trinkets: Collected page, that page also must be refreshed to show the current collection of Trinkets.

Using Trinkets as an Item Key
Any member can use one or more Trinkets as a key to an item. The item owner does not need to have the Trinket(s) in their own collection, but does need to know the Trinket ID number(s). The owner of the item always has access.

To view the item, other members must collect all the Trinkets specified in the Trinket Lock. A Trinket lock prevents visitors to the site from using a passkey for access. For viewing the item, both of the access restriction menu settings, the passkey setting, and the Group Edit settings are ignored.

Accessing a Trinket-Locked Item: In your port listing, viewers who have the Trinket key can see the Trinket-locked item with the default light pink "private" border. When they click to open the item from either the port listing or a link, they are shown the item.

Those who do not have the key do not see the item in the port listing. If you want those who don't have the Trinket to be aware of the item, you must provide a link. Members who click a link to view a Trinket-locked item but don't have the Trinket key(s) are shown a page with the Trinket (or Trinkets) required for access. However, they will not be able to view the Trinket display box(es) or collect the Trinket(s) there. They will have to find them elsewhere to collect.

Example of a Trinket-Locked Item:
See what happens when you don't have the Trinket key for a Trinket-locked item here: "A locked box...Open in new Window.
The Trinket key could be collected here: "Note: When faced with [Link To Item #2088368] , c..."

To use a Trinket as a key for an item, open the Advanced section of the item's edit page and enter the eight-letter ID number of one or more Trinkets in the Trinket Key(s)? text box, separated by commas. Save the edit.

Using Group-Edit with a Trinket-locked item:
Group Edit works with a Trinket-locked item. It is strongly recommended that anyone with Group Edit access also have the Trinket key(s); however, in an emergency, limited Group-Edit access can be made available to someone who does not have the Trinket key(s). Note: Those with Group-Edit access for the item have the ability to see the Trinket ID number and to change or remove the Trinket lock.

Those who have Group-Edit access can use the Group-Edit text box on the My Account/Group Memberships page to go directly to the item's edit page. They can make edits and use the Complete Edit or Save and Edit options to save the edits. If they do not have the Trinket key(s), they will not be able to view the item using the Save and View option; if they try, the edit will be saved, the Trinket lock page will be displayed, and that tab or window will fail and have to be closed.

Icon: Upgraded Membership (Small) Trinkets can be created only by members with an Upgrade+ membership. When Trinkets are created, they can be assigned special abilities, or they can be created with no special features except that they exist. They can be used to attract reviewers, for activities, for scavenger hunts, for puzzles, and more.

Uses for Trinket Features
*Bullet* The collection of a Trinket can be restricted to a particular item. When the Trinket creator is ready to allow collection, the Trinket creator can add the trinket tag to that item. Only members who have access to the item can collect the Trinket. The Trinket parameters cannot be edited, but the item's access restrictions can be edited at will.

For example, setting the item access restrictions to Preferred Members and up would limit collection to Preferred members and higher. Setting the item access restrictions to Group-only access would limit collection to members of that group.

Note: A Group-only access restriction is controlled by the owner of the Group item and anyone whom they have given those edit rights to. Be aware that any member who has a passkey could share the passkey with another member.

Note: Make sure that the Trinket collector can view the item where the trinket tag displays the Trinket. If the content of the item is inserted elsewhere, the Trinket will be displayed, but the Trinket will not be collectible at that location.

*Bullet* The collection of a Trinket can be restricted to members of a group.

For example, only members of "The Talent PondOpen in new Window. would be able to collect a Trinket that is restricted to being collected only by members of "The Talent PondOpen in new Window..

*Bullet* Trinkets can be limited to a specified number of copies, thus making them rare. Once all the copies are collected, no more are available. Then the only way to obtain that Trinket is to trade for it.

For example, the StoryMaster created a Rare Gem Trinket and limited it to fifty collectibles. "Note: In the interest of testing "limited" Trin..."

*Bullet* The ID number of a Trinket can be hidden. This option can help to limit the places a Trinket can be collected by preventing Trinket collectors who have an Upgraded+ membership from seeing its ID number in the Trinket display box and using it in a trinket tag elsewhere, which would increase the places where the Trinket could be collected.

For example, the Trinket in "Note: When faced with [Link To Item #2088368] , c..." has a hidden ID number.

Note that the owner of such a Trinket must be careful not to post the trinket tag anywhere that other members can see the code for the trinket tag.

Items Owned by You:   Anyone you have given edit rights to can view the source content in your own items.

Items Owned by Others:   Owners of Forum items, In&Out items, Campfires, Surveys, and Interactive Story items (and anyone they have given edit rights to) can view the source content you post in those items.

Sending Email:   When you send an email containing a trinket tag:

Previewing an email displays the Trinket in the preview but removes any trinket tags from the compose email form.

Saving a Draft email stores the trinket tag and displays the Trinket in the "Saved as Draft email" view, but the trinket tag is removed when the Draft copy is Resumed.

A Trinket can be displayed in a Sent email if the email is not previewed or saved as a draft before sending. The Trinket is displayed in both the Sent email copy and the Received email copy. The replacement text "(Trinket removed.)" is shown instead of the removed trinket tag:
*Bulletgr* in the email reply form to the Received email in the recipient's Inbox,
*Bulletgr* in the email reply form under the Sent email in your email folder,
*Bulletgr* in the compose email form of a Forwarded email,
*Bulletgr* in the email reply form for a stored Draft email, and
*Bulletgr* in the compose email form of a Resumed Draft email.

*Bullet* The member who creates a Trinket can retire it at any point. When a Trinket is retired, no new copies can be collected. Everyone who has one maintains it in their collection. They can keep it or trade it. If they drop a retired Trinket, that copy of the Trinket is permanently lost.

For example, StoryMaster's Sweet 16 Trinket was retired at 129 copies. "Note: With 129 collected, my Sweet 16 trinket has been ..."

Creating A Trinket
Upgraded+ members have a third Trinkets page, the Trinkets: Create New page, which is linked in the Points menu in the left hand column. To create a Trinket, click on the Trinkets: Create New link to open a page with text boxes similar to most item creation pages. This "Writing.Com 101Open in new Window. entry is linked at the top right corner of the page for easy reference.

*Bullet* The Trinket image and text must be rated 13+ or below. Trinkets exceeding a 13+ content rating may be removed without notice.
*Bullet* Trinkets are a special feature within Writing.Com. Uploading images that mimic Trinkets directly to your portfolio is not allowed and we reserve the right to remove images that are confusingly similar to Trinkets.

Step 1. Fill out the creation form:

*Bullet* Name: Enter a name of 5 to 50 characters. The characters < > or " may not be used. WritingML cannot be used.

*Bullet* Brief Description: Enter a description of 10 to 500 characters to be shown only to those who click to view the Trinket. WritingML can be used and is counted toward the character limit.

*Bullet* Full text: Enter text of 10 to 5000 characters to be shown only to those who collect the Trinket. WritingML can be used and is counted toward the character limit.

*Bullet* Frames: Choose a frame from more than 100 options.

*Bullet* Image: Be sure you have the rights to any image used, or use an authorized public domain image. The image you upload must be square or it will be distorted. If your image is too big, it will cause an error message. Tip: For better results, use an image that is in sharp focus, has good contrast, is not over or underexposed, and has the right level of detail to look good in a small size.

You can either drag and drop an image file into the image area, or click inside the frame to open a window to browse your hard drive to choose an image. Do note that when you drag/drop or click to upload an image, it will start loading below the Trinket frame. Once the upload completes (usually under a minute depend on your connection and file size), it will then appear within the Trinket frame. Tip: Make sure the image is shown right side up. If the image is rotated, you will need to import the file on your computer into a photo editing software, rotate it to the correct orientation, and save the result to a new file name, then reload from that new file.

You can use the Move & Resize box underneath the image area to position the image correctly in the frame. You can move the image with arrow buttons for up, down, left, and right and an o button for centering, and resize the image as needed with the plus/minus buttons. When you have the image positioned correctly, check the edges to make sure that the image fills the frame completely.

*Bullet* Collection restrictions: Only the direct collection of Trinkets can be restricted. After a Trinket has been collected, it can be transferred without restriction.

How many of this Trinket can be collected: ________ {Optional)

Limit Trinket collection to Item ID: ________ (Optional)

If set, the Trinket can only be collected from the item specified when you display it there with a {trinket:#######} tag.

Restrict Trinket collection: ____________
From the drop menu, you can choose the option of no access restrictions with Make PUBLIC, Allow EVERYONE!, or choose to limit access to a specific portfolio status level up to your own level, or from the Group-only options to restrict access to a group you are a member of.

*Bullet* Additional options:

*Box* Hide Trinket ID number. If this option is checked, only the creator will be able to see the Trinket ID number in the Trinket display case. It will be displayed only to you in the full view of your Trinket display box.

Step 2. Click the Preview button to view the Trinket. Clear any error conditions. Make sure the image shows correctly. Triple-check the wording and restrictions of your Trinket to be sure it is correct before submitting it for processing. NO editing is possible once the Trinket is created. All images and wording must not exceed the 13+ rating.

Step 3. The fee to create each Trinket is 100,000 50,000 gift points. Be sure to proofread thoroughly and check all the rules before proceeding. This fee is not refundable, including for rule violations or mistakes.

When you click to create the Trinket, it is assigned an eight-letter Trinket ID number. The original Trinket is stored and displayed in your Trinkets: Created page.

Once the create process has been completed, the system displays the original Trinket with the Collect banner for you to collect the first copy. If you want to collect a copy, you must do it manually. It is not done automatically. The options you chose for the Trinket are displayed at the bottom of the Trinket display box only for you.

When you view the Trinket again, all the info about the Trinket parameters and all your Trinket tools are always displayed to you as the creator. Your Trinkets: Created page also shows which ones are retired, and for limited-edition Trinkets, it shows how many have been collected and the total available. This information is shown only to you.

Displaying a Trinket
Trinkets can be displayed with the trinket tag {trinket:########} wherever an image can be displayed. A trinket tag cannot be used to display a Trinket in places that do not allow "big" WritingML tags, such as scroll or the BioBlock.

The creator of a Trinket can use the trinket tag {trinket:########} and the trinket ID number to display the Trinket where it is to be collected.

A collectible Trinket is displayed with the Collect banner across the front to anyone eligible who has not already collected it. Once a member has collected a Trinket, they no longer see the Collect banner, and clicking on the Trinket displays the copy that member collected.

If the Trinket ID number is not hidden in the collected copies, a member with an Upgraded+ membership who collects a trinket and sees the Trinket ID number in the collected Trinket display box, or who knows the Trinket ID number for some other reason, can also display it elsewhere using the trinket tag and the Trinket ID number. The member does not need to have or keep a copy of the Trinket in their collection. If Trinket collection is allowed where they display it, the Trinket can be collected from that location.

Hiding a Trinket
The creator of a Trinket can use the Hide tool to hide the original created Trinket on the Trinkets: Created page from other people. This function is provided to be used for keeping secrets from being prematurely revealed, etc. Hiding a Trinket does not affect any of the collected copies. It does not hide the Trinket anywhere it has been displayed with a trinket tag. A Trinket that has been hidden can still be collected via a trinket tag placed anywhere the Trinket's parameters allow collection. The Hide action can be undone or redone at any time.

To hide a Trinket, open the Trinket display box and click on Hide in the list of tools. Confirm the Hide.

To show a hidden Trinket, open the Trinket display box and click on Show Trinket in the list of tools. Confirm the Show Trinket.

Retiring a Trinket
The member who creates a Trinket can use the Retire tool to retire the Trinket at any time. A retired Trinket can no longer be collected. This action is permanent and cannot be undone. Any copies of the Trinket will continue to exist and can be transferred or dropped. If a copy of a retired Trinket is dropped, it will be permanently lost.

To retire a Trinket, open the original Trinket display box and click on Retire in the list of tools. Confirm the Retire.

When a Trinket has been retired, those who have collected a Trinket will see no difference anywhere they view the Trinket, unless it is a limited-edition Trinket that is retired early and becomes transferable without all copies being collected. For those who do not have a copy of the Trinket in their collections, the message [This Trinket has been retired.] is displayed within the Trinket display box. Limited-edition Trinkets will still display the number initially available with the number that were actually collected.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my attempt to collect a Trinket was successful?
When you collect a Trinket, it will have a serial number. You will not see this number until you view the Trinket display box again. It shows at the right end of this status message line:
         *Checkg* This Trinket is in your collection. (Serial # ___)
Any other message in that area means your attempt to collect the Trinket failed.

What are the status messages that indicate the collection attempt failed and what do they mean?
This Trinket can only be collected by members with a higher account level.
This status message means you are unable to collect this trinket yourself. Collection is restricted to members with a higher account level (case color) than yours.

This Trinket can only be collected by members with a higher paid membership level.
This status message means you are unable to collect this trinket yourself. Collection is restricted to members with a higher paid membership level than yours.

This Trinket can only be collected by members of: [link to a group]
This status message means you are unable to collect this trinket yourself. Collection is restricted to members of a particular group that you aren't a member of.

Can the creator of a Trinket edit its settings for who can collect it and/or where it can be collected?
No. Trinkets cannot be edited in any way.

What happens if I display a Trinket for collection in a passkeyed item?
When someone who has the passkey accesses the item, their status is not checked. The Trinket defaults to displaying the Collect option.

This means that the Collect option can be shown to someone who cannot collect the Trinket, either because they are a guest or they do not meet the collection parameters set up when the Trinket was created. If they attempt to collect the Trinket, a status message will be displayed in the Trinket display box to indicate the error condition, and the collection attempt will fail.

Can I display a Trinket to be collected only after submitting a survey?
Step 1. Create the Survey item. Set it to Private access until everything is set up and all steps are completed.
Step 2. Create the Trinket. When you fill out the form, put the item ID of the Survey item in the Limit Trinket collection to Item ID: text box.
Step 3. Create a Static item and include the trinket tag with the Trinket ID number in the Body text box. The Static item can be set to Private access. The Trinket cannot be collected directly from this item.
Step 4. In the edit page of the Survey item, scroll down to the Survey Settings area. (a) Select the Single Submissions option in that drop-menu. (b) Put the item ID number of the Static item in the text box that shows Static Item to Show After Submission.
Only members who complete the Survey can collect the Trinket.

Does the Image Limiting option apply to Trinkets?
Yes. In My Account/Account Settings/Site Display Options, the Image Limiting option for Forum posts also applies to Trinkets. If the number of Trinkets on the page exceeds the limit set by the viewer, any excess Trinkets will be replaced with the message "Trinket over display limit. -?- ", which links to that Help Topic page.

Is there an upper limit for how many copies a limited-edition Trinket can have?
No. For example, it would be okay to use 1,000,000.

Can the creator of a Trinket see a count of how many times the collectible version of the Trinket has been viewed so they can compare it to the number of copies that have been collected?

Can the creator of a Trinket see an automated listing of who currently has a copy and which serial number they have?
No. Any automated list, even just for creators, of who has them takes away from the mystery of Trinkets. I've modeled much of it on real world trading cards: the owners of those cards are not known to the people who produce them... though there are lists of who owns the rarest ones because they've been compiled.

Is there a listing of all the Trinkets that have been created?
No. There are no plans to provide an automated listing of Trinkets. People have to share what they create or what they find. The idea behind them is that these objects are scattered around the community to find and collect, so an automated listing defeats the concept. Members of the community can compile/create their own lists, which works within the concept of creating and growing community.

My community tab says I have collected a certain number of Trinkets, but below the displayed collection, it says the total found is fewer. Why?
If you collected a Trinket that was later removed by the site, that Trinket will no longer be displayed on your Trinkets: Collected page. For example, during the Beta testing, all the Trinkets that wound up with the image from StoryMaster's Rare Gem Trinket because of an error when they were created, were removed.

Can collected Trinkets be organized, sorted, or grouped in the Trinkets: Collected page?
No. Collected Trinkets are listed in the order that they were collected, with the first Trinket collected at the top.

Do Created Trinkets count toward Community Recognition?

Do Collected Trinkets count toward Community Recognition?

Do Collected Trinkets have the option of a physical version?

Are Trinkets an item type?

Do Trinkets count as a portfolio item?

Will the trinket give access to my trinket-locked item if I have Blocked that person?

Do Trinket-locked items get pulled for the random Read & Review requests?

Am I allowed to post my trinket-locked item on the site plug pages?
No. That wouldn't be fair.

On the appropriate site plug page, you could plug a member-run open-access item that explains how to interact with a Trinket-locked item. For example, a Forum item could be used to provide the directions for Trinket-locked scavenger/treasure hunts, or an In&Out item could be devoted to requesting reviews for free verse items accessible via an exclusive, transfer-inactive Trinket given only to reviewers who understand and like free verse.

If I put a Trinket lock on a folder, does that have any effect on who can access the items contained in that folder?
No. For those without the Trinket key, the folder contents will not be accessible from your port listing, but the items will still be accessible via site search, a direct link, etc.

Will a passkey work for a Trinket-locked item?
No. When an item has a Trinket lock, the page to enter the passkey is not displayed to anyone. The passkey is totally ignored in all cases.

I sent a public review to a Trinket-locked item. Will the review be visible to other members who have collected the Trinket?
Yes, if you provide them a review link. Public reviews of a Trinket-locked item are treated the same as reviews of passkeyed or Group-only items. Such reviews are not listed on the Public Reviews page or on any sub-listings. They are only visible through a review link. A review link for a Trinket-locked item checks for Trinket access restrictions, and displays the review for anyone who has the correct Trinket(s).

If I tag someone in a Trinket-locked item, and that person owns a copy of the proper Trinket(s) at the time of the tagging, will they get a notification?

If someone already has a particular Trinket, can I transfer another copy of that Trinket to them?
No. Each person can only hold one copy of a Trinket at a time.

Where can I find images to use in creating Trinkets?
One source is www.openclipart.org, a public domain clip art library.

What happens to a Trinket made by a member whose Upgraded+ membership expires?
A Trinket created when the member previously had an Upgraded+ membership will still show on the member's Created Trinkets page after the Upgraded+ membership expires, but the member will no longer be able to use the trinket tag to display it elsewhere. Any places where they posted a trinket tag previously will display a message (Trinket unavailable.) instead of displaying the Trinket.

The collected copies of the Trinket are not affected. If the Trinket's parameters allow it, other members with an Upgraded+ membership who know the ID number of the Trinket can display it so it can still be collected. Transfer-inactive limited-edition Trinkets remain transfer-inactive until the edition has sold out, if it does.

What happens to the collected Trinkets when the member who created the Trinket leaves the site?
The collected copies of the Trinket are not affected. If the Trinket's parameters allow it, other members with an Upgraded+ membership who know the ID number of the Trinket can display it so it can still be collected. Transfer-inactive limited-edition Trinkets remain transfer-inactive until the edition has sold out, if it does.

Recommended Reading

1  Written by northernwrites, JACE Author Icon, Jeff Author Icon, and The StoryMaster Author Icon

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The StoryMistress has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/894255-Beta-Trinkets