Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/893704
Rated: E · Book · Romance/Love · #2098114
This follows the October Nano Prep Challenge... for part 2 of Fractured Dreams - Moving On
#893704 added October 5, 2016 at 10:47pm
Restrictions: None
Day 5 - Freestyle Brainstorm & Extended Brainstorm
Wednesday, Oct. 05
Required: Freestyle Brainstorm â–¼
Spend at least fifteen minutes writing whatever ideas come to you about your plot, characters and setting.

Bonus: Extended Brainstorm â–¼
Add at least fifteen additional minutes to your freestyle brainstorming time.

The story needs to start - where - Moving out - she sets her mind to go after Carson confirms her worst fears = he has been unfaithful. Leaving is hard, but it is necessary....
Or should I start after the long weekend or back to after meeting Alex.... oh, where to start without overlapping from the first part of this story.... what scenes are there? What needs fleshing out?
September - is the time of re-establishing routine... or rather finding a new routine. In the week before school begins Taygen gets her lunches organized so that when she is invited away for the weekend she can go without too much worry.
The first week is unusual in that she stays on at the school each day to volunteer her time - her enthusiasm and helpfulness does not go unnoticed - the principal is pleased. She opts not to work with Kent the first day of school - she changes him to Thursday for that week only. She does work at the Bookshelf Wednesday, and Friday and Saturday.
The second week she lays out more of a foundation of her routine - Mornings at the school, Kent on Tuesday, The Bookshelf on Monday (4 - 10), Thursday (4 - 10) and Saturday (9 - 5pm). She plans at the library most afternoons... and does a little writing then as well.
At some point she begins to volunteer on Wednesday afternoons and her principal is inclined to have her supply in the afternoons if needed. Most teachers are aware of this and book as needed.
Also in September Taygen goes to the Eden Mills Writer's Festival and takes Myra, Thomas and Alex with her. She is really surprised that Alex is very keen.... so is Myra. Most guys she has known have not been interested in that sort of thing.
Alex also goes to Word on the Street with her - it is in the park at this point = and on a Sunday. Myra confirms that Alex really loves this sort of thing... he may even take his 'little brother' with them - or they see him there with his mother.
October - Taygen organizes a creative writing group that is to start Wednesday after school - from 3:15 to 4:30pm - it begins the week after Thanksgiving. Another teacher runs it with her.... just in case she doesn't return after Christmas....
Thanksgiving is at her aunt's place in Guelph... it is the first event she goes to without Carson - and she hasn't done Thanksgiving with her family since before she and Carson got together = they always went to his family dinners because he prefered their food better.
Alex goes home for the long weekend - up to Bracebridge or Huntsville. Taygen notices the quietness of the house without him around... though she does not dwell on it.
During October Taygen begins to prep for Nanowrimo. Taygen and Myra decide to try a little shared cooking - making Sunday a meal making day for each of them. They all contribute and get to share in a variety of meals - spaghetti, lasagna, casseroles.... and so on. Each makes a meal then shares it so that they get a weeks worth of food that has variety.
Alex is eager to go with Taygen to her Nanowrimo Kick Off Party/ Halloween party. Myra and Thomas go to a party in Toronto (Thomas's brother has one and they stay over) that Alex usually attends too, but not this year. He and Taygen hand out treats before going to her event...
November - routines are established.
Alex comes to a couple of Taygen's Nano events - he works on his own stuff as he takes in the comadrie of the group and her friends. He goes to the half way party and the Thank Goodness Its Over - TGIO - party at the end.
December - Taygen finds out she will be staying on until the end of the year.
Staff Christmas party
Myra and Thomas hold a Christmas gathering for their friends - Terri and Gwyn are invited... Gwyn takes that opportunity to really talk to Alex - see if he is good enough for her friend who does mention him often.
They all decorate for Christmas.
Christmas - Alex goes home for Christmas, Myra and Thomas are around, Taygen works Christmas Eve until 3 then goes over to her Mother's for dinner and then to church before opening presents at her mothers. She sleeps over there and they goes with her Mother to her aunt's place for Christmas Day.
She works Boxing Day as well but doesn't start until noon. That week she picks up extra hours from other staff that have gone away for the week.
New Year's Eve - party at Myra and Thomas's - Alex comes home for the party. He kisses Taygen at midnight - a quick kiss... but it buzzes them both.

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** Image ID #1855238 Unavailable ** My owl signature from Gemini Gem. Winter trail scene
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