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The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues
#892353 added September 16, 2016 at 4:38pm
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Fun Fact Friday: Thanksgiving, Hunting, and Sense of Humor
Friday, September 16, 2016

On this day in 1782
the Great Seal of the United States
was used for the first time.1

The Fun Fact Friday prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
On this day in 1620, the Mayflower departed from Plymouth, England. The ship arrived at Provincetown, MA, on November 21st and then at Plymouth, MA, on December 26th; there were 102 passengers on board. Imagine that this voyage never happened...how dramatically would that have affected the course of human history?

There are numerous ramifications to human history or at least American history if this event had never happened. One of those would be no Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday in November. I am sure that turkeys would celebrate the lack of Thanksgiving Day since turkeys are the traditional food of Thanksgiving. Consider the fact that if we didn't celebrate Thanksgiving we would never have to eat turkey stew or any other type of turkey leftovers for the next nine or ten months. In fact, without Thanksgiving wives and mothers across the nation would be pulling their hair out attempting to think of something quick and easy to server their families on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, or Cyber Monday. Come to think about it without Thanksgiving these three mercantile Holy Days holidays would not exist.

The "Blogging Circle of Friends prompt for Day 1402
Jack London said,"You can't wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club." Do you agree or disagree? What inspires you the most?

I agree with Jack London on this even though I'm not a person who usually carries a club. I'm more likely to go after inspiration with a large mug of coffee in one hand and a chocolate covered chocolate doughnut in the other. If inspiration doesn't attack me then I will attempt to bribe it with caffeine and chocolate. If a bribe doesn't work then I'll grab my walker and my cane to hunt it down. Waiting for inspiration is like waiting for a bus on a moonless cloudy night at a bus stop without a rain shelter. You know the bus will eventually come but you don't know when. Another thing you know is that the bus will come right after it begins raining when you are soaked to the bone and freezing.

The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise prompt for Day 922
"A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life."~ William Ward. Do you agree ?If you disagree do you think it is more important to have other characteristics than humor in this balancing act? Like what?

I agree with Mr. Ward that a sense of humor is important. I think a sense of humor is indispensable to a person's sanity and survival. If you can't laugh at yourself then you will become paranoid and incapable of walking down the street without cringing and running into a dark doorway every time you hear footsteps behind you. A sense of humor is also good for your characters because it reveals their personalities. I'm inclined to think a weird sense of humor is the best because it lets a person see the absurdities in everyday life. I also believe that if you can laugh at yourself then you can laugh with other people while they are laughing at you. Mutual laughter like a hot cup of coffee and a slice of chocolate cake bring people together and encourage world peace.

1  http://www.funfactz.com/today-in-history/

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