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A book of poems some old and some new aded to Wisdom and Words. |
[Type the company name] Eagle's Way Short Stories Mary Ann McPhedran [Pick the date] Eddie Eagle has opened up a new business as a private eye. He call his business' EAGLE'S WAY' because when he was in the police force he was nick named Eddie Eagle, because he had an eagle eye for sussing out criminals. Eagle's Way 1 Eddie wandered around the office sorting files making work to keep from being bored. "Oh if things don't pick up soon this will be another business going to the wall." He muttered under his breath. He turned his computer on to see if any clients had logged into his website. He was just about to pick up the phone. "I'm looking for Eddie Eagle is he in?" A tall girl with auburn colour hair stood in front of him. She had legs all the way up to her arm pits. Looking casually dressed, but smart he replied "What can I do for you?" He held out his hand to greet her, and he pointed to a chair at the other side of the desk. " My sister lives in Malta, and wants to come home, but because she is Pregnant, a court order has been taken out to protect the birth, and he is insisting that she stays in Malta until she has the child, The reason for coming home to England is he is cheating on her." She took a breath and added "I haven't heard from her for months, and she writes regularly, and he has blocked my phone calls. I'm afraid for her safety" "And You want me to investigate, It will be expensive, are you sure?" "It doesn't matter, and she handed him one thousand lira, and she also paid for his flight. "Let's get down to business what do you Know?" She gave him a photo of the person her brother-in-law was seeing. He looked at the picture, and he almost whistled. She was a lovely looking blond, and he could see why her brother in-law was tempted. A few more details over a cup of tea and he was now booking his flight to Malta, and he booked to stay at the 'Draganora Hotel, in Saint George's Bay.' He had his first job and he was flying out tomorrow night. Paula his wife was worried about Eddie going to abroad, but she knew he had to make a start somewhere. "Be careful, and don't take unnecessary risks." She chided while she helped him to pack. Eagle's Way C hapter 2 Malta Eddie kissed his wife as he was leaving her at the customs gate. "I'll call you tonight," He called, as he was going through to passport control Paula left and went straight to her car. She had never been on her own before, and she hoped she wouldn't be scared living alone. She was home in no time, and she had an idea she would call in at her mother's and ask if she would like to spend a few days with her. She rang the bell and her mother answered it. "What brings you here at this time?" "Oh Eddie has gone to Malta. I was seeing him off at the airport. I came to ask if you would like to stay with me for a few days." "I will pack an overnight bag." She went into the kitchen and made tea, and her mother was getting ready. At the airport, Eddie was settling into his seat on the plane. It was a three hour flight and he watched some TV, and When the drinks trolley came round he had a beer, and a whisky topped up with lemonade. He liked a little nip now and again, so he had another, and this gave him a happy feeling, as though he was going on holiday. He had to remind he was working, and not on a holiday. The plane landed smoothly and soon he was going through passport control. The hotel was separated from all the other hotels and closed in from the road with an arched gate. The casino and a sports lido were in the same area. The view from the window looked out to the gardens and the sea. He quickly unpacked and changed into shorts and a T shirt. The night was young, and the resort was buzzing. He opened his bottle of scotch, a fine blend of Grouse whiskey and he poured himself a large measure. He took the keys from the dresser and left the hotel. The first stop was to one of the take-way's windows in the street, and ordered food and sat out on a bench and ate. Across the road was the Reef Bar, and he made his way to it. He noticed that the people in it were mostly tourists, and the Maltese people visited the open bars dotted around the vicinity. He will remember this when he was investigating tomorrow. He was wakened in the morning by the birds chirping from the garden, and he looked at the clock. It was six thirty, and he went to the shower room. He showered and shaved and was ready to eat breakfast When the dining room opened. He was shown to a table. The waitress was just about to ask him for his order. A young lady arrived at the table. "Do you mind if I join you?" And she was already pulling her chair out to join him. "I will give you a moment sir, to get to know each other." "I'm Eddie." He held out hand to greet his new dining room friend. They chatted over breakfast, andhe had found out where she lived and most of her personal life in ten minutes. It was his police training. As the saying goes ' 'Once a policeman always a policeman. ' He was finished breakfast, and was about to say goodbye. "Do you mind if I join you as we seem to be on our own." He was caught unaware and heard himself say. " If you like." And they both left the restaurant together, and they sat around the pool for a while. Eddie's attention turned to the job he was brought out here to do. 'I'm going I will see you later." And he went back to his apartment collected a map of the island, the photographs and set off. He took the local bus to the St Julians where his clients sister lived.. Karen and John Martin lived in Josephs Street.. When he disembarked from the bus at the harbour, his first task was to the bar This was where he would gain most of his information, and would probably find john Martin. He entered the cafe bar and ordered a coffee. He chatted with the girl that served him as though he was on holiday. "Is this the main resort for night life? And what's on in the way of entertainment?" "Oh no there is quite a lot of pubs here, but you want to go to pace - Ville, it's in St George's Bay" He had just come from Pace-Ville, but he had to see Joseph Street where the Martins lived. Eagle's Way Chapter 3 Eddie arrived at the hotel and went straight for his evening meal, and he took the same place as he had in the morning. A few minutes later his friend arrived. They had shared the same table at breakfast. "Can I share with you? "Of course you can." She pulled out her chair and sat and waited for the waiter to serve. When dinner was finished, Eddie rushed off to the car hire shop, before ti closing. He ordered a car to take him around the island, and to tail John and to find Karen. Next morning he was up early and gave breakfast a miss. He was parked on the street, a safe distance away from john's house. He could watch him come and go. John had Karen locked in an apartment in the attic and she was pleading with him to release her. "You can let me out of here I will stay until the baby is born?" "I know what you will do. Run, when my guard is down." He left her pleading on deaf ears, and he left the attic without saying another word. Eddie followed him to Saint Paul's Bay. John pulled in at the parking bay and parked his car. Eddie quickly parked his car a little further from him, keeping a look out which direction he was heading. He was a few paces behind him. He turned into a bar, and Eddie followed him. It was quite busy, and he looked to see where John was. He spotted him he was ordering is pint, he was speaking with the bartender and seemed to be on good terms with him "You're busy today?" The bartender nodded and turned to serve the next customer. John lifted his pint went to play the slot machine. Eddie sat at the counter and ordered a pint. He looked around him and muttered. "What a miserable room." .It was dark, and had one long bench where most of the customers sat, but he preferred to sit at one of the table's. He joined John at the slot machines and engaged in conversation with him. "How often do the machines pay out?" John responded with a detailed explanation of how often the machines paid out. Just as they were chatting, in walked the blond. Eddie spotted her right away from the ID in his wallet. She looked around the bar and smiled when she saw John "Excuse me, I have just seen my friend." And he went to meet her. They both took a seat at the bar. Eddie stayed close to them and managed to get a sandwich, when they ordered a meal. After their meal, they left the bar. Eddie was quickly on their heels following them in his car. He followed them to Valletta, the capital of Malta. After parking their car they went into a hotel Eddie walked into the hotel and nodded to John. He wouldn't be any the wiser as to what hotel he was staying at . . He walked past the reception desk as though he knew where he was going. John looked at him. "I think I'm being followed. Let's get out of her." Eddie realized his cover was blown, and he decided he would try tomorrow. Eagle's Way 4 He lay in bed late next morning. He decided to go to John's in the afternoon and nose around, and see if there is any sign of Karen. It was Sunday, and he strolled down to the phone box. He would phone and report how he was doing to Paula at the office, and phone his client. On his way back, to pick the car up he met his dining room friend Susan. "Hello, haven't seen you around lately?" Eddie, not wishing to disclose where he has been, answered. "Oh I have been around." She looked at the car. "I wouldn't mind a run in your car?" she said. He said he was busy today, but he would drop her off in Saint Julian's, and would pick her up again in a few hours. They drove off towards their destination. "Eddie disclosed to her that he wasn't on holiday, but bent the truth a little. "I work for a travel company, and I have business there today." He dropped her off and at the high street stores, and arranged to meet her at five in the evening. He made his way to Joseph's Lane and parked the car where he had a view of the house. He had previous been to see a pet shop and bought some mild sleeping tablets for dogs. Wrapped up in a piece of meat. the bait for the dog lay ready beside him. John came out of the house. Eddie ducked down low in the car, so he wouldn't see him when he drove past him. He took the meat with the sleeping tablets. He crossed over the road towards the gate and was surprised to see the blond sitting sunning herself on the Terra's. He crept back to the car, and he knew John must be coming back. He counted the windows of the house, and there were eleven. The window on top was a long narrow, and he thought he saw a movement of the curtain, but before he could investigate more John came round the corner. Eddie ducked down and waited until he passed. It was a while before any movement was made at the apartment, almost an hour, and he paid close attention to the house. The blond went into the car and drove off leaving John. It looked as he was going to settle in for the night. He decided to leave and go and pick up his friend. They drove back to the hotel and Eddie arranged to meet her at the dining room in an hour. They had a pleasant evening. A few drinks and one thing led to another. The few drinks they had relaxed them, and in Susan's apartment, Eddie suggested. "Oh let's have a night cap." He collected the bottle of scotch. The drinks made them relax, and he couldn't help himself. He leaned over to kiss her, and she kissed him back and began to unbuckle his belt from his trousers, and they both undressed each other, and ended up in bed together releasing their sexual urges. He wakened and looked at Susan, and he felt guilty. He had cheated on Paula. He slipped out of the bed, and went along to his own room to sleep. Eagle's Way 5 Next morning he was up early and driving towards Saint Julian's. There was little traffic on the road. He parked the car on a side street, and he took the carrier bag with hat and spectacles. He put them on and walked towards the gate. inside the house, Karen was sleeping. Her captive had given her a sleeping pill. John and his mistress Kate were in bed, but not sleeping. "I wish this was all over, said Kate. "It won't be long another two months, and she will deliver the baby. Then we will get rid of her." " What do you mean get rid of her?" "Send her packing back to England." What he didn't tell Kate that he was going to have her killed. He, Kate, and the baby were going to create a new life together away from Malta. He had already picked a spot to bury Karen. A pretty place with wild flowers, he at least owed her that. He thought " She won't know it's coming he had it all arranged/ Kate wanted a child so much. but couldn't have a child of her own. She was devastated when they told her at the clinic. She met john at a dance in the hospital where they both worked. He told her his wife no longer wanted to see him and went to live in the attic apartment. He said they had agreed that he should have the baby when born, and she was going back to England. Outside Eddie waited for someone to appear at the door of the house. Kate appeared and went into her car and drove off An hour later John appeared to wear a hospital uniform. "Now we are progressing, I can gather information on him." He waited, and he followed the car keeping a safe distance from him, so he didn't suspect he was being followed. He must find out where Karen was. "It looked as though John and Karen have split up." He said chasing after John's car. He drove to Saint Julian and parked up from Johns house. He waited, and it wasn't long before John made an appearance. Eddie followed him to Silema, and when he parked the car. Eddie also parked. He followed him to a store, and when John went into the store He watched through the window. He was buying baby food, and clothes. "Well well it won't be long before you lead me to her." He came out of the store, and Eddie followed him, and was surprised when he returned to the house. "She has been here all the time." And took up his position to watch the house. He wondered why he hadn't seen Karen, and realized she was being held captive. John appeared, and he had his uniform on. Eddie was aware he would be going to work. From the car, he took the mild sedatives and the bread roll to entice the dog. He made his way towards the house and the dog began barking, but Eddie slipped into the grounds. He threw the dog the bread roll, keeping a safe 0distance the dog sniffed around the roll and then began to eat. He made his way past the sleeping dog and round the back where it was more private. Taking his knife to loosen the catch of the window, and he climbed through into the house. "She is not here." and he was going through each room. When he entered the top of the house, there were two sets of stairs, one set lead up to the top of the house the attic apartment and Eddie made his way up the attic stairs. He came to a door and tried the handle it was locked. He was about to walk away, and he heard a faint cry from inside. He listened to the door, and there was no sound. "I must be losing my marbles." He was about to go downstairs, and he decided to try the handle again, but he was stopped in his tracks, when he saw from the window John pull's up in the car. He knew he had to get out fast. He climbed back out the window and closed it behind him. He arrived safely at his car and drove off. At home, he was busy reflecting on his finding of the day. He was convinced that he heard someone in the room. He will go back and see, but not tomorrow, he thought they would be aware of the dog being drugged. He again thought perhaps he should go after the blond, and see if she would lead him to the affair they had. Up until Now they had no proof. Eagle's Way 6 He arrived outside Johns home. "What the hell has happened here?" He said in shock. The house was all boarded up and shutters closed, and the occupants had moved. She must have been there, and he was mad with himself for not realizing that Karen must have been in the house, when he was there last night. The dog being drugged must have alerted John. There was nothing he could do here, and he decided to go back to the hotel. The first thing he did was the phone the office to his wife, and he told her the story ending saying. "I know where he works I will try and tail him again it means I'm going to be here a little longer." "I will give the client your update, and we have other clients waiting." She said letting Eddie know he needs to be home. At lunch time, he joined his friend in the restaurant and when he was chatting he had an Idea. " Do you fancy joining we can go for a drive and take in some of the sights." They finished their meal and left the restaurant. Mary went to her room and picked her handbag and cardigan from the wardrobe, and then they left the hotel. "I have just one errand to do before we set off." He drove to the car rental and had the car changed for a different model and colour. He made the excuse to Mary that the car was faulty. John was in the hospital, and was about to finish his shift and was Eddie was in the pub across from the hospital. He had given Mary a story that he may leave her for ten minutes. "It's work doesn't ask what kind." and she nodded and waited while John went to his car, and Eddie chased after him. John had no Idea he was being followed because Eddie was keeping well back behind him. He led him to a quiet area just outside Saint Pall's Bay. A secluded area with trees and land all around it. Eddie passed by as John went into the house. Kate came out to meet him. "Gotcha." Said Eddie. He went back to his friend and had a few drinks. " What exactly do you do, this work of yours?" " I'm a rep, and I have worked all over the island." "You're behaving as though you have something to hide." "Not quite, this is business mixed with pleasure." They stayed at the pub until eight and Eddie realized John wasn't coming back to collect his girlfriend. "Let's get you back to our hotel." Back at Johns house Karen was in her first pains of labour, John said "I will get the nurse." " Karen picked up the words and had a glimmer of hope. She could pass the information to her that she was being held captive. She didn't know it was his girlfriend he was calling. "Karen's in labour if you want this baby you better come now." She finished phoning and thought, Why all this secrecy if she is willing to give John the baby?" Eagle's Way. 7 Karen was in the last stages of labour "Where is this nurse?" "She will be here" said John Just then the bell rang, and Kate was at the door. John let her in. "I'm not sure about this I can be struck off, let's get an ambulance, and send her to a hospital. "It's too late for hospitals, she will have the baby here. Kate was still confused why he wanted her to have the baby at home. "If you are convinced that she doesn't want the baby and is willing to hand the child over to you. Why is she have it here and risking the birth? There maybe complications." He rushed her up to the room, Karen looked at Kate and said. "Get her out of here I'm not having your mistress delivering my baby." "I want to go to the hospital. You can't keep me captive here." Kate looked at john in shock. "What is she saying keeping her captive?" At this moment, Karen let a scream out. It was too late to do anything, the baby was coming. Kate had no other option, but to deliver the baby. When it was over and Karen was so tired John took the baby from her and gave Karen a mild a sleeping draught. "What shall we call him?" He said to Kate. I don't know if I want to call him any name, he is Karen's baby not mine." "He will be yours I will see to that." Kate left and said she would see him at work, and when Karen goes home to England. She didn't want to antagonize her anymore, and she certainly wasn't getting involved in any illegal plans, he has in mind. Karen had been given the sleeping draught, and was sleeping Next morning Eddie drove to Saint Paul's Bay. He went to the house where he followed John to. A sign 'To Let' was erected outside the premises. He had come to a dead end. Karen wakening up and finding herself on a boat, let out a scream to try and alert attention, but it was impossible. The noise from the waves and the sea water hitting the sides of the high speed boat, just were too loud for anyone to hear. John laughed at her efforts. "Nobody will hear you, and If I were I would concentrates on making our son healthy. "Why so you and your mistress can play happy families. It will not happen. I fought you in court and I won, I have the right to leave,and you can't hold me here. She screamed at him" He wasn't listening, and her words were lost to the noise of the boat and the sea waves crashing against the sides of it. Back in Malta Eddie is still trying to find John, in the hope he will lead him t Karen. Eddie made enquiries around the area, pretending to be interested in property. He first went to the bar, where he first followed John, to in Saint Julian's, and he was talking to the bar man. "I'm thinking of staying on for a while do you know of any properties for rent?" "No but if I hear of any I will let you know." He paused and then said " Where are you staying? I have a friend who has a place, but he is in Gozo for a while. He may rent his place out in Saint Paul's Bay." " Oh no I was hoping to find one around here." He didn't say any more. He just turned to the next customer. Eddie finished his pint and made his way out of the bar. His snooping paid off, and he was sure that the bar man's friend was John. Eddie kept the room in the hotel but booked at the main holiday resort in Gozo. Next day he and his car were driving on to the ferry for Gozo. When he settled into his room in the hotel, he lay down for a rest. "I will go to the bars around the resort tonight I may just run into John." "Karen it's time to feed Tommy" John shook her on the shoulder. She was struggling to wake. "Why am I so tired?" "It's the baby, you are up during the night." he said. But the truth was he gave her a sleeping draught again to keep her disorientated, She looked around her, and thought, "Another derelict place." The view from the window was just waste ground as though whoever bought the land planned to build on to it. She picked Tommy up and cradled him in her arms and said. "I will have to find a way out of here." Eagle's Way 8 Karen roamed the flat unlike the other she was not locked into a special room, but she was locked in the house. With Bruno their Doberman dog to guard the home he was sure nobody would come near. "I will get out of here if it's the last thing I do." She picked Tommy out of his cradle and began to dress him. John had gone into town. "Yes we will get out of here my precious." She said to the baby playing with him as she was changing him. Eddie spotted John coming out of multi storey car park his car park. He ducked down so not to be seen "Ah the game is on again." From his glove box in the car he took the hat and sun glasses, put them on, and mingled with the others going out of the car park. Keeping John in his sight. He followed him to a bar with several other little bars in a row of each other. Eddie took a seat in one of the other bars, and as the seats were all outdoors. He had a lovely view of him. He was on the move again, and Eddie bayed his bar bill and followed him back to the car park. "Selfish Pig, he gets some fresh air and his pint, and he has Karen locked away somewhere." he muttered to himself. They drove out of the car park and on to the main road. Eddie followed keeping well back so John didn't suspect he was being followed. Karen looked around for something to whack John on the head, and she decided to try and loosen one of the slats shutters from the window shutters. She pulled at the panel until one came lose.. "Yes gotcha we will soon be out of here my pet." She found a pair of Johns Jeans and a sweater, and quickly dressed. "I have no clothes I can wear of my own so yours will have to do." Eddie continued to follow john's car he drove through winding roads and away out of the tourist resort. "He has her hidden well by the looks of this road." He thought. Suddenly John turned into a drive way with no trespassing, and Eddie continued past the house, but kept an eye on the car through the back window. When John entered the house, he backed the car nearer, but out of sight. Karen heard the car drive on to the gravel driveway. She rushed to pick her weapon up and stood behind the door. As he opened it and stepped into the room she brought the piece of wood down on his head, and down he dropped on to the floor. He was out cold. She picked the carrier bag he had in his hand and the baby and made a run for the door. Bruno was sleeping in the yard and saw Karen but he just let her go. He didn't see her as a threat. She run out of the driveway, she had no idea which way to run and said. "Please let him stay down and please don't let me have killed him." Eddie saw Karen and called to her. . She stopped in her tracks and was in doubt asking herself. " Who is this is it one of Johns friends.?" Eddie went to help her. " Get into the car your sister has hired me to find you." She jumped into the car, and Eddie drove away from the house. She told him all about being held captive, and he said "I don't think he would let you away alive Karen. I think the police should be involved now. They drove the car to the nearest police station and instead of being concerned for Karen's safety they put both Eddie and Karen through a great ordeal of questioning, but eventually believed them and sent police to the premises, but there was no sign of John. John came round from his whack on the head from Karen. He sat dazed before he realised what had happened to him. "Bitch she whacked me on the head." He knew she would go to the police so he gathered some clothes together and his passport. He would be able to take the ferry to Scissily. The ferry was due to leave in two hours' time. He may just be able to catch it. He boarded on to the ferry, and was asked no questions so far he was safe. Kate was picked up by the police for questioning but was later released, because she didn't know Karen was being held captive. She helped with the delivering the baby and thought that Karen was rambling with the pain. As she was leaving the station she felt sad. She believed John when he said he was to have custody of Tommy. Her eyes misted over and tears began to flow. "It looks as though I have lost them both." Karen travelled back to England with Eddie and reunited with her sister. John was eventually arrested in Sicily and brought back to Malta. Karen would have to return to Malta for his trial. . l Book 2 "Lighthouse" I dedicate this book to my family and to memory of my late brother Frankie. The Lighthouse Mary Ann McPhedran : The lighthouse 1 The story of the Lighthouse, The palace pronounced pails, by the Scottish people who lived in a miner's rows. Tommy McGee moved into one these houses, with his newly wedded wife, Bessie. Tommy Was employed by the coal mining industry. He worked down the pits, underground digging coal. Bessie worked in the same mine, but above ground. "Let's lift you over the step." He picked his bride up and carried her into their new home. A miner's house. If he left his job, in the pits, he had to vacate the premises. It was their wedding night. He put her down on the stone floor, leading into the two roomed house. One room had two chairs by a large fire place with a high mantle shelf. Bessie had black leaded iron nest and a fire was made up ready to put a match to it. Her two brown leather chairs and dining suite looked real elegant. She had made two rag rugs, and she placed one at the fire place, and one between the sideboard and the dining table. The rugs would have to do until she could afford some wax-cloth. They had some supper before they retired to their wedding bed. A set in bed against the wall, with a curtain drawn across for privacy and, to hide the bed when not in use. He had the day off for his wedding, but he would be back down the pits in the morning. Before putting the light out to join him, she looked around the room a surge of pride had come over her. This was hers and Tommy's house, and in another few months, she patted her belly, this little one would be joining them soon. : . Before Tommy went to work, she knew how beneficial it was to have a nutritious breakfast before going down the pit. She finished the tidying she looked around the house. Her house and a surge of pride and happiness came over her. Her next job was to tackle washing Tommy's working clothes, being down the pits everything you wore had coal dust in them. They had a boiler and a sink in the home, but these clothes would need a more and bigger wash tub. She had to take them to the steamy. She looked at the Rote and discovered it was her turn today. She gathered her dirty linen and Tommy's working clothes, and she went to the steamy. She was apprehensive about meeting the other women. "Hello I'm Bessie McGee, and I live in number 56. "Jenny Crawford, I live in 37 " offering her hand out to shake hands with Bessie.. " Just grab a tub any one will do, and this is where you draw the hot water. We have a dolly which you use to dump the clothes." Jenny introduced Bessie to each person who came into the wash house and mixed in with the other women from the miner's row. After a few months, Bessie was due to have her baby. She wondered if people would remember the date she was married, and count the months. They would know she was expecting before she was married. She pushed the thoughts from her mind. She was happy being married to Tommy. "It was her business, and no one Else's." She muttered and went on preparing the meal for Tommy coming in from work. The Lighthouse Baby Joe arrives 2 Bessie was busying herself preparing Tommy's tea, she cooked most days for him and he would be coming in from work in a few hours. After being down the pit, she liked to have fresh clothes ready for him to put on. She had only once gone down the pit when she worked in the mines, and she swore she would never like to experience it again. It wasn't only hard labour, the danger the men were in was unbelievable. Trams carrying coal swishing by and the miners had to be alert and know what they were doing, and with only a little lamp attached to their helmet for them to see. It was an extremely dark and dismal job he had, and she sympathized with him one hundred per cent. It was only a year ago when they stopped children from working down the pit. They are allowed to work at the top but not until they are thirteen. Bessie thought about her little one inside, and she said. "This little one won't go down any pit. Bessie felt this trickle of warm liquids trickle down her leg. She looked down to see a puddle form on the floor. "Oh! It must be time for the baby to come?" And she went to seek help from her friend Sadie. Sadie put Bessie to bed, and she sent for the mid wife. Her name was Lizzie, and she attended to Bessie for a few hours before the delivery of the baby. Lazier, had Delivered most of the babies in the minors row. Joseph McGee had arrived and was howling, and letting everyone know he was here. Tommy was given the news when he surfaced to the top of the pit, and he hurried home to his wife and new son. Bessie stayed in bed. Tommy was home, but she had to get out of bed the next day, when he returned to work. The mine bosses didn't think it was serious enough to take time off. Bessie had to get up whether she felt week or not. She had a terrible time delivering the baby. Sadie came and gave her a helping hand for a few hours. Living in the palace 3 Bessie went to visit her parents on a Wednesday and had tea with her. She took Joe in the pram, and she would take a few groceries to them. It gave them time to play with their grandson. She was quite well off; the miners had considerable wages and plenty of coal to keep them warm. Tommy would take a bag of coal to them, but not too often. He stressed the fact that his job was dangerous, and he had to work hard for his earnings. Bedside's dad was ill and couldn't work so she insisted that she took some groceries, especially fresh eggs. In the Palace, the women when washing would put their washing out on a shared green in front of the houses, not at the back like most premises On a Monday in the minors row, everyone seemed to be in competition, to see whose washing was the cleanest. There was washing in every green and, Bessie had to put her nappies out quick in the morning, or her neighbour would take up all the space on the green. It was two years later Bessie had a little girl, and she called her Kate. Tommy said that was all the family he wanted, and Bessie agreed with him two was the ideal family. And they could give more to their children this was the best way to get on. Life was suitable for the McGee family. Joe grew up and went into the merchant Navy. Kate was due to leave school, but Bessie insisted she stay on at school and do her Scottish Highers exams she wanted a better life for Kate. She hoped she would go into teaching, or some other professional job. It was her day for the steamy, and women were joking with each other. A repeated horn sound was blasting and letting people know there was an accident. Kate was panic stricken, and Sissy M.C. bride was already pulling off the rubber apron she wore in the steamy. "Come on lets go and find out what has happened.?" She had been through this before she didn't tell Kate it must be serious for to blast the horn. They joined the other women making their way to the mine. They were lost in their own thoughts and each hoping it was someone else's husband or son. Bessie's tragedy 4 When they reached the mine they were told there was an explosion and some of the section where Tommy worked had collapsed on top of the men. They waited for news, and someone at last said. They are coming up, and everyone moved nearer. The men were coming out of the cage. She couldn't see Tommy, they were bringing someone a stretcher it was covered. Bessie said I can't see Tommy. One of the inferiors made to comfort her. "oh God its Tommy." And she collapsed into a heap on to the ground." She was brought round with smelling salts, the neighbours were around Bessie. "Please say it's not Tommy?" She asked the women who were with her from the steamy. They looked at her and one of the women said. I'm sorry, but it is Tommy, and she put her arm around Bessie. Let's get you home and the helped Bessie to her feet. One of the women arranged to get Joe home from the merchant navy, and another went to meet Kate from school. The Doctor came to the house and gave Bessie a sedative. "You will have to be brave Kate for your mother." He said to her" Joe is on his way home." she replied, And Kate thought how she could be brave. She was hurting too. Joe came in late that evening. They hugged each other sharing their grief. The next few days were hard to get through but the worst was yet to come Joe did all the arrangements with the preparing for his father's funeral. Bessie had things on her mind. Kate would be homeless. Joe would be alright, he could go back to sea. Kate looked at her mother in deep thought. "It will be all right mum, let's not worry about anything until after the funeral." Kate stirred from her thoughts, and she agreed there is no use dwelling on the situation. She would try and put the problem away until the funeral. Sadie next door came and sat with her while Kate and Joe went to the undertaker to pick the coffin. Bessie had chosen it from a book, and they only had to finalize the choice. There was a massive turn out at Tommy McGee's funeral, all the neighbours and men from the pit. , Tommy was cremated, and his ashes were put in the garden of remembrance. Only a few selected friends and family were invited back to the house for refreshments. The neighbours would miss the McGee family it was a well-known fact that if you didn't work down the mine you lose your house. No matter what the circumstances. Bessie waited until everyone had gone before she approached the subject. Joe told his Mother to do nothing until she received a letter of eviction. This would give him time to see if he could find somewhere for them to live. He was going back to join his ship, and he was going to see if they could do anything for them, at the recruitment office. The recruitment office did manage to find him a job was a Lighthouse Keeper. It was in Burnt Island in, Foreshore, Scotland. He didn't want to leave the job he had, but it came with a cottage, and he had to provide a home for his Mother and sister. He accepted it gracefully. Bessie eventually received the eviction notice, and she started planning her move to Burnt Island. Before she moved she went around the miners rows to her neighbours and friends to say goodbye. They both took one last look around the house that Tommy brought her to on their wedding night. A tear escaped from her eyes. She quickly dried it before Kate saw her she had to be brave for Kate's sake. They closed the door and left the key at the office, and went to the train station. Burnt Island 5 Joe made his way down the gang way for the last time; He was leaving the Merchant Navy. He was catching the train to take him to Burnt Island. Before he was to board the train, he had gone and had some breakfast and bought a loaf of bread and cheese this would do him for supper tonight. On arrival, he went straight to the office to pick up the keys of the cottage. He approached a worker painting a boat in the yard. "Where can I find Mr? Campbell?" "Just go up those steps, and his office is just inside the door." He made his way up the steps and introduced himself to the Mr Campbell. He gave him his work Rote to start a week later. He had to stay on the lighthouse on shifts, for two weeks on and two weeks off. He took the keys of the cottage, and made his way to the cottage Joe said goodbye, and arranged to be at the office in two weeks' time to start his new job. Mr Campbell is the skipper, who would ferry him to the lighthouse. He took the keys of the cottage and the written instructions how to get to it. It was just a ten minute walk to it. He hoist his kit bag up on his shoulder and began walking along the sea front. The tide was in, and the waves were crashing against the sea wall. The sun was shining, and the air felt fresh. The guest houses across the road all had signs saying full on them. This was a clear sign of being a delightful place he thought a more pleasant house than the pit house. He wondered how his mother would feel about leaving the pit house. His Mother lived in the house since she was married. He hoped she would be all right living here. The sign said Petty cure Bay and he looked for the cottage. "The cottage should be here on the right." He mumbled. He turned the corner, and it was in front of him. Number 92 Putty cure Bay Road, a broad smile spread across Joe's face. He was pleasantly surprised. A front garden, which had a white picket fence around it. He took the key and turned the lock and entered the cottage. The first room was the lounge with a set in bed against the wall, a large range to heat the room... The range had two ovens. On the hearth of the fire, there was some logs, that had been left to dry. The previous keeper had left the fire made up ready to light. A door led to the kitchen which was small. It had a boiler in the corner, and two sinks one was covered with a board which served as a draining board, when the sink was not in use. Another door led upstairs to the bedrooms and to his surprise a room with a bath and a water closet. "No more running down to the toilet in the yard during the night as he had done in the last house." Said Joe as he turned to go back down stairs. He laid his sleeping bag on the set in bed took the food and made some bread and cheese, lit the fire and settled in for the night. His mother and sister were arriving on the six o'clock train tomorrow night. The furniture from the last house was arriving in the morning. The family is reunited. Joe was up early, he went to the bathroom, and he had a wash at the sink. There wasn't enough hot water for a bath. But he enjoyed having his wash in privacy . He was used to washing and shaving in the kitchen at the pit house. This made a significant change; no one would be entering the bathroom, like they did in the kitchen. He was to wait for the furniture to arrive. It was due to arrive, half an hours' time, so he ate the rest of the bread and cheese for Breakfast. , The men had arrived, and he helped them to unload it. He placed the furniture to where he thought his mother would like it, and creating a homely feeling for them to come home to. When the removal men left, he went for some shopping, because the shops will be closed when his mother and sister arrives. He stood on the platform at the station, and waited impatiently he worried about what his mother would be like. How she would be feeling. It was unlucky enough that she lost his father but to lose the home that she lived in all her married life. She would be feeling miserable. The train came, and he ran to meet them, it was a month since his father died and after the funeral, he had to return to his ship. "Mum how is you?" He put his arms around her to comfort her not leaving Kate out he drew her to him and gave her a reassuring hug. "Oh mum you should see the cottage you will love it." "Well the air will be cleaner." She replied, and she handed the suit case and a sewing machine which Tommy bought her, so she could work at home, Instead of going out to work. They made their way to the tram stop, and waited for it to arrive. Kate was excited when she saw the cottage. "Oh mum it's lovely," and Bessie nodded her head, but she thought it's still a tied house. If Joe losses his job, they will be back on the street with no home. She made up her mind to try and get a rented house not attached to Joe's job. Inside the house, Bessie was pleased with Joe's work how he had placed the furniture. She went to the sink and filled a kettle and placed it on the range. Those ovens will come in handy she thought. Joe noticed a faint glimmer of a smile on her face. She was also pleased that it had a bathroom and a water closet. She started supper, and when it was over she sat at her sewing machine and made a pair of curtains go in front of the sink, to make it neat she could store her saucepans under there. They sat chatting about Tommy most of the night. Bessie felt her eyes start to well up and the tears started to flow. She quickly dried them and said. "I will miss your dad, but I have turned another corner, and I will have to get on with it." They decided to go to bed. Kate went up to her room. Joe followed a few minutes after to his room, leaving Bessie, to put the fire guard up and lock the door. Bessie chose the set in bed; she was used to sleeping in the one at the miner's row at the pits. Before she went to sleep she spoke to Tommy, "Well Tommy, tomorrow I will have to start a new chapter in my life without you" A new beginning 7 A new day, Bessie thought, time to move on. She opened the curtains, what a view the sea, the tide was far out. You would have to walk quite a distance if you wanted to go for a paddle or to swim. The beach was deserted, unlike the resort, Burnt Island ten minutes' walk from the cottage, which was full of day trippers and holiday makers. "A different view to what we have been used to." She said to Kate who had just come down stairs from her bedroom. "It's beautiful, but I will miss my friends." "Oh you will make new friends, and the friends you have left behind you can Invite them down for a holiday." Kate brightened up at the thought of seeing her friends again, she would write a letter to her best friend, and she can pass the news to the others, Bessie started to cook breakfast, Joe appeared washed shaved and dressed. "It's Sunday Mum, I have a week before I start my new job.so let's explore the island." Bessie quickly tidied around the house and went upstairs to have a wash and get dressed. She chose a blue flowered dress, and put white sandals on. She took a white cardigan, in her shopping bag, in case it turned chilly. She was ready to go out. They walked along the back road, until they came to the promenade, they walked along it looking at the day trippers and holiday makers. "Do you want to sit on a deckchair on the beach?" Joe asked his mum. "No not today, let's find our way around first." she replied. They walked on, and Bessie suggested that they had tea in the cafe across the road. They ordered tea and Kate had a fruit juice. Kate noticed a sign on the door saying STAF WANTED, and she went to the counter. She explained about Joe's job, and this seemed to satisfy the owner. Bessie was given the job, and she was to start the same day as Joe was to start his new job. The owner gave her some information on the schools, and she decided to register Kate on Monday. They made their way to the main shopping centre and found the Post Office. It was inside the Town Hall, it was closed, because it was Sunday, but they now knew where to come for stamps when they needed them. Before going home they went around the fairground Joe enticed her on to the waltzed, and she enjoyed the ride. Joe and Kate went on some other rides while Bessie stood at the side bar and watched them. She had a quiet thought to herself. If only Tommy were here, a tear tricked down her face, and she wiped it before the children could see her cry. As they walked back to the cottage they had some fish and chips from one of the many chip shops along the promenade. "Where is the lighthouse?" Kate asked Joe. "It's the other side of the Island you will have to go into King horn to see it. It's in the other direction from the cottage. If you would like to go and see it, we can go tomorrow" And they agreed to go into King horn to see the lighthouse tomorrow. The view of the lighthouse On Monday Bessie went to the school to enrol Kate, she would leave at Easter next term, but Bessie wanted her to stay on and do her Scottish Highers exams. She had to travel on the bus to Kirkcaldy which is just the next town to Burnt Island. It was only fifteen minutes on the tram. The new term started the week after Bessie started work. "I will be all right, she said. I will busy myself down town, and I can call into see you at the cafe." With this in mind Bessie relaxed a little. After lunch they went for a walk to look at the lighthouse Joe was to work on. The lighthouse was in King horn, but the job was based in Burnt Island. They had to walk in the opposite direction from Petty cur Bay. The walk only took them ten minutes to reach the town. It was a nice clean little town, with a sandy beach. Joe took them to the point where he thought was best to view the lighthouse. It stood there in the water looking dark and gloomy, "It looks better at night it is all lit up." said Joe "It's quite far out?" said Kate putting a penny in to see through the binoculars on the prom. "Yes that's why we have to travel out in Mr Campbell boat" replied Joe. "I wasn't sure about the keeper job but as time goes on I'm getting used to the idea." He said to his mum. "It won't be for ever, I fully intend to look for a rented house without it being tied to you job, and at least you will have the choice to where you will want work." Bessie spied a cafe and ushered them across the road to it. The cafe faced on to the beach, and they could see all that was going on. The sea was calm and the sunshine was glinting on the water making rainbow colours on the waves. It was peaceful and it was like they were having a little holiday. Joe raced across to the beach with Kate and they were having fun in the water, whilst Bessie ordered another tea and watched them from her table. The rest of the week flew by and soon it was time for Bessie to start in the cafe and Joe to start his two week shift living in on the lighthouse. He arrived at the boat yard bright and early. Mr Campbell introduced Joe to Tommy Perry, the other keeper that was to be on duty with him. "There are always two keepers on duty at the lighthouse." Joe was relieved at this news; he had been worrying about being on duty alone. Mr Campbell and the two keepers loaded the boat with enough provisions to last two weeks; He also did a trip out with fresh meat to the lighthouse once a week. They were loaded and on their way, Joe was about to experience the duties of the lighthouse keeper. Settling to into the new jobs Bessie arrived at the cafe at nine in the morning, Peggy who was the owner showed her to sink full of dishes. The cafe doesn't get busy until about ten, so you can wash up while you are waiting. Bessie took the apron from her shopping bag, wrapped it around her, and she started washing the dishes. At ten the shop started to fill up with shoppers and she was busy taking orders for the morning. A two o'clock she managed to have ten minutes break. Peggy came over with another cup of tea for her and a sausage roll. "On the house, it's been so busy out there, and you have proved you're worth having as a worker." Bessie thanked her. At The lighthouse Joe climbed the spiral stairs to the lounge, Tommy put the kettle to boil. "I always start with a cup of tea; after we have had our tea I will show you the routine and show you around the place." Tommy was a cheery and fun person. He had only known him for an hour, and he already felt he knew him all his life. The room was quite big for a lighthouse, Joe was surprised. The two chairs were not new but very comfortable, it had a cabinet which held the crockery and food. The range was black with red tiles on each side of the fire. The upstairs rooms were bedrooms two and the last floor was the lamp room. Where the lamps continued to light up the sea, and warn the ships of the dangerous rocks that surround the coast. "I hope you know how to cook because you have to take your turn at it." Tommy. "Don't worry I can boil an egg and do soldiers. "Joe replied Tommy took him to the lamp room to show him the routine of how to keep the lamps running smoothly. Joe was asking all sorts about the light house, how it was built and what materials and the history of it. Tommy could only tell him a little of the history. When his fourteen days were over and he had two week off. He would go to the library and read about them. He would sit and tell his mother what it was like to work on it. Bessie decided to take in sewing as well as the cafe job, she was determined to save to afford another rented house, and get away from the tied cottage. Kate was offered a weekend job at the cafe, and she was able to buy some of her own clothes. She sometimes went to the cafe, and worked Friday night, instead of the Saturday. "Do you want to climb Bin Hill?" Joe asked Kate. "Yes if you like." she replied and made her way to get ready to go with him. They dressed in tracksuits and a warm hat and gloves. They made their way towards Burnt Island to the hill. Bin Hill is the highest point in Burnt Island and you can almost see Edinburgh the capital of Scotland. At the bottom Joe took the lead climbing his way up. Kate came behind him, puffing and panting and out of breath. Joe waited at the top for her to join him. They sat on the grass to catch their breath, before viewing the scenery all around the Island. "Look Kate you can see the Forth Bridge, this was the railway bridge that joined Edinburgh to Fife." Kate looked at the scenery; she could see every point of the Island from here. Joe pointed out the lighthouse. It looked spooky in the daylight. A dark grey building it looked gloomy. Kate settles at school 9 It was Kate's first day at school; this was the top band before she would join the six formers next year. She loved school but she was apprehensive about the new school. She didn't know anyone yet. "Oh well no point in worrying I'm here now." She pushed the door open, it led to a long corridor, the smell of polish caught the back of her throat, and she gave a slight cough. The head teacher's room was in front of her and she hesitated, before she knocked on the door. The secretary gave her a time table, and directions to her first class. English. Mr McLaughlin's. She opened the door, everyone in the room turned to look at her. "Quickly take a seat and we will do the introductions later." Kate found a seat next to a girl, she move up to give her more room. At break the girl sitting next to her introduced herself. "Hello I'm Annie, would you like to join me during the break?" Kate shook her hand. She introduced herself and followed Annie to the school canteen. Annie was doing the same subjects as Kate so they shared the same desk, for the rest of the day. At the end of the day she parted company to catch her bus home, agreeing to meet her in the cloakrooms in the morning. She had made a friend, and the school wasn't too bad now that she had the first day over. She boarded her bus to take her to Burnt Island. She went straight home. Mum would be at home, she finished early today. Bessie had the evening meal ready, and she put them on the table. Joe was in the lighthouse, so there was only the two of them. "How did it go?" she asked anxious to hear what she had to say. "Oh all right, everyone was friendly and the lessons were okay." Bessie didn't ask any more questions and Kate didn't offer any more information. They ate their dinner in silence, Bessie with her thoughts about her dead husband, and as for Kate, she would tell her more about her day when she was ready. She cleared the table, and after washing the dishes, she took her sewing machine from the cupboard. She had an order to make two dresses for her boss in cafe. Later she would do some baking for Joe; Mr Campbell was going to take it to Joe on the lighthous Tommy was making the dinner when they heard the motor of the boat arriving, "Mr Campbell," they both said at the same time, and made their way down to the lower floor to help unload. He handed over the food and fresh meat, bottled water and some magazines and the baking tin with the cake and scones from Joe's mum. Tommy tossed the football magazine to Joe. He had it on order each month. He looked at the motor bike one that was on order for him. Joe was opening the baking tin. "Plenty of cakes for us later." "Well the dinner is ready so let's eat it before it gets cold." Tommy said and he started dishing it out on to the plates. The lamps needed attention and Joe went to the lamp room. Tommy finished tidying round before joining him. The daily routine went on as normal. It was time to change keepers they had two weeks off now. Bessie had saved enough to put her plan into action. She now had enough for a rented house, that wasn't attached to Joe's Job. She had put her name down for rented accommodation. A letter arrived in the morning post. It was from the landlord who owned property. A three bedroom tersest house has come available in King horn. Bessie was all excited she had never had a house that wasn't tied. She thought about Tommy her dead husband and how they had to move because they lived in the tied house belonging to the pit. Joe was a little disappointed about her wishing to move. "I like it here" he said, "I like it too, but if anything should happen to you we would be back on the streets. I'm looking at the house and if I like it I'm moving." He just looked and he knew she was right, but he felt good knowing he provided a house for them. Bessie and Joe went to view the house.it was modern, someone lived above them, they had an inside toilet and a kitchen with a boiler to boil clothes. An extra bedroom and a garden. She was happy with the term and signed to rent the property. It took three days for Bessie to move, Peggy gave her holidays, so she could move. Tommy was due to go back to the Lighthouse on the Tuesday, and she would be glad of his help. They closed the door of the cottage and Tommy handed the keys over. He thought of keeping it on and living in it himself, but decided against it. This gave him the opportunity to go back to sea, back into the Merchant Navy. He was happy with the keeper job for now. The house was five minutes' walk from the beach. Bessie never went on the beach, but she liked to sit by the sea, in the little cafe, and face the sea. When she had the time she and Kate would walk down to the prom, and she would sit by the sea. She felt more at ease knowing she didn't have to rely on Joe's job to keep a roof over their heads. A storm on the Island 10 Joe went back on duty at the lighthouse. He had been in the job now for a year and nine months, and he could do the job as well as Tommy. They were into their third day when the storm broke and swept the Island. "This storm is never ending." Kate said to Her mum as she took the umbrella from the cupboard where they kept their coats and outdoor shoes. She was catching the tram for school she said cheerio, and went out of the door. Bessie was cleaning the house, before she was due to start the afternoon shift at the cafe. Kate was doing a few hours' work at the cafe, when she finished school. It was the day that Mr Campbell should visit the lighthouse bringing them fresh meat and bottled water, Joe was looking forward to receiving his mum's baking and his football magazine. The lamps were being cleaned; Joe and Tommy were both in the lamp room. "We are almost finished here, I will make some tea and we can have a break." said Tommy. He went down to put the kettle on. He called Joe down when the tea was ready. They were listening to the wireless and the weather news. "If this weather keeps up I doubt if Mr Campbell will be coming today." said Tommy. The weather forecast said the weather is to continue for a few days. They accepted that there would be no visit with the provisions. They had plenty of tins and juice, some bottled water, and they had tap water. They would have to make do with what they have for a few days. Bessie caught the bus to take her into Burnt Island, to start her shift at the cafe. Kate would be joining her after school; she was working a few hours with Bessie, because Peggy had the evening off. The rain was lashing down on her umbrella, it didn't stop Bessie had to straighten the umbrella twice already the wind eventually turned it inside out, she struggled with it to try to put it back the right way. The tram was coming, so she just put it into the trash box by the tram stop. She boarded the tram and sat near the door. The tram past the cafe and the stop was almost on the door. Her mind strayed to Joe he would be working the lamps at the lighthouse, no matter how bad the storm was. She realized she was near her stop and she rose up from her seat to let the conductor know she was getting off the tram. She arrived at the cafe and Peggy greeted her, she was waiting to leave. Bessie muttered. "Let me get my coat off." but her words fell on deaf ears. Peggy was already going through the door that led to the main street. She put her apron on and approached the first customer. Joe and Tommy were having their free time and were listening to a play on the wireless. They set the lamps to auto, but because of the storm they were checking the room more than usual. They decided to do some checking of the doors down in the basement. Joe suggested that they put some wet suits on because they had to go outside a few times to adjust the lamps. It was when he noticed a trickle of water coming in under the door. Tommy suggested putting some sand bags around it. They would keep their eye on it. They would check it again in an hour. Bessie was in the cafe, but because she had no customers Peggy went home. Kate was due to start her shift in half an hour. A few customers came into the shop they were day trippers. Kate sympathized with them about the weather. They were not bothered about the weather they spent the day in the pub out of the rain. Kate arrived for her shift and started serving them. Tommy placed some more sand bags around the door of the lighthouse; it was letting in a little water. He would check it again in an hours' time. The lamps were revolving on auto. Joe was reading and Tommy was listening to a play on the wireless. They had a hot drink sitting on a tray beside them. The play finished and Tommy remembered he was checking the sand bags. They seemed okay, and he came back upstairs and continued listening to the wireless. "I wish this weather would get better." He said. He didn't want to alarm Joe, by voicing his fears. Joe was enjoying the story he was reading. Bessie was indoors, it was too wet to go out. She had been out in morning for some shopping. The storm seemed to be getting worse. The wind was howling, and fierce. It was sweeping the Island, destroying everything within its path. It was an hour later, when Tommy discovered that the first floor was under water. "I will call the Coast Guard." said Tommy. He used the normal procedure but there was no answer. When he couldn't get through he called on the emergencies. "May day, May day." but the line was dead. "The lines must be affected by the storm." Said Joe. Tommy being in charge decided he would try again in an hour, he saw the look on Joe's face and changed it to half an hour. The tried to pump, the water out with a generator and when that didn't work they tried by hand to keep the water down and from rising. Tommy tried again to reach the Coast Guard, he still couldn't get through. They waded through the water to the equipment room. "Grab a life jacket and put it on." he said They both waded through the water and went back upstairs. Tommy kept trying to reach the Coast Guard. Bessie was unaware that Joe was in danger although he wasn't far from her mind. None was aware that there was anything wrong at the lighthouse. The Keepers Are Trapped on the Lighthouse. 12 Tommy was trying to contact the Coast Guard, but the lines were down. He joined Joe in the lamp room. They had enough food because of the tins they had In stock. "I will try again in a couple of hours." Joe nodded not showing Tommy his fear. He was trying to put a brave face on the matter. He glanced at the sea it was pretty rough and he didn't like the thought of having to be rescued from it. Tommy was feeling much the same. He was wishing he didn't have the responsibility of making the decisions. He hoped he would make the right one's if he had to. Mr Campbell had been trying to reach the keepers but the lines being down he couldn't. He was worried about how they would be coping with the storm. They were both very young and had not much experience as keepers. "At last" said Joe and handed over to Tommy. "Mr Campbell, The lighthouse is flooded .The first floor is under water." Prepare to abandon the lighthouse, leave it by climbing down the escape ladder, when the life boat comes". Tommy and Joe went up to the lamp room where the escape ladder. They waited by the lamp room, another message came in. "The life boats can't get out, it's too dangerous, and we will get to you as soon as we can. Sit by the radio." The rocks around the lighthouse were the problem. The life boat wouldn't be able to navigate around it without crashing into them. They would have to wait for the sea to be calmer. The boys went back to the lounge. They played some board games to take their minds off the situation. They didn't get any more news and they decided that there would be nothing more until daylight, so they went to sleep one on each chair by the fire and the radio. In the morning Joe informed Tommy that the water had risen a little, Tommy was attending to the lamps and he looked at the rocks below. The sea was no calmer. It looked rougher. He went back to the radio; again there was no sound the lines were down again. They heard a loud crash. Bessie hears that Joe is trapped on the lighthouse. Bessie was almost finished her shift at the cafe, down by the pier in Burnt sand, Kate came in all flustered and crying. "What's happened?" "It's Joe he is trapped on the lighthouse, and it's flooded?" She took the paper from Kate and read the story for herself. She locked the door, and waited for the last customer to leave the shop They both went to Mr Campbell office, to see what the latest news of how the life boats were coping with the rescue They were at the lighthouse again, although the sea was rough, and the waves were crashing against the rocks. They tried to rescue the keepers but the waves were too high for them to climb down the escape ladder. They would be washed against the rocks and carried out to see. Bessie and Kate continued to wait for news, they spent the night in cafe, and it was nearer than going all the way home to come back in the morning. At the lighthouse Joe went to investigate what the crash was they heard from upstairs. It was the bedroom window .There was glass everywhere. Tommy joined him. They could see all the damage that was caused by the storm. And telephone wires uprooted and strewn across the island. The water continued to rise in the first floor and another day lost. They were still trapped. Bessie and Kate handed over the keys to Peggy, the cafe owner. She had heard about the keepers on the news. She gave them the time off to go and wait for news. Bessie was anxious, and fear took hold of her. She had always feared that Joe wouldn't return from the sea. He was still out there, trapped. Tommy was back on the radio the Coast Guard. "Please hurry, the water is rising, and we don't know how long we can hang on." The coast guard and Mr.Campbell tried to reassure the young keepers. The true fact was that they couldn't get near the lighthouse. The waves were too high and when they tried to anchor a rope to it. The wind just blew the rope back. They just didn't have a clue how to get the keepers off. Bessie waited and she spent another night at the cafe. They both took their rosary beads from their handbags and prayed for the two young keepers. Bessie was trying to keep a brave face for Kate's sake. Kate was fearfully upset. Back at the lighthouse Joe tried to go about his business as usual it was the day for him to do the Cooking he looked at the selection of tins he had to see if he could spice them up a little, and Tommy was in the lamp room looking for the rescue boats. "Joe the lamp room is breaking away from the lighthouse." Tommy cried in a panic. They both grabbed a life jacket and were climbing down the escape ladder. They had no choice, but to go into the water. They heard a loud rash and they jumped from the ladder; and swam away from the lighthouse. The water was freezing. Joe was finding it difficult to keep afloat. They were in the water about ten minutes, when the lighthouse came crashing down into the water, and the sea was in darkness. Bessie was beside herself with worry; it was Kate who was reassuring her Mother this time. "Don't cry mum Joe will be all right." But Bessie could only see the worse of the situation. "Please don't take my son." she cried in vain. Joe was in darkness He had lost sight of Tommy when the light went out on the lighthouse, when it crashed into the sea. He cried for Tommy. "Tommy gives me a sound are you OK?" "I'm OK But I'm tired Joe." They kept calling to each other and for help in case the life boats were out looking for them. Bessie was still by the pier waiting for news; she heard one of the rescuers say they still could've the keepers. Darkness was coming down, and the thought of Joe been out there all night was unbearable. The lifeboats were back out for the last trip before abandoning the search. They were about to turn back. They heard a faint cry. "Over here." They had found them." The life boat picked the keepers up into the boat from the sea. They were exhausted from the trying to keep afloat and the sea constantly crashing against their bodies. The Ambulance was waiting for the lifeboat to come into the pier. They arrived and were driven straight to hospital, Kate went in the Ambulance with Joe, but was only allowed to see him for ten minutes. Joe fell asleep while Bessie was at his bed. Joe and Tommy were allowed home after a good night's sleep Joe came to terms He would sign on, but before going back he would spend some time with his mum and sister Kate, on Burn Island. that the lighthouse was gone; his mother didn't need to worry about him keeping a roof over their heads. They had a house which didn't belong to Joe's job. He was free to go back to working in the Merchant Navy. He would sign on, but before going back he would spend some time with his mum and sister Kate, on Burn Island. I lived with my grandmother, and I was proud to be working and bringing home a wage. What I didn't know was that she gave it back to me in pocket money and bus fares. I lived in Motherwell and my job was in Crossford Lanark. I had travel on two buses, One from Motherwell to Hamilton and another Crossford. The journey took an hour. My story is in the year 1956 and I lived in Motherwell Lanarkshire Scotland. My grandmother was very sick, and she called me into her bedroom. " Molly I want you to leave the farm." " Why? I like the farm." She continued her request. "It's not the just about liking it. You have to travel too far and you will not be able to afford to keep yourself. All your wages go on bus fares. Promise you will think about it?" I left the room grumbling. Bill my uncle, I never called him uncle said, "You will have to leave, my maw is worried about you, and she isn't well." I looked at him in disbelief, my grandmother always coughed, and had bouts of sickness, but she always managed to get well again. My aunt had a friend who lived a few doors away from us offered to speak for me in the mill, and get me a job. I was to start in the drawing room. I went into my job the next day and told my boss I had to leave. I didn't have to give notice, and he produced my cards and my tax P45 on Friday the same week. I was accompanying Rima and Mary to the mill on my first day until I found friends of my own. They both were family friends. I was a lot younger than them. " I didn't get on the bus and had to walk to town to get the bus, because Big Annie pushed me back in the queue." Said Mary. " Who is big Annie and why did she push you?" I asked excitedly." But the bus was coming and we had to run to the bus stop, and the conversation was lost. To be continued I lived with my grandmother, and I was proud to be working and bringing home a wage. What I didn't know was that she gave it back to me in pocket money and bus fares. I lived in Motherwell and my job was in Crossford Lanark. I had travel on two buses, One from Motherwell to Hamilton and another Crossford. The journey took an hour. My story is in the year 1956 and I lived in Motherwell Lanarkshire Scotland. My grandmother was very sick, and she called me into her bedroom. " Molly I want you to leave the farm." " Why? I like the farm." She continued her request. "It's not the just about liking it. You have to travel too far and you will not be able to afford to keep yourself. All your wages go on bus fares. Promise you will think about it?" I left the room grumbling. Bill my uncle, I never called him uncle said, "You will have to leave, my maw is worried about you, and she isn't well." I looked at him in disbelief, my grandmother always coughed, and had bouts of sickness, but she always managed to get well again. My aunt had a friend who lived a few doors away from us offered to speak for me in the mill, and get me a job. I was to start in the drawing room. I went into my job the next day and told my boss I had to leave. I didn't have to give notice, and he produced my cards and my tax P45 on Friday the same week. I was accompanying Rima and Mary to the mill on my first day until I found friends of my own. They both were family friends. I was a lot younger than them. " I didn't get on the bus and had to walk to town to get the bus, because Big Annie pushed me back in the queue." Said Mary. " Who is big Annie and why did she push you?" I asked excitedly." But the bus was coming and we had to run to the bus stop, and the conversation was lost. To be continued I entered the DRAWING ROOM. It was separated from the rest of the factory. I was led by the top manager into the room, and handed over to Herbert the over looked. The noise of the machines were deafening. "This is Lizzie, she will show you the ropes." And he left me. I thought he was abrupt, and Lizzie answered as though she read my mind. "It's alright he has not had a youngster like you before in his charge." I looked around and she wasn't kidding me. Everybody in the room looked old. They were all old enough to be my mother. She interrupted my thoughts and set me to weighing bobbins of wool to go on to the machines. I picked this first task quite quick. "Do you swear?" Lizzie suddenly asked. I Looked at her and thought to myself, " Doesn't everybody at the age of sixteen? "But I wasn't going to tell her I swore so I answered. "No." A few minutes later I released a leaver on the weighing scales by mistake and sent the bobbin crashing to the floor on to my foot, and let a few choice swear words Loose from my mouth. Hobbling around in a circle.Lizzie looked at my foot and when she was satisfied that there was no damage done said. "I thought you didn't swear?" Herbert came to the machine and put a bobbin on the bench and said something to me and abruptly walked away. "What did he say?" I anxiously asked Lizzie, Herbert was English spoken, and a far different language from my Scottish tongue. "It's Ok he just wants you to take the bobbin to the office for him." I went to the office with the bobbin, and came back and settled to the work again. My next task was to put two bobbins on top of each other and wheel them to the next machine. it was tricky at first, because the bobbins kept coming apart, but I eventually mastered it and placed the two bobbins at a machine. I was talking to Lizzie and the lady came up to me and took my hand and took the two bobbins I had just placed on the next machine. It was at the wrong machine and she showed me where it should have been placed. She was a well-dressed lady almost too dressed for a factory. She covered her skirt with a smock. There was a lot of oil and wool of the machines, but she looked spotless and more well-dressed than the other women. I discovered she was Isa Mary was talking about in the morning. I mumbled "Thanks." And returned to Lizzie. I was furious how dare she treat me as a child. Lizzie saw my anger and said. "Isa is lovely she wouldn't mean to offend you." I wasn't listening to her. " "what would she know she is old?" It was near dinner time and Lizzie's daughter came to see her. She introduced me to Betty. and she suggested that I meet up with her during the lunch break. I agreed to meet Betty in the canteen. I was among people of my own age at least for a half hour. I was working on the machine in the afternoon and I was shown how to piece together two ends of wool and join them together. I had not joined the wool right and this lady came over to the machine and abruptly stopped it.Annie was correcting my mistake. It was none other than the person Mary was talking about in the morning. Big Annie. Oh how I wished at that moment I was on the farm working in my tomato houses. To be continued |