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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/889661-Ice-Truckers-and-Rainbows
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#889661 added August 10, 2016 at 1:21pm
Restrictions: None
Ice-Truckers and Rainbows
Prompt: Ice truckers. I like this show. Semi trucks travel across frozen lakes in Alaska and Canada. Trucks jack knife and slide on the water and if they break through the ice, it won't end well. Would you like to drive a truck across the dangerous ice lakes or be a passenger on one? What are your thoughts on this?


Truth is, I am not into ice all that much, and I have never watched this show, and from the looks of most prompts, I haven’t watched much TV either since my kids overcame their colic and needed to be held. *Laugh*

The last time I skidded on the ice while driving was on Long Island Expressway more than 25 years ago. That was enough of skidding-on-ice experience for me. For that reason, I am not setting foot in Alaska or Northern Canada, let alone the poles, which do keep breaking up anyhow.

As to semis that carry stuff for people, my hat’s off to them. I understand the job pays well, but the risks are just as high if not higher. May they forever be without any accidents or mishaps. As for me, I’ll pass up on that experience in any shape or form.

Mixed flowers in a basket

Now, a make-up answer to a prompt by Megan I missed in July.
Day 851 July 7, 2016
Prompt: "We may run, walk, stumble, drive or fly but let us never lose sight of the reason for the journey or miss a chance to see a rainbow on the way." Gloria Gaither What is your take on this?


This quote brought to my mind another quote in the same vein. “Stop and smell the roses.”

Rainbows or roses, it doesn’t matter what. In the journey of life, we sometimes lose sight of the beautiful things on our way. This is because we get caught up in what we’re doing and miss the positives along the road. They are out there for us all the time if we would just look and feel their beauty.

This is because we usually fix our sights on the ending. How it all figures out at the end, how much we have traversed, and what we will get at the finish line. This isn’t to say that the endings aren’t important because they are important, and if we don’t aim at something, we’ll get nowhere. A planned ending may work very well, but there is also a good amount of wealth to be gathered along the way.

No two journeys are ever identical and neither are the beautiful things one passes by as one walks or races toward his goal. If we stop and enjoy those things, who knows, our lives may turn out better than we could have hoped.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/889661-Ice-Truckers-and-Rainbows