Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/888321-Dear-Father-Jonathan-Morris-Fox-News
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2090066
Who wants to be President?
#888321 added July 25, 2016 at 4:29pm
Restrictions: None
Dear Father Jonathan Morris, Fox News
Kittery, ME.

Dear Fr. Morris,

The Roman Catholic Church has lost touch with the
scriptures on abortion.
Let us remember that the Bible lists woman and children
along with the cattle of a man's property.
It is not surprising to read in Numbers Chapter 5:14-31
"A trial of jealousy" for aborting illegitimate babies.
Joseph could have had Mary stoned to death under Jewish law
for having an illegitimate baby Jesus.+

Where do you find Biblical law forbidding abortion?
You interpret from a 21st century opinion on human rights
that 1st century Jews did not comprehend.
According to Genesis, Eve was created to be Adam's slave.
His property.
It is an odd myth that places the feminine secondary to man.
Life comes from the feminine, therefore, the first lifeforms
were feminine.
Adam came from Eve.

It is argued by spiritualists that the spirit exist before
the body is formed and lives on after the death of the body.+
Abortion does not end the life of the unborn spirit.
What became of the first born male babies in Bethlehem,
who were slaughtered by Herod?
The Council of Nicene declared, "They were Baptized in their
martyr's blood."
They were freed from the corruptions of this world.

Would you Fr. Jonathan Morris have a pregnant women arrested,
who confessed to you she wanted an abortion?
Donald Trump has stated he wishes to make abortion illegal
and punish the woman who has an abortion.
Is the punishment for abortion a murder charge?
Will women, who have abortions be executed?
How can you support this persecution of women?
This is how the Inquisition of the Middle Ages began.
We will be marching backward into bigotry and the
tyranny of a police state.

I hope you will reconsider your support for Trump.

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