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My journey to completing my first novel |
I seem to have a recurring theme to my dreams the past few years, they are apocalyptic, end of the world scenarios where I am a survivor. I have them every few months, most recently last night. Like all of them they start normal (ish, as far as dreams go), everything in them at the time is familiar to me (people may look different but I know who they are, same with houses and places). Then the dream switches and the apocalyptic scenario is in full force. Last night it was zombies, I was in a ware house style shopping/common centre. I was in a very small shop and most of the stock was gone, there was a cloak rack in there where people could leave coats and bags whilst they shopped. I knew this and was there to search the coats and bags for food and anything useful. Another guy had the same idea as me, he looked at me, I think I knew him, had seen him around before. Then I have a memory of zombies being blocked up in a room as neighbours and relatives didn't want to kill them, they had thought the initial threat over and whilst blocking up the room a woman started to turn, they ended up shoving her in the room as well, her son was also in there so everyone thought it seemed right. A couple of months have passed since then, I look over at the room, the barricade they built has started to fall and I realise there is a gap at the top and I can see inside, the sun is up now and you can see into the darkness, I can see the woman that they shoved in last minute. She is sitting with her back to the wall, rotting away, eyes wide, not moving. I go back to raking, wondering why no-one has noticed and fixed the barricade, I want to get out of there and I know I won't be coming back. There are some toys in the shop, a plastic jar with figures and trees in it, the minion on the front. I almost reach for it, thinking at least there are toys left for the kids, then I remember that I don't need toys anymore. I leave the small shop, the man starts rummaging through the coats and back packs I have already checked. As I walk past the zombie room the woman moves, just an arm. She is not dead, just waiting. She turns her head and looks right at me. I run, shouting at folk I pass by to run too. It's only seconds and already behind me I can hear screams starting, the sounds of flesh being ripped and I turn round and I see the zombie woman, she is fast, faster than they were before. I run out of the warehouse, past people standing in shock crying, I push them, urge them to run, thinking fools. Some run past me, covered in blood ignoring everything else. I had another dream last night too, don't know if it is connected, came before or after this one. Has the same apocalyptic theme though. I am running through a store, looking for my sister who is teaching a class at the back, the store is a supermarket and has lots of rooms that branch off that the community use. I find her, breathing heavily and panicked I tell her I need to fly over the water. That you can't use the roads, it's here and people are infected. Panic ensues and they start locking everyone in the store. She pulls an old rug from under a table, worn and a gold and yellow colour, she asks if it can hold us both, I look over at my companion, she is younger and smaller than me. I nod, yes it's magic, just magic it stronger as well as to fly I say. My sister nods. Then she is giving me a kite, a small child's one that seems really flimsy. I ask if it will fly and if it will hold us. It will fly my sister says and should hold one of you. I tell my companion to stay, she doesn't want to. She runs with me to the last unlocked door, the only exit that will be locked behind me. She doesn't think it will hold me, I say it has to. Then I am out, the kite in my hands, I say the word my sister told me (I think it began with an L) to make it fly and it starts bucking in my hands on an invisible wind. I test it with my weight, the plastic frame bends. I look out over the water and over a bridge teeming with people, it has to hold. I say the magic word my sister gave me to make it stronger, it flies up, pulling me off the ground, I see a dog round the corner, slathering and dive at me, I yell up and just make it high enough that the infected dog misses me. I am away over the water, the kite snaps, shit I scream as I fall down and land on the bridge. I am surrounded by people, I see a boy and he is trying to get back to his parents through a throng of people trying to leave the island. I see his parents and realise they are infected, they reach there arms out to him, mouths wide, eyes blood shot, their veins black beneath their skin. I grab him, yelling into his hear over the crashing sound of the screaming people, telling him it's too late, he lets me pull him away and I start pushing our way through the people, I can see the marsh land over the other side of the bridge, I think it's our only hope now, to get back to the island. I pull him with me as I round a corner, I look back his mouth is wide, his parents are right behind him and then I see black course beneath his skin, his eyes start to bleed and he turns back to me with a snarl. I pull my arm back, knocking him over, I jump over the side of the bridge and land in swamp like water, I can see the black goo in the water, slowly working it's way inland, I have to out run it, I take off and see more black goo coming towards me from the other side, I make it through the small gap and jump onto dry land. I look back and see the water turning black, I can no longer see the grass and weeds or how deep it is. An interesting night lol. Not remembered my dreams this vividly for a while. |