Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/884338-Saint-Zita
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2087000
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#884338 added June 11, 2016 at 5:28pm
Restrictions: None
Saint Zita
Zita was stricken with illness at
an early age and lived a hermit's life.
Although her intellect was boundless,
she hardly left her home and garden.
Her father Cletus arranged a marriage
for his daughter with a local Comcast
cable repairman.

Yvo Helori was a virtuous husband to Zita
and a native of New Orleans. He enjoyed
movies and his job at Comcast. His mother
Sandra would encourage his writing and
fascination with magic. Zita vowed to be
the best wife she could be and tragically
she knew little about sex.

Her mother had died when Zita was a child
and she had only her view of sex through
the Television. Zita tried to be a sitcom wife
and a porn star. Yvo Helori was similarly
confused about marriage. He was still a virgin
at 35. Sandra, who had a successful career
as an actress, was well educated in foreplay
and erotica. Sandra rented costumes for Zita
and Yvo to enrich their sexual fantasies.

All went as expected, but Zita felt uncomfortable
wearing a Red Riding Hood costume.
Yvo thought it was fun and liked performing
as the woodsman ..
"I have saved you from the wolf!" Yvo declared.
Nevertheless, Zita confessed, "I do not like being
told how to love." that she would prefer privacy.
Sandra, suggested that Yvo and Zita discuss this
on her cable show Feminine Mystic that was recorded
in the diner below them.

Yvo and Zita appeared
on the show in their costumes.
Yvo felt embarrassed by his arousal and Zita
was mortified by the audience at the
Apple Bees dinner.
"I'm a bed wetter. I think I peed."
Zita felt embarrassed to say and wiped
her seat with some napkins.
Yvo tried to cross his legs,
while seated on a stool in his brown tights.
He was visibly aroused.

"Oh? I think you'll slip off." Sandra smiled.
Zita tried to pull her short shirt down.
She was not wearing panties.
Sandra looked about the bar at the patrons,
staring at them.
"It's so silly how people overreact .."
Sandra smirked and adjusted her nylon wolf
suite. Her breast were visible through the brown

"I like my privacy." Zita said and took
Yvo by the hand back up the stairs to their
apartment. Sandra shrugged, "Well, put this order
in a bag."

Reflections~ What is modesty in an immodest world?

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