You will find Taylor Swift, women items and everything under the sun. |
I am trying to keep up with entries and topics. I wanted to keep this women related but I guess a variety won't hurt. I have been here 14 years. Wow. I met The The StoryMaster and The The StoryMistress 14 years ago. I love them for all their hard work here. What an amazing site. I am so glad SyoryMaster and StoryMistress crated this beautiful site!I have hosted contests, had an UpGrade Angels Group-where I gave out UpGrades. Now, I have a Fairy Tale Princesses Group, Jane Austen Challenges, a Jane Austen Group and Darcys Ladies Group. I have entered contests, won and lost some, participated in Auctions and done a lot of writing. I had a Flair For Writing Newsletters Group and my close friend Angel Angel and I write Halloween and Christmas ones now.I write Jane Austen Newsletters which has been nominated for a Quill Award and so has my Port. Wow. I belong to 2 Blogging Groups and I am on here every day doing things. I have 2 published books and without this site, I don't know it would have been possible. I do reviews and help everyone I can here. I have to mention my close friends: ♥HOOves♥ sunnystarr ~Minja~ Lyn's a Witchy Woman Charlie ~ Fivesixer Joy VictoriaMcCullough Oldwarrior Andy~hating university 💟Crissy~Hijacked ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams Marcia~I'm Home :) It is hard to list all my friends but I love them all. I love doing challenges, helping contests and Auctions, getting Awards and Merit Badges, giving out Awards and Merit Badges, getting e-mails, the encouragement I receive and give back. When life gets me down, I know I have this place to turn to and I am so glad that I do. Here's to another 14 years here. Thank you friends, members and StoryMaster and StoryMistress! ** Image ID #2083766 Unavailable ** |